"Yes!" Tian Xiaobing came to realize this and snapped his brain.

Immediately Bai Ling got up, "I was injured by a monster." After speaking, Bai Ling recounted the events that happened yesterday simply and plainly under the eyes of several people.

The whole room was very quiet in an instant. Except for interest payment, Tian Xiaobing and Zhu Shuaiyi, everyone else had a shocked look.

It ’s terrifying to know that monsters that can keep up with Bai Ling ’s speed and that they can be reborn after being beaten to death.

But Fu Xitian Xiaobing and even Zhu Shuaiyi didn't take it for granted. After all, Bai Ling is just a person without abilities. If they meet the tenth-level abilities now, aren't they still within reach?

Bai Ling was picking up things and said softly, "I still don't worry, since I have left the army, go look over there."

The look of Li Zhenghao and others became cautious, "Uh!"

They are all level 10 abilities now, plus today the small meat ball detoxifies Bailing with lightning ability, compared to the small meat ball's lightning is that monster big nemesis.

Determined to pay attention, a group of people did not delay, and started a mighty journey.

Before Bai Ling ran at full speed, because he was alone, he walked all the way and spent more than an hour, but this time because the car had to bypass, I thought it took more than two to disappear, and it was four o'clock in the blink of an eye. For a long time, fortunately, the daytime in summer is very long, so it won't be dark at seven in the evening.

Everyone followed Bai Ling and quickly got off the bus. Where can he be called a town where he entered? There were slippery moss everywhere, and the dust was all over. There were even abandoned stones and broken roofs. It looked really gruesome.

"Be careful!" Bai Ling frowned and looked at the cheerful three-footed man. His heart was helpless. Did the people left by Zhao Hu, Meng Guang, and even Zhu Yiming come to help?

Several people who were promoted followed Bai Ling to the battlefield yesterday. Once they were familiar with the smelly liquid that was not enough as a purulent, they rushed into the nose and frowned, seeing that Bai Ling described the area full of blood.

The key is not this. Bai Ling's eyes widened greatly. The previous ten pieces were not like this. They had been rolled down and there were blood stains on them.

"Sister ... that monster will not ... will not be alive!"

"It seems certain!" Li Jiaming swallowed.

Then all the people looked at Bai Ling and saw that Bai Ling's expression was condensed, but rarely did he carry a trace of heaviness?

"Don't tell anyone about this matter first." So as not to cause others to panic and stare at the blood on the stone, "It must be not simple."

There will be such a monster, and looking at the thick black blood around her, she has not seen the zombies when she came before. When she went back, there were still zombies above level 8 chasing her?

This shows that this monster can actually control so many high-level zombies, and can't help but recall the few zombies that were encountered above the town, and even the zombies of level 14.

Bai Ling has long said that they may be manipulated by what kind of breeding, if this monster is possible.


After paying interest and others who heard her inexplicably say that sentence, a group of people left her without saying a word?

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