Half an hour later.

The battle was over, and the corpses of snakes and rats were everywhere. The bloody smell filled the air and could not be shaken off.

"Get lost!"

Seeing vultures and golden eagles swooping down, Wang Pingan directly used his supernatural power to kill them.

"Okay, let's clean up the battlefield quickly. There is a bloody smell here, which may attract other powerful beasts."

Xu Shuhan, Huang Sulan, Ai Si, Wu Tingting, and Wu Yili were also promoted to four-star supernaturalists, and together with the sisters Da Huang and Zhao Ziyuan, they became five-star powerhouses.

This wave of sitting back and reaping the benefits is simply a wave of fat!

Even after the battle, everyone is still in an extremely excited state.


As expected.

Groups of wolves appeared in the distance.

"The wolves are coming!"

"Go kill them!"

Wang Pingan was the first to rush out, rush into the wolf pack, and kill the wolf pack.

Dozens of wolves with varying strengths were killed or wounded in a moment under the siege of the crowd.

"Moo, moo!"


After a while, a sound of cows mooing and horses neighing came.

There was a roar in the distance, and groups of mutant bison, wildebeests, and wild donkeys rushed over.

"You retreat!"

Wang Ping'an sensed the breath of a large number of five-star beasts, and his face was solemn. He immediately asked everyone to retreat first.

"What about you?"

Everyone looked at Wang Ping'an, eager to fight, and even wanted to rush over to kill those mutant beasts.

"I'll go over and kill the beasts. I have space jumps, and no beast can hurt me!"

Under Wang Ping'an's persuasion, everyone was a little reluctant and could only turn around and leave.


Without any worries, Wang Ping'an rushed into the group of mutant cattle and horses and began to kill crazily.

"Moo, moo!"

The mutant bison, stimulated by the bloody aura, actually went into a frenzy collectively, their aura rising steadily, almost stepping into the six-star category, and rushed towards Wang Pingan.

"My, are these ghosts so scary?"

Wang Pingan did not dare to fight head-on, so he could only dodge and kill in the dense group of beasts.

Half an hour later.

These mutant beasts seemed to sense that Wang Pingan was difficult to deal with, and they scattered in all directions and disappeared from sight in an instant.

"Tsk tsk, what a disappointment!"

Wang Pingan picked up all the spoils and followed them back.


When Wang Pingan reunited with the main force, he found that he had entered the grassland area where the forest and bushes met from another direction.

At this time, everyone was fighting a group of monsters.

There are hundreds of these monsters, with short arms and legs, slightly fat bodies, and green skin. The six giant monsters with fat bodies and huge stone axes in the lead are fighting with five-star strongmen such as Dahuang Gou and Zhao Ziyuan.

[Goblin King: Five Stars, Infinite Power, Insidious and Cunning]

[Goblin: Three Stars]

[Goblin: Four Stars]


What is this?

Wang Pingan felt familiar with these little things when he saw them for the first time, and never thought that they were the legendary goblins.

There are goblins in this forest. Are they saying that this place is a fantasy forest?

These goblins have higher IQs than fierce beasts. They have weapons in their hands, such as wooden sticks and stone axes. They look cute when they throw axes at him.


Wang Pingan did not dare to hesitate, and rushed over to join the battle circle to help kill the Goblin King.

Ten minutes later.

Six Goblin Kings and hundreds of Goblins were all killed.

"Bah! How come this thing looks so much like a Goblin in the game?"

"Disgusting, it can even use weapons, its IQ is not low."

After killing the Goblins, everyone cursed and said it was bad luck.

"Yes, these are all Goblins, led by the Goblin King... Hey, this axe is pretty good, I don't know how it was made."

Wang Ping'an was digging crystal cores and found that there was something like a crystal core in the goblin's body. By the way, he picked up a huge axe to check and was surprised to find that although these axes were rough, they were very tough, very durable, and very heavy.

"Really...are there really goblins? What's in there? Did the Blue Water Planet evolve and connect to another world? The sea is gone...Do you think there are elves in the forest?"

"What elves? Have you read too many novels? Absolutely impossible!"

"I think there are dragons in there? Brother An, how about we continue exploring!"

After knowing that these little things are goblins, the girls who usually play online games also became interested and wanted to rush in."Let's stop here today. This forest is completely impenetrable. I feel like there are some terrifying creatures hidden inside."

"I don't know if it was the novice protection period, our route problem, or the changes that continued, so we didn't encounter any powerful beasts in the past two days."

"Look at the situation today. Five-star beasts can be seen everywhere... If we continue, we may be worried about our lives. Now that everyone has been promoted, let's go back first."

Wang Ping'an frowned and waved his hand, intending to stop and stop exploring.

"Okay, let's go back first."

Everyone worshipped Wang Ping'an as a god, and dared not have any objections. They all nodded in agreement.


Guanlan Villa District, at the foot of the mountain.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

I don't know when it started, but a large number of zombies appeared here again, walking back and forth between the residential areas at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, some zombies were already walking towards the villa area on the mountain.

"Why are there so many zombies here?"

Yang Chengchao was shrouded in a light blue light shield and approached the residential area cautiously.

His aura was a little chaotic, as if he was injured.

To be able to injure a water control master like this, he must have encountered a very powerful zombie.


Yang Chengchao squatted in a corner, thinking about how to find Wang Pingan and others, when he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and a chill surged from his heart.

Without thinking too much, he flashed and ran out.


It happened in a split second.

When Yang Chengchao left the spot, a tall, metallic-shining four-star mutant zombie slapped him, almost killing him.


"Four-star zombie!!"

After Yang Chengchao sensed the powerful aura from the zombie, his face changed drastically, and he hurried out.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The sound of the four-star zombie's slap had attracted the attention of other zombies of the same kind.

In an instant, all the zombies became agitated and rushed over. Seeing Yang Chengchao running away, they screamed and chased after him like a pervert meeting a beautiful woman.


Another three-star zombie appeared halfway and swung a stone to hit Yang Chengchao's protective light shield.


The light shield was broken, and Yang Chengchao also spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out.

"Never mind!"

He rolled over to avoid the zombie's next attack, turned around and ran out, fleeing towards the forest in the distance.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The zombies behind him screamed and chased after him.

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