Wen Qing'er is a third-level ability, and even a 34-level ability level. It can be said that such a person can count with fingers at the entire Miancheng base. More importantly, she is still a woman. .

As a member of the Wen family, it really deserves the name of the Wen family. Not only that, but fortunately, it was determined that she was pregnant a month ago.

Everyone knows that it is difficult for a person with a power to conceive a child of a power.

It can be seen how good luck Wen Qinger is, and more importantly, this child is still the grown-up of their Xia Jun. Both parents are abilities, and their status is not low, and the future of birth is unlimited.

Wen Qing'er also knew that this child was hard to come by, but he had to be cautious, not to mention that this child was less than three months old, and the fetal image was extremely unstable. So she always stayed in the base office building.

Even avoiding touching the mold of Xia Zhengjun whose temper has become cloudy, he dared not walk in front of him recently.

How could she come here this time?

He heard that the gate of the curfew last night, she specifically told someone to open it.

Incoming characters who came from the capital are terrific.

Since it is a hotel in Shenjia, could it be that the Shenjia came over?

When they were in the barracks, they also saw the Shen family pushing a small car with 999 red roses on it and came to show their love to Miss Wen.

Do two people want to regain their old feelings?

What about the commander Xia?

Lieutenant Wang started thinking wildly without knowing what it was. It can be seen that he sincerely hopes that Xia Zhengjun can return to what he used to be with Wen Qing'er's efforts. At the very least, that child's birth will definitely change things.

Anyway, that child is his own child, and tiger poison doesn't eat children.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Wang pondered, "You are here to wait for my notice, I will go in and explore the situation!"

Wang Fuguang had changed into a convenient casual suit long ago, and his powers were depressed, so it didn't look much different from the outside powers.

After saying that, he strode toward the Shen's hotel.

After entering, I saw the luxurious crystal chandelier. The decoration of the whole place was brilliant, even if it was a top hotel before the end of the world.

Coupled with many of these decorations is really gold, who makes gold less and less valuable?

It looks even more luxurious.

There are few people coming and going. There is a glass door on the other side of the hotel, and there is water flowing down on it.

Looking up slightly, I saw the spiral staircase, all of which were covered with red carpet, and the railings were carved in marble. I could still see the slender figure.

"Sir, what do you need?"

After hearing the waiter's words, Lieutenant Wang immediately responded, "I want to eat something!"

"It turns out this way, please come with me!" After the beautiful waitress finished, he respectfully led him towards the dining room.

The elegant environment is like a coffee shop, and you can see the chairs woven by the vines. At the first glance, Adj.

After all, they are too eye-catching. The pretty women are not very old, and their skills are not small. The most important thing is that even a child is so beautiful and cute.

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