Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 970: Mother's coffin


All are spikes!

Under the blessing of the ghost mask, the fish white sakura of the second level can have the speed of ghosts, plus the sharp abyss of the abyss in her hands, all the enemies in front of me have been cut into human sticks, completely waste Lost!

They will not die, they will not die so easily with the strong body of their inheritors, but even if the wounds heal in the future, they will be a very miserable waste person. It is still good to break a pair of hands, those broken. The tragedy of one hand and one foot, and those whose limbs are completely broken... can only be resigned!

Want to grow your limbs again?


But there must be three high-level light sacrifices, but unfortunately, no one in the Hainan survivor base of Noda can be promoted to that realm...

Listening to the screams of pain, Fish White Sakura only thought that it was the most exciting voice she had ever heard, as if the grievances in her heart had been squandered, and the haze that suppressed her soul gradually subsided.

"Calling -"

The horses in the underworld couldn’t help but scream, greedily breathing the strong **** smell in the air. It was just riding by a hundred people riding a thousand people, and it was very uncomfortable. I only felt like I was being tarnished. It’s not a shock to Li Jiayu’s arrogance. It really wants to be on the spot. It just doesn’t understand why its owner doesn’t know how to cherish it. He always let it be worn by non-virgins...

"Going upstairs to continue killing?"

Li Jiayu’s voice sounded, he could understand the mood of the fish white cherry, in fact. In the past, he killed him back to the city, as well as when he avenged the perilla and Li. At the beginning, with a demonic attitude, carrying the strength of the quasi-legendary, blood washed thousands of people, regardless of the young and old regardless of men and women, killed a chicken and dogs do not stay, and even the house of the enemy house all burst!

He has a hunch.

If you can cultivate fish white cherry well... maybe she can become a legendary master.

Nowadays, the human camp urgently needs to get the top pillars of the countertop, but the inheritors are too few and too few in the proportion of ordinary people. The top inheritors who can pick up the girders are even rarer.

Take the people around Li Jiayu, there are so many people with legendary potential, Li Jiayu, Xie Wenyuan, Dye Hongxia, Xiao Qingqing, Liu Yinsha, Ivy, Fang Fang, in addition, the jelly may be counted One, but who knows that the jelly-free person can grow up to the legendary level? Also. It is the unreasonable stranger who left the forest and the autumn, and gained the inheritance of a fairy island. It is difficult to promote the legend...

In detail, the city has only seven or eight legendary potentials. This is still a slightly embarrassing state. After all, Xie Wenyuan and his grandson have the immortal blood. Jelly should have died long ago, Liu Yinsha is a Cantonese, Ai Weiben is Yang Anxian, and Fang Fang should have fallen into an evil blood demon, just like the previous city of Yucheng - even a legendary master has not been born. The dark Li Jiayu is nothing but the protector of the dark!

What is the case in Yucheng, and what about other provinces?

In the past life. In other provinces, there are only a few people who have died. Even if it is a mountainous province with talented people, there are only four legendary figures.

Today, Li Jiayu has drawn many future legends to his side, which means that Xiangxiyuan has lost Xie Wenyuan in the future, Dongwu Province has lost the red glow, South Guangdong Province has lost Xiao Qingqing, and Shanhe Province has lost Ivy.

What kind of offset will happen in the future roads of these provinces, no one can say!

The next day...

It is inevitable that the high-level combat power, no matter how much your low-level inheritors have no use, only the realm of the legendary and quasi-legendary can compete with the Zerg!

and so……

Li Jiayu will think of a good job to help the fish white cherry, in the hope that one day in the future, fish white cherry can become the pillar of the human camp.

"Well, I want them all to die, and tonight, I will ring the death knell for hell!"

Fish white cherry bites his teeth, almost squeezing out the words between the teeth, then she stepped heavily across the ground covered with broken limbs and walked into the hall of the restaurant.


Have her mother.

Her mother is still shining, but it is a cold body that is soaked in a crystal container. There is no temperature and no life. Even if it looks good, it is just a body that has lost its soul.

"Mother...mother...this day, it’s too late, I’m too revenge...”

Fish white cherry blurred vision, screaming, screaming in front of her mother's crystal container, tears slid down the silver mask and pulled two shiny tears...

Li Jiayu approached the fish white cherry and waved her hand on the body of the fish white cherry, but no response, he shook his head and sighed:

"Sorry, she has been dead for too long, and the body has been soaked in a large amount of anti-corrosion toxins. Every cell is dead, and I can't resurrect her."

