The corner of Bai Xiaoxi's mouth twitched immediately. Sister Bai Ling's words were really straightforward. And he said so loudly in front of this man. . .

Sure enough, the unknown light of Feng Zhaoge's blue eyes flashed again. This woman. . . What constitutes it!

"Don't worry about him, let's go!" Yeah, I can't do him now, it's hard to say afterwards!

He didn't do it this time, but maybe he wanted to kill them sometime. Now she can stay away from him as far as possible, anyway, she must never see him until she has no strong power.

She was small-minded, and today the man made it clear that he was playing with them, and she temporarily counted on Wen Ruyu's head.

After all, this disaster has nothing to do with Wen Ruyu.

Really left like this?

Bai Shan and others have no idea, because this man is standing five meters away from them, and the handsome beauty carved by the fair-white jade with a smile-like look is standing down, the key is the deep eyes If they were right, he stared at them with integrity.

And just after the sword, they said that they were not afraid of being fake at all. The colossal force of the universe penetrated their bodies. This feeling was really like the feeling that the ants faced the world domination. Not to mention, even the rebellious mind disappeared, like a walking dead living in the world.

So I didn't consciously fall in fear of him. If Bai Ling were still in their hearts and gave them the strength to support them, they might really be unable to hold their bodies and crawl under the feet of this powerful man.

But the group of people upstairs who were still trembling at this time, each with a different color, stole the guardrail of the second floor and looked down below.

The group of people below was swung down by the man ’s sword, and the force clearly penetrated their bodies. Are they okay? Isn't it great to fight cattle across the mountain?

The point is that this powerful man stood aside in the blink of an eye, as if the conflict between them had never existed, but the bullet that had just fallen on the slack and broken road told them that all this was true.

He just watched them leave like this?

That's right, even Bai Shan and others felt incredible. With Li Dongmei who hadn't got off the bus, the group left in front of his eyes. He didn't frown. He was just right to kill them.

Don't be too strange about this person!

But they didn't know that they were gone, but the group of people upstairs in the pitiful stupefied a corner, so they didn't dare to look at him.

I don't know when the sun has gone west. When they looked up again, they found the man was gone.

This group of people was relieved.

"This town is not safe. There are such senior zombies coming today. It is even harder to say tomorrow or at night. We hurriedly left here, even if we did not follow the group of people, we must go to Yanjing City!"

This sentence was quickly approved by others.

As for the older than Daqiu in the previous town, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe at this time, although there was no way for him to lead everyone because of the higher level, but before facing the zombies, he confessed and pushed them to stop the zombies.

He is absolutely not afraid of playing against them at the power level, but now each of them has a gun in his hand, and he cannot stop the impact of the bullet at his current level.

Simply be a transparent person.

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