Li Jiaming, who was awakened by this movement, narrowed his eyes and unclearly followed the tent without a roof. The starlight through it clearly saw himself slender figure lying on the bed lying on a thick quilt, hugging Are you happy with a pillow?

In the next second, the whole person was sober, thinking that he was wrong. After all, although this person is very handsome, he is almost as tall as Li Zhenghao. . . But people have always been mild-faced, and the eyes like the abyss can't see a hint of thought. . . What's the smile in that eye just now?

When he wanted to take a closer look, those eyes closed?

Li Jiaming couldn't help scratching his head, it seemed that he was wrong, turned over and continued to sleep.

And at this moment, the pair of stars opened slowly, staring at the starry sky at the top of the tent. The slender white hands also held the pillow quilt with SpongeBob, and the eyes looked unclear.

In the tent next door, a pair of eyes like a dry well stared at the starry sky above, but the brows were wrinkled, but for a moment, she saw her reach out and her power was too small. Immediately hold tightly, need to become stronger, and also to make friends with powerful people.

After all, he couldn't fall asleep and simply stood up and walked outside, but he didn't want to face the beautiful face that came out from the tent next to it. Bai Ling planned to go in, but he finally came out.

Following the light of the torch, sitting on the side of a small chair made temporarily with large mutant trees, watching the person sitting elegantly beside him, "Energy recovered?"

"Never." Wen Ruyu said softly, but a pair of eyes swept involuntarily towards the ring on the white and slender thumb of Bai Ling's left hand. Was the silver light carrying black stones?

He has seen this ring from a man, the style is the same, but the ring is set with red gems.

It was made by the Wens after imitating the ring recorded on the **** of swords. . . Because I once established a research base, I heard grandpa say that the **** sword has been copied.

Unexpectedly, this ring was actually on her, did all this have been arranged in the midst?

However, Wen Ruyu should have been happy for her, but the heart was unreasonably heavy.

If there is nothing wrong recorded in the ancient books, has she already practiced the "longevity recipe"?

Longevity is something that everyone dreams of. Who wants to face death and hurt?

Heavenly Sword is just a shadow. Fortunately, only the Wen family and the researchers at that time, and cold-blooded cold knew what the transformed Heavenly Sword looked like. After approving the Lord, it cannot be robbed. Anyone except Bai Ling.

But what about longevity? Except for the records in ancient books, no one except Bai Ling now knows what it looks like. Since it is a mantra, can't anyone else use it?

Once it breaks out, it will inevitably cause uproar, and Bai Ling's situation is very dangerous.

"In this world, before the end of the world, there are actually abilities." Wen Ruyu looked at her beautiful profile, her long and thick eyelashes were like a fan, swaying in the fire, "It is said that abilities The people are actually descended from the descendants of the previous gods, so they have the power beyond imagination. This group of people, they claim to have the blood of God! "

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