Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 783: Unlucky or good luck?

They were very happy, and they were promoted to 9th and 10th grades, and even the speed abilities were promoted to 15th and 6th grades. This is something to be proud of. Even if they thought the strongest Bai Ling team at that time, now there is a kind of people in those teams who feel Bai Ling.

Of course, they can also sit up with them, whoever makes their highest level in the team is only fifteen, and is still a child.

So for them, in addition to the big eagle next to them, what are they inferior to them?

But now these dozen people come back, although there are few people alive, but each of them is 20th grade. . . Is this simply against the sky?

But they immediately gave way to them.

Some people around whispered, "Don't you think that as long as you walk with that Bai Ling, does it seem like good luck?"

"What you said is true. Before her team, that level was so high, and it was a specific mutant fish, and some were specific mutant monkeys. Now? What? They must encounter a fierce war. Just look at their level. , Level 20, all of them are promoted by department. "

"Indirectly, they can also be said to be unlucky!"

"How about this?"

"I thought there weren't many zombies in the far area of ​​Yanjing City, and how many senior zombies should be allowed to promote them to this level? And there are most 20-level zombies. There were only ten zombies with more than 20 zombies that lured the huge corpse in the trap. "

"You say so, the other zombie groups are at most more than 30 zombies above level 20, I wipe them, they are too bad."

They now have to wonder how they survived, but the whole army has not been destroyed? Be aware that there were not many senior abilities assigned to them.

"Yang Jiantai, you are finally back!" Zhao Hu and others had been waiting outside the camp for a long time. After seeing the faces of Yang Jiantai and others, they hurried forward, with surprise and surprise in their eyes, "You only ... under..."

The following words, although not said, know what he wants to say.

Yang Jiantai nodded silently.

"Could it be that you have encountered a large number of zombie attacks?"

"Huh!" Yang Jiantai clearly felt that the people around him raised their ears at this time. Obviously, he wanted to listen to him. He told them about the zombies. Of course, he changed something according to what he said before. .

"Intelligent spirit zombies." Zhao Hu only felt that these zombies once again refreshed the three views, and now the content is sinking, "This kind of zombies does exist. We encountered the highest level of zombies is level 30, and the skin is close to The skin condition of the human state is very smooth, and even the head has complete hair and complete facial features! "

Although the posture of the human body changed from the beginning, the posture remained the same as that of the human being, but as they were promoted, the posture changed seriously, smelly and purple-black, and even the black blood vessels on the skin were like creeping ants It is very disgusting to watch, and the facial features and limbs have also undergone tremendous changes. It is not like a person at all, but more like a monster that only eats.

As their levels get higher and higher, anthropomorphic movement thinking and even emotions are slowly produced, but the more this is, the more frightening it is.

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