From the time when it was chased by it, the Celestial Sword in Bai Ling's hands had no room to play, because she might be swallowed by it a second later, how can there be time to wield a sword at it?

The defensive type is only when it is chased by it, it never avoids anything, and the speed of the collision is not afraid of how it hurts, Bai Ling guessed.

Looked behind him, those two people shouldn't be chasing, otherwise they would have caught up with themselves according to their skill, and besides she had already caught so many people, there was no need to run one more time for her.

Of course, Bai Ling's guess is based on that, because the loya-looking Ya Ya said that she didn't want to do everything by herself, so she showed that she would not do small things.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ling was still advancing quickly. At this time, the sky had gradually lighted up. Bai Ling jumped on a large rock beside him. When he saw it, it was a huge field. A mess, all sand and stones, and a lot of wood chips.

Except for the zombies of level 20, all the other zombies were crushed. It is conceivable how powerful the gleaming snake with the size of a small three-story building on its side.

However, both sides were seriously injured at this time, which shows that this intelligent zombie is not a good match.

But standing under the behemoth, this zombie is like a little bit.


The snake kept spitting silk, and then attacked the zombie very quickly.

With a loud bang, the intelligent zombie jumped up and raised its sharp claws across its huge head.

After all, the body is huge, although the speed is very fast, but this body is placed there, with a loud noise, a black blood comes out of the snake.

The huge black body twisted, actually wanting to wrap it directly around it.

But was evaded by the intelligent zombie.

Bai Ling touched his jaw and thought to himself that it seemed that the zombie knew its weaknesses.

But what about that? With such a huge body, its nails are only three centimeters thick, and it is impossible to really hit it at all.

At this moment, the zombie actually caught the mutated black snake's curly body and stepped on its body straight up, and in a blink of an eye came to its head. With a snorting sound, the snake roared sharply, and the sound was like a Hong Zhong, It sounds like the sound of a flood breaking through a dam.

Deafening, but for Bai Ling now, she can fully bear it.

The black snake is called so tragic because its fist **** and sharp eyes were pierced by the intelligent zombie.

The other eye was also destroyed by this zombie when it roared.

This scene had to make Bai Ling feel a little more serious about the zombie.

The snake was completely irritated and fired like a gust of wind.

Don't forget, the snake uses its tongue to detect the surrounding environment and creatures, but it just makes it too painful.

Bai Ling clearly saw something like a scorpion tail growing out of the zombie's tailbone. This thing was like a chain, but it looked very sharp. When he attacked the snake again, it pierced it. The defensive scales even passed through the snake body because of its extremely long length.

The snake screamed again in pain.

This has to make Bai Ling suspect, is it really just a zombie from another spiritual department?

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