Before the end of the world, there were signs.

The world changed drastically.

This week, earthquakes were frequent around the world, flash floods broke out, and disasters continued.

"#According to the joint investigation of experts, the sunspot activity has entered a special cycle, and the climate of the Blue Water Planet is changeable, which is a normal phenomenon#"

"#Experts say that frequent geological and meteorological disasters in various places are normal phenomena. Please don't panic the general public#"

"#According to the news from the Marine Meteorological Bureau, more than a hundred major earthquakes occurred in Fuso Island within a week..."

Wang Ping'an was standing downstairs, holding his mobile phone. When he saw the hot search news popping up in the window, he swiped away and clicked on the Qiandu map.

"Central Market."

On the first day of the end of the world in the previous life, fog descended, and the world fell into darkness. When people were shrouded in fog, they instantly turned into zombies.

Three days later.

Those who survived in the fog gradually awakened their superpowers.

Even birds and beasts have awakened their superpowers and psychics one after another, and they can evolve like humans.

The fog receded.

The whole world has changed, zombies are reveling, corpses are everywhere, it is a horrible sight.

In the base of the demon city, the three major forces are like a tripod, and they rarely interact with each other, but in the face of attacks by ferocious beasts and zombies, the three major forces are tacitly united.

Among the three major forces, the dog king is the most powerful, with countless strong men under his command, and almost all the awakened and evolved birds and beasts are gathered under the dog king.

The dog king is an evolved beast, and his body is a pastoral dog. It is rumored that he has mysterious superpowers and can find all kinds of natural treasures to promote the rapid evolution of demon beasts.

Even though two and a half years have passed, Wang Pingan still remembers what the dog king said: If it weren't for this big change, he would have died in the dog meat stall in the central market.

In this life, Wang Pingan wants to try to find the legendary dog.

It is difficult to subdue a person.

Especially in troubled times, when the other party awakens a powerful superpower, who knows if he will be killed.

So Wang Pingan wanted to find the Dog King as soon as possible. Even if its treasure-hunting ability was just a legend, it would be a good choice to have a dog destined to become a king as a pet in the future.

"Da Huang, go ahead and bite it!"

Thinking of being able to command a prosperous-level evolution beast as a thug in the future, Wang Pingan felt that he could not suppress his excitement.

"Welcome to Kangaroo Electric Vehicle..."

After Wang Pingan got off the online car-hailing car, he immediately scanned a shared bicycle and went around in the central market, looking for a dog meat stall.

The central market is the largest vegetable market in Yaodu, with a lot of dog meat stalls. After Wang Pingan learned about it, he found out that there were only five or six points responsible for slaughtering, and they were all outside the market.

[Puppy, Talent: None]

[Puppy, Talent: None]

After arriving at the dog slaughtering site, Wang Pingan kept using the system to check the puppies in the cage.

He was very disappointed.

After checking all the locations, he still did not find the yellow dog with white face and six claws of the Dog King in his previous life.

"What should I do?"

Wang Ping'an squatted on the road outside the vegetable market and looked at the time. It was already past six in the evening. He was a little anxious.

If he couldn't find it again, he could only go back temporarily.

"Is it because the Dog King has not awakened? I can't see anything special?"

Wang Ping'an stood up and looked around, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"Hey, handsome boy, are you going to buy some of this thunder god root? This soup is delicious."

Just at this time, a gray-haired vegetable seller with a bamboo basket passed by.

"No, thank you."

"Auntie, besides the places selling dog meat in the market, are there any crispy dog ​​meat stalls nearby..."

Wang Ping'an waved his hand, and subconsciously asked the aunt selling thunder god root.

Generally, the aunts selling vegetables with baskets near the vegetable market are all know-it-alls and know the situation near the vegetable market.

At the same time, these aunts are usually fast runners and 100-meter sprinters. As long as there are temporary workers who drive away hawkers, the aunts will run away at lightning speed.

