In the forest.

Wang Ping'an, the big yellow dog, and the golden monkey king, two beasts, walked aimlessly towards the direction of the sunrise.

Another seven days passed.

During this period, five eight-star beast kings and a large number of seven-star beasts were killed, and the big yellow dog finally succeeded in being promoted to eight stars.

As for the golden monkey king, there has been no movement since the last promotion. It seems that the big yellow dog can accumulate energy as long as he keeps eating beast meat.

It eats the meat of eight-star beasts every day, plus the treasures exchanged from the goblin merchant Carl, the big yellow dog is promoted to the eight-star beast king smoothly.

"Monkey, now that the dog master has been promoted, you will follow the dog master in the future, and you will eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks. Everything is covered by the dog master."

After the big yellow dog was promoted, he patted the golden monkey king's shoulder carelessly, full of confidence, and put on the appearance of a big brother.

"Okay, you help me hunt the eight-star beast king."

The golden monkey king was not polite at all, and asked the big yellow dog to hunt the eight-star beast king.

"Woof! You are really not polite at all."

"We should be able to hunt the eight-star beast king together."

After listening to the golden monkey king's words, the big yellow dog's eyes gradually dimmed, and he explained awkwardly.

"Hua La La!"

A monkey and a dog were discussing, and Wang Ping'an was leading the way in front, and suddenly heard a gurgling sound in his ears.

"Hey, there is a river ahead. Listen to the sound of the water flow, it should be a big river."

Wang Ping'an stopped where he was, listened attentively, and showed a look of joy on his face.

Since they had seen rivers in the swamp before, they had also encountered many rivers in the forest, but they were all very small. They had never encountered a majestic and vast river, and they didn't know where the beasts in the forest got their water.

"There is a big river... No wonder there are more and more fierce beasts and monsters nearby. Maybe there are many living creatures near this river."

After hearing about the river, the big yellow dog and the golden monkey king became interested and were eager to try.

"Let's go and take a look!"

So, Wang Ping'an took the golden monkey king and the big yellow dog and ran in the forest.

After walking for several kilometers, the sound of water echoed in the forest, and what came into view was a majestic river that was hundreds of feet wide.

The water of this river is clear and the current is fast, but because it is located in the forest, the river channel is not very clean, but covered with dead branches and leaves.

The river passed smoothly along the lush primeval forest all around. At a glance, the river looked like a white dragon, winding in the forest, very spectacular and shocking.

A large number of birds and beasts gathered on the river bank. After seeing Wang Ping'an and the two beasts coming, they left one after another.

"Wow! This river is so spectacular. If such a clear river can gather in this place, it would be perfect."


After the big yellow dog finished speaking, he jumped into the river to take a bath with a splash.

The golden monkey king followed closely.

"This is the first time I have seen such a big river. It is said that the sea accommodates all rivers. This river may flow into the sea. If we walk along the river, we may find the sea."

Wang Ping'an was also very excited and full of fantasy. After seeing the big river, he thought of the sea.

"Ping'an, you make sense. Let's walk along the direction of the river. Maybe we can find the sea."

"Yes, I agree too!"

The golden monkey king and the big yellow dog also thought that Wang Ping'an's proposal was very good, and they all expressed their willingness to walk along the river.

"Well, that's it."

"Let's rest here first and have lunch."

Wang Ping'an nodded, and began to take out the tables, chairs, and cooking utensils from the storage space, and took out the beast meat, cleaned it by the river, and prepared to make lunch.

A large iron pot, with precious medicinal materials such as Ganoderma lucidum, Poria cocos, and thousand-year-old ginseng, stewed in a pot, and the green vegetables were all kinds of wild vegetables found in the wild.

"Hey hey hey... Wang Ping'an, there are fish here, I caught a fish!"

At this time, the big yellow dog that dived into the water suddenly jumped out of the river, holding a strange fish weighing more than ten kilograms with black and white patterns on its body in its claws.

[Atavistic grouper: one star, delicious meat, gentle personality]


"Damn, Da Huang did a great job, this fish is delicious, hurry up and take it out to process it."

"By the way, you foodie want to eat barbecue, I won't help you, you barbecue it yourself."

Wang Ping'an glanced at the atavistic grouper in Da Huang's hand, his eyes were straight.

"Hehe, this fish is delicious, right? Then I'll catch a few more."

Da Huang smiled slyly, handed the atavistic grouper to Wang Ping'an, turned around and jumped into the river again, swimming all the way to the center of the river.

"Da Huang,Be careful, this fish has one-star strength, which means the things in the river are not simple either. "

Wang Pingan took the atavistic grouper and reminded the big yellow dog with a smile.

"Woof woof woof! Don't worry, Lord Gou is now an eight-star strongman, who am I afraid of? I don't believe that there is Lao Liu squatting in the river to watch me. "

The big yellow dog was careless and obviously didn't take Wang Pingan's words to heart. He swam quickly into the river and dived into the water.

"I'll do the barbecue."

The golden monkey king was more stable and reliable than the big yellow dog. After taking a bath, he came ashore and prepared lunch with Wang Pingan.


"Woof woof woof!"

A few minutes later.

There was a splash from the river, and the big yellow dog surfaced from the water, making a shrill scream.


"Big yellow, what happened? "

Wang Ping'an and the Golden Monkey King stood up quickly, their eyes showing nervousness, staring at the big yellow dog.

"Woof woof woof! Damn it, there is really Lao Liu in the river...ah, it hurts so much."

The big yellow dog grimaced in pain, roared, and a golden light shone all over its body. It turned into a giant dog of a hundred feet and ran back to the shore quickly.

"Ah...what's going on?"

Wang Ping'an and the Golden Monkey King stared at the big yellow dog, and finally their eyes fell on the position of the big yellow dog's crotch. The expressions of the man and the monkey were very strange.

"Woof woof woof...there are crabs!"

"Oh my god, there is a big crab clamped on the dog's frankfurter sausage, it hurts so much! "

At this moment, you can clearly see a huge crab lying under the big yellow dog's crotch. It is covered with a hard armor-like shell, and its two giant claws look more than ten meters long.

One of the giant claws is tightly clamping the big yellow dog's frankfurter sausage, and the other is tightly clamping the golden monkey king's lychee.

Each of Pang Xia's giant claws is very thick, like a steel pillar.


Wang Ping'an and the golden monkey king couldn't help but take a breath of cold air from a distance, and slightly clamped their legs.

It hurts!

Looking at the big yellow dog's appearance, they all felt very painful. No wonder this guy screamed strangely.

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