Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 527: The background of the large base can be seen

That ’s right, although there are still some collected on the road, sports clothes and the like ca n’t be worn after being stained with the smelly blood. The leather jackets are their robes, which are worn on the body every day. High-level zombies will inevitably have hands, and the claws of zombies are like steel bars. How can their flesh and blood be able to resist, how can the leather clothing be kept intact?

The point is that the leather clothing itself is stared at by all the powers. Where else can it be collected along the way?

There are some fashionable clothes that nobody wants, but. . . Who would wear a skirt or tight, non-stretchy underwear and zombie fight? Isn't this sick?

of course. . . Bai Shan really didn't know what to say, because when she came in the car, she saw that her sister was stationed here as a line of defense and there were really dresses, not only that. . . Still stepping on hate sky high. . .

The key is only the average woman, this woman looks very beautiful, with delicate makeup, even. . . Her power is level 5!

Moreover, many houses and even many people occupy here set up tents. These people's ability levels are not low, even the most common ones have two levels, this. . . It is the power of the large base, and she faintly noticed that there are many advanced abilities hidden around it, even above her! And it is not yet a person of power or speed level, after all, power and speed abilities are easier to promote!

She definitely did not feel wrong, to know that Bai Shan's level is now eight. Above her must be nine or even ten.

Bai Shan didn't dare to imagine that they were promoted to this level, all relying on Bai Ling, and the other people were promoted so fast, the means must be not small.

Is this the big base?

She finally knew why after crossing the bridge, Bai Ling wouldn't let them hide their level, because it was totally unnecessary, and even attracting their eyes would also attract those people's curiosity.

At most, it also attracted the jealousy of some women in these teams.

"Well!" Li Fang wiped her wet shoulder-length hair after getting dressed. This short hair was reduced by Li Jiaming herself. At first, Li Fang asked Li Jiaming to cut her short hair like Bai Shan directly. I think, when he was in love with his husband, he said that he likes himself with long hair. Although he is gone, Li Fang always feels that if he cuts his hair short, he will lose his preferences. He has been in her heart, but with his hair, he can feel that he has been watching him all the time. People may be very strange, but this is Li Fang's thoughts. So I left some, just so I can tie it up and make it like Bai Ling.

It is also very convenient, plus summer hair is still very easy to dry.

"Sister, when we reach the base of Yanjing City, we can buy some!" Bai Shan will be dried by Bai Xiaoxi and handed to Bai Ling who is dressed again.

I just watched my sister turn around, the face was clear and very clean, and her face was as thick as fat, like a jade carving, with a hint of blush just wiped, her sister was actually more prettier than her. After getting up, the exposed facial features are very delicate, and these eyelashes are as fine as a small brush, not to mention the pair of amber eyes that have lost a cold color due to water vapor and have a hint of shining light.

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