Hearing her and Lin Zhonghui all around, thinking she was talking about fish, she laughed kindly and haha.

"I always thought that Mr. Lin was a person." Bai Ling seemed to move to his left indifferently, and moved very fast. In the blink of an eye, the test tube without the bottle cap in his hand fell into her hand and remained silent. She covered her wrists with a very soft voice. "You have to be careful. My person is very stingy. I have always been compared."

Lin Zhonghui didn't realize that she could move again until she felt that she was leaving, subconsciously looking for the woman's back, but she didn't think she was standing beside Zhao Hu and others.

This woman is too weird and too mysterious to say that she is an ordinary person, but. . . But what happened just now? And the breath from this woman was so overwhelming that he couldn't breathe.

The pair of staring at his eyes, like a human-eating tiger, full of anger, like **** Shura, the dark almost made him think he saw the abyss hell.

But at this time Lin Zhonghui only found that some of his semi-dry clothes had become wet again, and the sweat on his forehead was coming out.

"Mr. Lin, do you come to help?" A dark man next to him pulled the vine, and he couldn't help saying that the middle-aged man of the eleventh grade had not left.

After Lin Zhonghui settled his mind, he said nothing and turned away.

The man in the back couldn't help but scratching his short and short hair and sighed, "Alas, the idea of ​​the advanced ability is really not what we can understand!"

"Cut, what's the matter? When we eat this fish, we will also become advanced abilities!" Said a man in his twenties who had a lot of acne on his side.

"Yes!" The man heard it with excitement and gratitude.

The eleventh-level powerful man, if not now, has the tenth-level mutant fish that is impacting everyone's thinking, and is always concerned wherever he goes. Plus kill fish to dissect the fish, who can watch him?

Except Bai Ling, although it is only an eleventh-level power abilities, it can be seen that after they were rescued, they asked for ninth-level water system crystal nuclei. Without saying anything, they agreed, if they were killed alone now, absolutely It was impossible to agree so easily, so she believed that he must have other companions.

It turned out that it was found in the crowd, and the sick man seemed to dislike them, especially in the crowd, laughing. . . Some are chilling.

In addition, the middle-aged man's face changed a few times when she came over, making her have to wonder if they were planning something. After she said that, the person who could plan it was bound to be uncomfortable.

So I was busy letting the small meat ball protect the fish and her sensitive nose. It didn't take long for Lin Zhonghui to open the test tube, avoiding all kinds of smells such as **** sweat and smell, and easily smelled the slightest scent.

And it was obvious that although he was walking towards her, in fact, his eyes always stared at the piece of fish intentionally or unintentionally.

Do n’t forget, if he ’s under tenth level, staring at the fish, it ’s justifiable, but the fact that he does n’t need fish promotion, he should n’t stare at the fish like the lower-level abilities.

Sure enough, he thought of poisoning, and wanted to do this in front of so many people. The key facial features were calm and his eyes were right. He actually did such a vicious thing.

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