Those with good eyesight all saw a crystal nucleus with a transparent, yellowish flocculent size resembling a marble lying on that hand.

Those pairs of eyes widened instantly, "The crystal nuclei of level nine or nine?"

"Wow wipe ... this shot is too generous!"

Everyone knows how rare this special power crystal nucleus is. This 13-year-old boy actually gave it to him? Still such a precious crystal core?

Who is Grandpa Meng? From Bai Ling's grandiose words, can he not tell if he is lying? The little action just now was clear in his eyesight.

Not only was he, Zhao Hu, who was standing next to him, also saw clearly.

Obviously all the crystal nuclei in this team are in the hands of this woman, but. . . People did not hesitate to send a ninth-level spiritual crystal core?

Now even Grade 7 and Grade 8 are rare, and still such a special crystal nucleus. The most important thing is that Meng Lao followed his grandson. It is simply necessary.

Of course, because I knew yesterday that they had the highest grade twelve crystal nucleus in their hands, I did n’t know where they came from. Anyway, at their current level, they ca n’t kill zombies, so they can only be attributed to their bad luck, a few high-level zombies fighting, their fishermen benefit.

The tall and mighty Meng Guang stared at the quietly lying white palm, reflecting the crystal-clear ninth-level spiritual crystal nuclei in the sunlight, and there was no movement at all. The thought of this seemingly delicate and slender woman has been seen through in my heart. I can't think of the woman's young age. His thoughts are so deep that he almost got in.

After all, the old man who lived for half a century, how could he really go straight like that? For a long time, his lips squirmed. "It's your kid's heart." Then he laughed boldly and patted Bai Xiaoxi's shoulder. The big brass bells were full of deep eyes, but stared at him behind him. Slender woman in Youhu, "This gift is not needed!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a cold voice calmly ringing, "Does Mr. Meng abandon our gift of apology?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but buckled their ears. Who would dislike the ninth-level spirit system ability?

However, it is clear that Meng Guang does not have such a high-level crystal nucleus in his hand, but it has been pushed away. It must be said that this old man's vision is broad, otherwise it will be replaced with other people and won with a smile!

Meng Guang's eyes shrank, and with unspeakable sharpness, he scraped the smiling woman like a sharp knife.

Bai Ling's expression hasn't changed. How can the ninth-level crystal nuclei she sent back be recovered? There is a saying called Bailing who has short hands and short mouths and who wants to have a good relationship with him. How can Bai Ling let this old man slip away from his eyes?

It must be said that Bai Ling is very cunning. You must know that after this zombie-killing activity comes back, Meng Guang will not mention the ninth-level crystal nuclei, even the tenth-level crystal nuclei. At that time, if she is giving the ninth-level spiritual system crystal core, can it have more weight than now?

"Grandpa ..." Meng Xin tugged at his grandfather's sleeves. Those innocent eyes like a deer, with a trace of pleading, everyone said that. If he insisted on not taking it, wouldn't he let him step down? What's more, Brother Meng An really needed the crystal core of spiritual power.

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