Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 499: Struggle hard (2)

The zombie's claws were as strong as the eagle's claws, and he directly twisted the head under his feet. After picking it up, he swallowed it without chewing like a bean. Perhaps because it was so delicious, the saliva kept flowing out, and it looked abnormally disgusting.


Hoarse like pulling a rag, but like a sound of mechanical friction, from. . . From the upturned lips of this skinny zombie?

The voice intermittently, "Headshot ... we ... eat ... head!" After that, a sharp roar came out.

The people who fell to the ground because of coercion on this street seemed to be very painful, each covering their ears, even so, they can still see their ears beginning to bleed!

"Sister ..." What an attack was this, I wiped it, Bai Xiaoxi and others were also affected.

With this scream, the other zombies behind the two meters tall, thin, black and rickety zombies were like released predatory tigers in a flash.

Then there was a scream of tragedy and fear, and even a moaning voice, directed at these zombies' physique, where is the person who stepped on his feet still alive?

Even the person who was trampled half of the body but still alive desperately climbed forward with both hands, but finally it came out, and turned to see his half body, the **** intestines flowed all over the place, not screaming , With a snap, was swallowed directly by a large mouth of blood basin, splashing the blood on the floor.

"Oh ... Oh ... Oh ... Human ... Human ... Level 7 ... Human!" The town is only so big, Bailing and others arrived in the middle of the town because of the car. In part, there are many people behind.

The bowed zombie actually aimed at the beginning, the few people standing in the middle of the main road in the town.

At this time, step by step, the hand was almost dragging on the ground, seemingly powerless walking towards Bai Ling and others. The disgusted face, the eyes with big fists were like light bulbs. Bloodshot.

Bai Ling bit his teeth and clearly felt that the zombies were staring at them, "These zombies are not the same, it seems ... It seems they were raised by people!"

Although the power level in the previous life when Bai Ling died, although only ranked in the middle of humans, he has also played against dozens of zombies, and he has not heard them speak.

Although these zombies were transformed by humans, from the moment they were transformed, they were just a pair of walking dead, plus the mutation, they were not human at all.

Seeing the zombies approaching, Bai Ling said in a cold voice, "Uncle, you should deal with the biggest zombies of the seventh level, three heads, at least three lines of power, you should be careful. Xiaoxi, you are a fire power, should Able to deal with the eighth-level zombie, Shanshan and Li Fang, you can deal with that female tenth-level zombie together.

After speaking, Bai Ling pulled out the God of Heavenly Sword, his eyes gleaming with fierce murderousness.

"Brother Qiu, we are all dead!"

Brother Qiu is actually a bald man with a beer belly, and also the boss occupying the whole town. "No, I just got promoted to level 6. I do n’t want to die. I still have a lot of life. I have n’t tasted beauty yet. Taste! "After speaking of fear, he kept pushing the people next to him forward.

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