"There is one, just behind that community, in a very corner, close to the mountain... there is a Zhangji dog meat shop... go straight ahead, go to the end, turn right into the alley, and it's there."

The aunt who was buying vegetables was quite enthusiastic and pointed to the low-rise city-in-city building in the distance.

These places are close to the vegetable market, and you will be woken up by all kinds of noises before dawn every day, but the rent is cheap, so many people still choose to rent houses here.

"Thank you, aunt."

Wang Ping'an showed a happy face and was in high spirits. He rode on the shared bicycle on the side of the road and ran to Zhangji Dog Meat Shop immediately.

Zhang's Dog Meat Shop.

At this time, many customers have gathered in front of the dog meat shop.

"Woof woof woof! Woo woo woo!"

In a vacant lot behind the shop, there is a shed with many dogs in iron cages. Some are barking wildly, while others are lying listlessly in the cages. The barking sounds are one after another, making it very noisy.

In addition to selling dog meat, this dog meat shop also sells cooked food, including boiled dog meat, five-spice dog meat, crispy dog ​​meat... There are really many styles. No wonder it attracts so many customers to buy in such a remote place.

[Rural dog, talent: none]

[Rural dog, talent: deterrence]


After Wang Ping'an looked around, he really found a puppy with white hair, yellow head, and white back that had talent.

But compared with the dog king in his previous life, it was obvious that this was not the dog he was looking for.

Wang Ping'an continued to walk into the vacant lot behind the yard to check.

He found that there were at least hundreds of dogs imprisoned here, all kinds of local dogs, mixed pet dogs were making a fuss, barking and barking.

In a corner of the enclosure, a yellow dog several months old was lying on the ground, squinting its eyes, with messy hair and dirty body, looking like a stray dog.

But the dogs around, even the tall wolfhounds, did not dare to approach it, and the noisy dogs around stayed away from it.

[Rural Dog]

[Talent: Treasure Hunting (Unawakened)]

[Bloodline: Unknown]

[Favorability: 20]

"Found it!"

Wang Ping'an's heart moved, approached the activation system, and the information about the yellow dog immediately emerged.

After searching everywhere for a long time, it was finally found.

"Boss, come here, how much is this dog for? I want it."

"No need to kill it, I'll take it away directly."

Wang Ping'an suppressed his excitement and hurriedly called the boss over.

"This yellow dog was sent by someone the day before yesterday. There are six puppies in the litter, and this one is the only one left. If you take it away directly, you have to give me 300 yuan."

The boss specifically said that it was sent the day before yesterday, and it was obvious that he didn't want to weigh it.

"Okay, I'll scan the code and you won't be full."

Wang Ping'an muttered in his heart that this dog owner was really wicked. This puppy weighed only five or six pounds, and according to the market price, it was only about 20 yuan per pound, but he wanted 200 yuan!

"Hey, hey, hey? Are you just going to take it away like this? This dog is very fierce. I have a bamboo cage here, 30 yuan each, do you want it?"

The boss saw Wang Ping'an scanning the code to make money immediately, and he had no intention of bargaining at all. His eyes rolled around, and he pointed to the bamboo cage woven on the side and started to sell it nonstop.

"No need, just take it out." Wang Ping'an waved his hand, politely rejecting the boss's kindness.

"Woo woo woo!"

The puppy was held by the back of the neck, and the dog made a whining sound.

"Little guy, stop barking, come home with me."

Wang Ping'an slowly reached out his hand and gently rubbed the dog's head.

[Favorability: 30]

Seeing the change in the favorability of the yellow dog, Wang Ping'an inexplicably thought of the word "dog licker".

"Hey, why is this little guy so obedient today?" Seeing this scene, the boss raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Ping'an with a smile.

"Maybe it's fate with me."

"Little guy, let's go."

Wang Ping'an put the puppy in a bag, hung it directly on the car, and went home in a flash.

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