By then Wen Ruyu will surely become the target of the Chinese people's criticism.

Not to mention that they did not dare to raise troops, and it was not before the end of the world. There are many considerations. Now, after the end of the world, the world in which zombies, mutated beasts, and mutated plants are rampant. This is a world of killing. What is wrong?

And if this is the time to fight, who will suffer? Even those in high positions of power cannot benefit. Therefore, it has reached a strange balance that has never been seen before.

Zhao Hu also knew that he might have thought too much. After all, Commander Wen was never a soft persimmon, otherwise it would force the group of people to start over. I dare not confront him head-on, I am afraid I have regretted it.

The group of them did not seek to help Commander Wen, but they must not drag the commander's hind legs.

There are naturally people in the base of Yanjing City who perform prestige and blessings. The soldiers are responsible for defense. The politicians are responsible for the normal operation of the entire base. Some of them are Wen Ruyu people, and some are the old guys.

They are also staring at each other now, trying to catch other people's mistakes, but they are also careful not to mess up in the base.

Zhao Hu, who stayed here for a while, understood why Wen Ruyu didn't reject those old guys who had to arrange here.

"Captain!" Eighteen-year-old Tian Xiaobing carefully brought the newly-made dumplings out of the pan, holding it with a smile, and put it to the serious captain who was standing outside the vine tent and didn't know what to think.

Zhao Hu was called by this careless voice, and he instantly recovered, and when he looked down, he saw a bowl of steaming dumplings.

"Captain, you eat it first!" Zhao Hu glanced at the white, tender and chubby dumplings, and could still smell the smell of the dumplings.

Tian Xiaobing pulled another sergeant who was standing next to Zhao Hu without moving. "Brother Xu, let's go and eat together!"

The people of the Meng Guang team had already been busy and served the plate and ate it.

The people next to them all glanced enviously.

But where do you know that this group of people looks gobbled up, but everyone doesn't eat much at all, just like a taste.

But Bai Ling didn't care, for her it was better to dispel the hostility of the people in Meng Guang's team.

After handing the little meat ball to Bai Shan, Bai Ling couldn't help but confess to his old grandmother, and took out the car key of Xuanwu car to her.

The soldier who waited for the old lady not far away was stupefied to see this scene. Captain Zhao emptied a car and asked him to **** the old lady to the base of Yanjing City. Eyes couldn't help but looked at the beautiful and glorious basalt car, shining brightly in the sun, as if the whole car was inlaid with precious stones.

After Li Zhenghao and others packed their things, they watched Li Dongmei together with Bai Ling to leave the car.

Zhao Hu was also loyal, and sent five people to **** her, and each of them was a third-level ability. At the ground of Yanjing City, look at the things that no one would dare to brave.

"Sister Leng, aren't they sick? Did they still keep the baby?" A fifteen-year-old young boy beside Leng Lian couldn't help but ridicule after seeing the people in the line. .

The arrogant and beautiful Lenglian, with one hand on the door of the lowered window, the meaning of ridicule in the eyes has never been covered up, "Oh, I think I'm chanting!"

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