Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 655: Don't fight her

Among Jiang Yan ’s three people, the only one who remained sane was probably a slightly fat Fang Chao. He stared at the white woman in front of them for the first time, and his voice also showed a hint of coldness, "Bai Ling, Since Captain Zhao wants to give you fish as a gift of thanks, will you accept it if it is true? The people who help the army are the duty of the Chinese people. "

Zhao Hu and others immediately frowned as soon as they heard it.

"Duty?" Bai Ling's mouth had an unclear smile, "I'm just an ordinary person with no power." Then the voice was soft and soft, and Li Zhenghao behind him was also exposed. "The army has a national support However, the people around me rely on me to send them crystal nuclei and food to maintain their lives, otherwise how can they follow me? "

Bai Ling's expression is very simple, she will not help anything that does not benefit.

"Captain Fang, you should understand my helplessness like weak and weak people! You can never ask a person without power to save an entire army in distress!" Bai Ling's voice seemed like There is a hint of bitterness.

This sentence hit Fang Chao's face again.

Although Bai Ling's tone is calm, who knows the irony in it?

What is the army? For the people, it is an iron existence, it is hope, oh, the army is in danger, the people can indeed save one, but Bai Ling has no power, why should she take the risk to save the group of soldiers?

This just doesn't make sense!

You can't ask the common people to have the consciousness that soldiers are not afraid of death!

To say something unpleasant, soldiers rely on the country to support them, and do n’t need to worry about food every day like the people.

After finishing the speech, Bai Ling's quiet amber eyes seemed to bring a trace of softness, "Well, I would like to thank Captain Zhao's fish meat for giving."

"Bai Ling, do you know what we are going to face next?" Fang Chao said reluctantly.


"Since I know, then, I hope you can give this army to Colonel Jiang as a gift!" Actually still carrying orders in the tone?


"By now you are still a Chinese person!" Obviously not soft, Fang Chao came directly to the hard, "Now there is no grudge between the current enemy, you and I, take this fish to enhance the combat effectiveness of the army, you will also have one more Layer of protection! "

Bai Ling seemed to be moved, and nodded toward Fang Chao, "You are right."

When Fang Chao heard it, instead of letting go of his heart, he mentioned his throat. How could this woman compromise so easily?

He finally knew why Zhao Hu dared not talk to her about fish. At first, if she did n’t want to give it to her, she could find thousands of reasons, all of which made you unable to refute.

"Since that is the case, I will give the fish meat to ... well ... Captain Zheng's team!" For Bai Ling, no matter how many people are left in other teams, Zheng Qingsong's team relies on 1,500 people. The number of people withstood the pressure of more than 5,000 zombies, and the people who live here naturally have their unique skills, otherwise they will die long ago.

Therefore, it is precisely because of the small number of people that they have been given fish meat, and because they have been promoted to it, it is not impossible to make them the lowest level of the ninth level team, and they will definitely become the elite in the army.

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