This scene has a feeling of leadership inspection and is very lively!

Soon I saw a group of people covered with dirt and stench after the battle. Lao Yuan could smell the pungent smell. The clothes on his body were ragged and very embarrassing. This number was 770 people. It's day.

"Yo, it seems that the zombies that Captain Zheng encountered are more difficult than ours!" Losing so many people, I don't know if he should be unlucky or deserved. He Ligang fell to the ground unwillingly.

Yang Jiantai, who was standing next to him, heard a smile on the corner of his mouth. "Indeed, if the zombies are not advanced or intractable, how can their team's overall level be above level five?"

That's right, there are more than five thousand zombies, and there are still a few high-level zombies. Nearly half of the people have died. After the exchange of crystal nuclei for the rest, they are enough for their promotion.

This sentence suddenly made He Ligang and others look a little ugly.

If you look closely, this group of people is indeed embarrassed, but they are all spirited. The most important thing is that there are fewer than 200 people with abilities above level 7.

If they knew that many of these advanced crystal nuclei had all fallen into the hands of Bai Ling and others, I would be even more jealous.

Unfortunately, after entering the team, Bai Ling and others were surrounded by Meng Guang and others, so they were not walking with Zheng Qingsong and others.

"Sister Bai Ling, you scared the old man!"

Bai Ling smiled at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the copper bell as if he had a sullen eye, but he really cared about Meng Guang, who had a shoulder higher than herself, "Brother Lao Meng worry!"

"It's okay!" Meng Guang seemed to put down a heart.

Sun proud is still as friendly as a smiling tiger. He is also very friendly with Zhu Yiming, a gentle and handsome uncle in his thirties, who cares about Bai Ling a few words.

More importantly, they are very clear in their hearts. Bai Ling is different from the average 24-year-old girl. They know that this girl values ​​her family and friends very much.

Moreover, the two people looked at each other just after saying hello to them. At this time, they were still staying in her team to pay interest, Tian Xiaobing, and even Zhu Shuaiyi, with an unspeakable complexion in their eyes.

What did the original interest payment look like? Introverted and shy, but at this time they completely played with them, especially with the black and thin and ugly dwarf-Li Jiaming, as if the two brothers are chatting about what they are doing. Tian Xiaobing has now completed the task assigned to him by Zhao Hu, but he has forgotten to report to Zhao Hu for work?

There is also Zhu Shuaiyi, who is still excited at this time, as if discussing the techniques of killing zombies, actually leaving Zhu Yiming, the handsome uncle ’s father, aside.

Finally, after greeting for a while, Tian Xiaobing seemed to think of important things, and said to Li Zhenghao, "Mr. Li, I will report to the captain first, and then come to discuss the grasp of mental power with you!"

"Go!" Li Zhenghao said calmly.

Tian Xiaobing laughed twice when he saw it, scratched his head, and then turned around and squeezed into the line.

It is not known that the fact that Li Zhenghao and others in the Bailing team killed the specific mutant fish and the Duke selflessly contributed that specific fish meat to the team has spread throughout the camp.

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