Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 988: Let me give it a try

Despite their richness, they will not be as bad as them!

When Lieutenant Wang saw the pork of about 20 pounds, his eyes almost popped out.

The mind is more like turning over the river and the sea, thinking, "Ge Laozi, this group of people must not offend, and the backs behind them must not be ordinary."

"One third is made of boiled meat, and the rest is baked for us." Bai Xiaoxi said busy.

The woman also looked dumbfounded at the frozen meat on the table.

"Hurry up, without the box, the energy inside will pass away, the energy is gone, and the pork is not so delicious!" Bai Xiaoxi couldn't help but urge to see that she didn't move.

"I ... good ... good." The woman's half-bang finally came back, Mom, what's the origin of this group of people?

This is too scary.

"Wait a minute, make a part of the minced meat, the small meat **** can't eat spicy!" Bai Shan saw her going to prepare and stopped quietly.

"Uh huh!" It is simply a big customer, what they say is naturally what.

It was just that when the woman was about to get the pork, the tender hand just touched the pork and immediately screamed.

This cry made many people stand up, and even the adjutant Wang also stood up.

It turned out to be the ice, the coldness was too deep, or the ability level of the person who frozen this pork was too high, but the waiter was also a level 10 ability anyway, and the white and tender little hands were frozen into a bluish color?

This. . . This is unbelievable.

"I'm sorry, I forgot!" Bai Shan was also taken aback, because their team had no problem with the pork, and his white and soft face immediately apologized.

"No ... it doesn't matter." The woman gritted her teeth to resist the pain. Where did she know that their level was so high, no wonder they could have this specific pork.

Because women can't feel the powers on them, it's natural to think that everyone except the child has powers.

Bai Xiaoxi's energy to control fire has been fascinated by Bai Ling's training. When he just wanted to thaw the pork, he heard a sound.

"Miss, why don't I come and try it!" A 33rd-level fire-powered person holding two seductive women around 40 years old squinted at the piece of pork and felt the energy of the ice Can't help saying forward.

He can still feel that there are two 34th-level abilities in this team, and that soft woman is not only beautiful, but even 35th-level abilities, the child and the lovely teenager around her, Looks like there is no power.

But he just saw that the pork was taken out by the 13- to 14-year-old boy, and he had no problems with his hands.

If this is the case, it means that this young man's level is not even detectable by the 33rd level, which means that at least the 37th level or above. What is the concept?

The forty-year-old man could n’t imagine that he always thought that they were standing at the high end of the base in Miancheng, and he did n’t think that this man would actually let him see someone higher than them.

Bai Shan and Bai Xiaoxi looked up at the tall, uniform man, who looked serious but still could see a trace of handsomeness. If he was young, he must also be a handsome guy.

Bai Shan and Bai Xiaoxi also sensitively noticed that as soon as the man spoke, even the waiter next to him automatically stepped aside. The others looked at the man with respect.

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