
The ancestor of the flying dragon clan screamed miserably and rolled on the ground.

This time, a needle was really nailed into his head.

"Go to hell!"

Wang Ping'an showed murderous intent, and the three kinds of magic power rushed into the hole where red and white blood gushed out, and smashed the brain tissue in the head.

"Roar! Bang!"

The ancestor of the flying dragon clan went completely crazy, and smashed his head, which was like a small hill, on a hill, trying to smash Wang Ping'an to death.

Wang Ping'an planted trees with silver light, and disappeared in the distance.


When Wang Ping'an appeared again, lightning and thunder flashed in the void, the power of space surged, and flames filled the air. One after another terrible attacks fell on the ancestor of the flying dragon.

Each attack, as if it was equipped with automatic navigation, accurately rushed into the head of the ancestor of the flying dragon clan.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The Flying Dragon Ancestor has completely lost his mind.

Like a body without a soul, he roared, rolled, and turned the world upside down.

Large tracts of trees collapsed, and the small hills on the island exploded and cracked, razed to the ground.

Within a radius of ten miles or a hundred miles, there was the shadow of the Flying Dragon Ancestor.

The dying struggle was extremely terrifying!

Wherever he went, no grass grew, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and he was as violent as a runaway train, containing a terrible power to destroy the world, turning everything into ashes.

"What's going on? Who can tell me what happened?"

"Ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh my God, look at the old ancestor's head exploded and it's bleeding all the time!"

"It's over, the old ancestor has also lost, let's run for our lives!"

The Flying Dragons were terrified and kept hiding outside.

The eight-star flying dragons came closer to check and soon saw the dying ancestor of the flying dragons, with a bloody head.

Seeing this, all the flying dragons were terrified and full of panic.

Fear spread among the flying dragons.

The remaining flying dragons didn't care about anything else and fled in all directions.

"Zi Yuan, Ai Lin, Zi Ling, Da Huang... you attack immediately! Kill all the flying dragons!"


"Don't leave any eight-star or seven-star strongmen, and kill as many as you can."

Wang Pingan shouted at Zhao Ziyuan and others, and his figure flashed, and he rushed out, and had already started hunting those eight-star flying dragons.


"Your Majesty, the flying dragons are finished, let's go and kill all these bastards!"

Annie took the lead, extremely excited, and rushed out screaming.

"So amazing!"

Irene, the queen of the mermaid tribe, looked at Wang Ping'an's figure from afar, her eyes blurred, and a strange feeling surged in her heart.

Heroes are often tempted by beauties, and beauties are also tempted by heroes.

Irene was shocked to see Wang Ping'an so brave.

Half a minute later.

All the eight-star, seven-star and even six-star strongmen of the flying dragon tribe were killed.

Maybe some five-star strongmen escaped, but it is estimated that there are very few.

Some flying dragons are not afraid of water and jumped into the water and disappeared.

Wang Ping'an estimated that the ones who escaped were probably the flying dragons below five stars, which should be one or two hundred, and they were no longer a force to be reckoned with.

"Brother An, some flying dragons have escaped. Do we need to continue chasing them?"

Zhao Ziyuan walked back and stood in front of Wang Ping'an, explaining a little embarrassedly.

The others felt a little embarrassed that they had not caught all the flying dragons in one fell swoop. They all lowered their heads, as if waiting for Wang Pingan to scold them.

"Let them run away. If these flying dragons run away and meet other sea tribes, they will probably not be much better."

"As long as the mermaids spread the news of the demise of the flying dragons, many sea tribes will do such things as throwing rocks into wells. It is estimated that other flying dragons will be strangled to death without any action."

Wang Pingan sneered, his expression calm, not worried at all that the escaped cats and dogs could cause any hidden dangers.

"Okay, let's clean up the venue."

So, under the leadership of Wang Pingan, all the demon pills of the flying dragons were taken out.

"Wang Pingan, don't exchange this emperor corpse beast, leave it to Lord Dog. Lord Dog thinks that eating it can promote him."

The big yellow dog found Wang Pingan and looked at the thousand-foot flying dragon body lying on the ground. His tone was rarely solemn.

"No problem at all."

After waiting for the goblin merchant Carl to appear, everyone exchanged the needed supplies one after another.

Wang Pingan also exchanged the demon pill of the emperor realm for a kind of ice origin, which was a gift for Zhao Ziling.

This battle promoted everyone to eight stars, but no one stepped into the nine stars, which was a pity, so Wang PinganYou can only exchange the demon pill for the power of the origin.

"Brother An, thank you. Then my sister and I will be promoted here, and you can go to search the nest of the flying dragons."

"Bo Bo!"

Zhao Ziling was so excited when she got the origin of ice that she hugged Wang Pingan and kissed him in public.

"Well, then you can be promoted first. We will wait for you here."

Wang Pingan smiled and did not rush to plunder the nest of the flying dragons at the first time.

"Thank you, brother An, I love you so much."


Half an hour later.


The majestic pressure on Zhao Ziling flashed by and immediately converged. She successfully promoted to a nine-star strongman.

"Sister Ziling is so happy."

"Congratulations to sister Ziling for being promoted to nine stars."

Ao Dai, Tiffany and Annie looked at Zhao Ziling and were almost crazy with envy.

They have been eight-star warriors for decades or even hundreds of years, but they have never been able to peek into the secrets of nine-star warriors. Now they are with Wang Pingan.

They watched the sisters Zhao Ziling and Zhao Ziyuan successfully promoted to nine-star warriors with the help of Wang Pingan. It would be a lie to say that they were not envious. They were even a little jealous.

"This is all thanks to Brother An. If it weren't for Brother An, I wouldn't have been promoted so smoothly."

"Brother An, I'm promoted, thank you."

Zhao Ziling smiled sweetly, walked over, hugged Wang Pingan, and thanked her again.

"Ziling, congratulations."

"Okay, in that case, let's go to the Feilong clan to confiscate their property immediately."

Under the leadership of Wang Pingan, everyone rushed to Feilong Island.

This time, the destruction of the Feilong clan came too suddenly. These dragons had nothing to carry and could not take away. All of them became Wang Pingan's spoils.

Various crystal ores were everywhere, as well as spiritual plants, medicinal herbs, etc., piled up like mountains.

The Flying Dragon Clan has been operating here for so many years, and the treasures accumulated here are unbelievable, among which there is even a six-star spiritual plant, the Dragon Scale Tree.

The bark of this tree is like dragon scales, and the trunk is also twisted like dragon whiskers, which is very strange. The fruit has a great effect on the blood of dragons, snakes, dragons, etc. All these things are cheap to Wang Ping'an.

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