As soon as these words came out, the slightly fat Fang Chao and Jiang Yan with a hard-faced face showed a sense of enlightenment.

Fang Chao's voice was calm, "He Ligang made sense."

Even if Jiang Yan's hard face looks very serious, the arc of the corner of her mouth also means the mad joy in her heart. Although he didn't say anything, he clearly regarded fish as a bag.

You know, Jiang Yan and Zhao Hu are people of different camps, and now the soldiers brought by Zhao Hu are all promoted to the 7th or 8th level, and even the 10th level. Even if the fish is divided evenly, it is they who suffer.

"Why?" The young Yang Jiantai had a trace of red blood and sneer in his eyes. This group of people should not be too thick. Zhao Hu's things can be lion's mouths, no, it's just the trick of the white glove. .

Zhao Hu could consider giving them fish meat for the entire base. It is right for them. Actually want to give him the rest of the fish meat?

"On the basis of Colonel Jiang's experience in this team, he will have this qualification! Let's talk about Colonel Yang." Fang Chao's fat face had a smile on his face, but the smile was not up to his eyes. "You should know that the group of zombies is needed. The bait can only be hooked, and as the bait party, if the level is too low, how many people can survive? These soldiers are brought out by us, and followed us in the last days for two months. After all, it's all our comrades-in-arms. Does Colonel Yang want to watch them die? "

"Isn't it the same thing to select the promoted soldiers from each team as the vanguard after the equalization?" Wang Jiawei was shivered by this sentence for the sake of the army, which was really awe-inspiring.

"Oh, Colonel Wang, was n’t I just clear enough? I said that these soldiers were born and died with us. Who knows that when they are selected as a vanguard, they are not in sacrifice when they are in danger. What about people? "

This sentence is like a thorn, and it is extremely uncomfortable to hear Zhao Huren's ears. Yes, they can ensure that the people selected from Jiang Yan's team are treated fairly, but the people on Jiang Yan's side can't do it.

If the promoted soldiers and a team of Zhao Hu were really selected as the vanguard to attract zombies, the person leading the team must be the experienced Jiang Yan, and this is also the order issued at the base of Yanjing City. Zhao Hu and Jiang Yan as pioneers lured the zombies into the trap area. So Fang Chao's statement made it clear that there was a hint of threat in it.

Zhao Hu and others did not expect Jiang Yan and others to be ashamed to such a point, and they were so shameless. They actually wanted to take Zhao Hu's fish completely for themselves.

The key is that this group of people is still their political opponents. If they are really given to them, the growth will be entirely the strength of the other party. The most important thing is that the wolf ambitions of this group of people have not been small.

"Why, Colonel Wang, Colonel Yang, and Colonel He, do you have opinions? Is there anyone else here who is more unsuitable than Colonel Jiang?" Fang Chao said here, the tone became extremely serious. If he looked at him alone The fat face must have thought he was a kind-hearted fat man, and he was quite innocent and helpless. "Captain He Ligang and I have no opinions."

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