Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 631: Is this playing?

Now they only hope that the child can use the mental power to support the thirteenth-level zombies to exhaust the power, otherwise they are all dead.

Who would have thought that at this moment, a soft but angry voice came from their ears, "Yangyang, are you itchy again? Forget all the things your aunt just explained. Not? "

In a blink of an eye, Zheng Qingsong saw a woman in a leather suit that looked soft but very beautiful. After beheading an eight-level zombie and taking the crystal core, she came angrily, with a trace of harshness in her voice Play, quickly solve it! "

Bai Shan is really getting headaches for his son. This kid wants to play without looking at the occasion. In fact, Bai Shan is even more afraid of the small meat ball playing and playing with his energy.

And other people seem to hear the words of the fantasy of night!


Was this evasive baby playing for the woman in front of her?

This time even Zheng Qingsong's mouth twitched, and he felt that there was no normal person in this team holding a woman like a **** emerald.

I never thought that they just laughed at the ridiculous words, and the sky was cloudless and the blazing sun, but there was more noise in their area, which scared them away from the zombie attack behind .

Click, Zizi—

There was a loud noise, and there was a lightning like a thunderbolt in the middle of the zombies covered by the thirteenth blood fog? And because it is not purely controlled by a child's lightning, there are also adult men's small fingers with thick flashes of lightning. Now, let alone other low-level zombies?

More importantly, the thunder and lightning all broke out from the child and surrounded the wind-powered zombies.

Everyone was stunned, their mouth slightly opened, and there was no response at all. Watching the blood mist gradually disappear, the falling flesh surrounded the ghastly corpse, which was scorched and black, but it was still glowing with heat. Leng Leng fell down.

The next second I saw the soft and beautiful woman in black clothes watching the flashing past. In the blink of an eye, I held the falling child in one hand, and the other hand shone in cold light. It was cut down directly.

After all, it is a cherry blossom knife, which is as unexpectedly sharp as the half-moon sword, and the corpse has been electro-cooked, and there is no energy. Bai Shan has no effort to kill the 13th-level zombies. .

Even with the crystal nucleus, he couldn't help but stared at the small ball of her tender eyes with big round eyes in her arms.

"Thanks to your aunt's presence, it will be chaotic, but will it get later?" For Bai Shan, this child just behaved disobediently.

"Shanshan, although the little meat ball is a baby, but he was educated by his uncle Mingge and Xiaoxi, it won't be messed up!" Bai Ling knew that the little guy would never run out of energy because of that spiritual power. After all, this area is where his energy is, so let him move, and the energy consumption will not increase much. The reason for this naughty is that I want to fight like an adult.

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