"Master, you don't need to apologize... Even if you can resurrect your mother, I beg you not to do this... I just hope she won't live to remember the hellish experience, she suffers more than me, I only hope She can accompany my dad under Huang Quan, this is enough, isn't it..." The fish white cherry heart inexplicably cuts pain, but it is sour and bitter, under the cold mask, it is a beautiful The smirk seems to be a mockery of this cruel world, and it is also like laughing at his bleak fate.

"Maybe... are you really okay?"

"Nothing, I can make my mother's body free, I am satisfied..."

Fish white cherry whispered, but the pain that has been lurking for a long time is like a volcanic eruption. Breathing is not painful. Anyone, who has been insulted for days and nights, and witnessed his mother being made into a corpse specimen, I believe Ninety-nine percent of the people will collapse, even if the fish white sakura wakes up a dozen times the mental strength, and at this moment it is almost painful to be in shock.

"Da da da"

At this time, the footsteps of the leather boots came from the stairs, but the second wave of members went downstairs to check the situation. After all, the screams under the building did not stop, but they became louder and louder. The more stern, naturally caused the vigilance of the rest.

Downstairs, there are seven or eight people, all of whom are senior members. They are real-world ghosts and inheritors. They are equivalent to the elites of the "Vicious Hunting Devils". Each has the strength of second-level or higher, and the leader is A three-level low-order rock giant, the muscles are like granite. The square blocks are angular and angular, but they are angry and thick. The two arms are full of ordinary thighs, and the strong body will be small. The vests are held high, as if they would break apart at any time.

"Who! You dare... oh..."

The rock giant just saw the fish white cherry blossoming and darting, but when he saw more than a dozen incomplete shackles outside the door, he immediately closed his mouth because he could see the fish white cherry. It is by no means simple. At the very least, it is also a master of level three or above. Now Lu Laowei is not in the base camp, he can not rashly sin.

Fish white cherry slowly turned his head...

The weird silver mask reflected the faint cold light, and the eyes filled with unforgettable hatred suddenly burst into violent glory, like the devil's thorns penetrated everyone's heart!

This group of people happened to be at the most sorrowful moment of Fish White Sakura. It’s almost the same as hitting the muzzle!

"I, fish white cherry returned from hell, and tonight, I want all of you to waste all your limbs, and spend the rest of your life in endless remorse!"

Fish white sakura is covered with invisible suffocation, and the clothes and hair are more windless and automatic. Matching the mask is really like a ghost that climbs out of **** and teaches people to shudder.

"Send life? Fish, fish white cherry? Are you cutting them off? How is this possible..."

The rock giant opened his mouth and shook his head in disbelief, and the younger brothers in the back were also sluggish, as if they were stunned.

"Damn! No matter what you are trying to do, do you think you can hold us a few? Brothers, let me kill the stinky scorpion and ask her to pay for her blood!"

The rock giant knows that it is fish white cherry. Undoubtedly, since it is an irresolvable hateful knot, it is useless to continue nonsense. It is a tearful battle to rip off the face. But the fish white sakura is a smashing scorpion that is just a matter of kneading, she is again What kind of wind and waves can you afford?

The rock giant took the lead and the muscles were tight and solidified into a real ultra-density rock. The whole arm formed a rock boxing gun, and it was punched out, even a van could be crushed!


He is still too weak for the third-level low-level.

Fish white cherry is just a step.

One step is the moment when the rock giant falls into hell!

One step at a time, one knife and one knife, and when her figure emerged again from the void, the rock giant’s limbs had been slammed into the ground, and his body was still densely covered with deep Knife marks, just the moment, the body was actually dozens of knives, even more amazing is that his genitals, which are as thick as a cup, have been stuffed into their mouths...


The giant body with broken hands and feet fell on the floor with powerlessness. He couldn’t even scream because his mouth was filled, and the boundless fear drowned his mind...

Fish White Sakura took back the dagger and turned to whisper to Li Jiayu:

"Master, I went upstairs first."

"No hurry, I will accompany you."

"……Thank you."

Fish white cherry calmly thanked, slowly stepping on the stairs, the elevator has long been useless, the 20-storey restaurant can only walk up and down.

And this time...

The remaining seven high-level, high-level members of the summit, and finally burst into the "small slap", in a series of **** shots, limbs fell, the spine cracked, the lower body was smashed, seven people are like It is muddy and mournful and soft on the ground, and it is full of pain and pain.

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