Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1007: End of the world

On a giant island, the ten squares are ridiculous, there is no green, no half-inch vegetation, hard stones and barren loess everywhere. At first glance, it is like a dry and stagnant Gobi desert.

It's hard to believe that it would be an island. It is reasonable to say that the island should be full of rain and dew, full of vitality, full of various green trees and beast insects...


This innocent island, with a larger area than Hainan Island and Taiwan Island, has cut off all vitality and is simply a forbidden zone of life.

"Beauty master, this is what you said? It seems... there is a big difference with what I imagined..."

Yang An walked down from an elf sea boat full of magical arrays, walked on the yellow muddy beach, and looked at the yellow sand and strange things around him, a little absent-minded.

Today, Yang An did not show his bare chest and bare muscles again, but put on the petal silk dress prepared by the elf beauty. Not only is it soft and comfortable, but the appearance is also full of the elf culture style. It is extremely beautiful and handsome, and the whole person is more masculine and enchanting, and it is so cool.

The elf girls who came with them all looked at Yang An, and there were stars in their eyes. The heart was like a deer. If Yang An hooked his finger at this time, they would definitely recommend themselves to the pillow.

This is only a few days, Yang An’s flower idiot has been upgraded, enough to kill all women below the lord level...

"This... Yang Zhuangshi, I also have the same doubts as you... I don’t think it would be ridiculous to this point. It’s too unreasonable..."

The beautiful and dignified, very mature and charming female patriarch raised her brow slightly. The twinkling eyes of the stars flashed through the endless doubts.

"Where is it wrong? Beauty master, you said that you want to take me to find the world tree of this world. It is reasonable to say that the world tree should be towering into the sky, the vitality of the world, the place of the world tree, also There should be a lot of lush plants growing up..." Yang An snorted, his eyes were hot and he aimed at the full breast of the Elf female chief. Don't look at the elves are all slim and slim, although the face looks good, but the buttocks and the chest are really a little worse, the fullness is really less than the European and American women...

However, the elf female patriarch is the exception of the exception. She not only has the gentle and virtuous temperament of the perilla, but also has the holy appearance that does not lose Xiaoqing. Even the figure is similar to the bumpy and **** Liu Yinsha.

Therefore, Yang An has recently loved this beauty master. If he wants to conquer his heart and conquer his body, I am afraid that Yang An, the big stallion, has already used this elf female chief to use it.

"I won't make a mistake... I am here with the innate talent, following the feelings... here. There must be a tree of the world... and the world tree of the earth, about the whole world. safety…"

"Well, since the beauty master is so determined, then there must be a world tree on this island... Come, master. Let's fly to the sky together, the island is big. But with your speed, I think it can be very short. Search the entire island for a while."

Yang An reached out, the elf female chief hesitated, and finally nodded, and also extended the jade hand, let Yang An pull, although she can fly, but Yang's speed is much faster than her.

Yang An and the female patriarch are flying side by side. It is like a pair of fairy monks. The male is handsome and handsome, the female is in the national color, and the elf girls who are soy sauce on the boat are envious and hateful.

Overlooking the sky, in addition to seeing the sand, there is no other thing...

It's like a desert, except sand, you don't want to see anything.

"On the other side... getting closer, getting closer... I can feel the smell of the world tree..."

The wind blew, the elf female chief suddenly screamed, urging Yang An to speed up, Yang An did not slow down, flying faster, but his doubts in his heart became more and more intense, why the more deep into the island, The more I feel the heavy feeling of death?

It’s like being in a desolate burial post, and the wind is blowing, always making people feel uneasy...

After a few minutes -

Yang An and the beautiful elf flew to the center of the island. Here, it was still ridiculously horrible. The stone was standing everywhere, and when the wind blew, it caused a dust storm, which was even worse than the deepest part of the Sahara desert.

"Tanas is on... I saw what!"

The elf female chief exclaimed and slammed down on the ground, as sad as the death of the whole family. She saw the sand on the ground, with a large round wooden pile that was as big as a basketball court, that is, the tree. The diameter is almost 20 meters, which is quite spectacular. However, I don’t know how many kilometer-high trunks are lying in the sand, they have been sunken for more than half, only a small section is exposed outside...

"Hey, beautiful master, this is what you call the world tree? It has been cut off from the bottom of the tree to see the petrochemical, weathered material, which is estimated to be a long history than the Jurassic Baiji... God knows it is the product of tens of millions of years ago..."

Looking at the big unimaginable, like the broken wood of a river canyon, Yang An is also a bit stupid. If he does not see it with his own eyes, he can't believe that there will be such a huge living body in this world...

A few kilometers of broken wood fell to the ground, Rao Yang is very good in vision, and there is no way to see the other side of the broken wood. After all, it is too long and too long, even more than the cross-sea bridge. It is spectacular.

"Yes... this is the world tree undoubtedly...but it is dead, and the vitality is completely cut off..." The elf female patriarch took a few steps toward the front and put her body on the stump. It was very distressing. Pity to care for the petrified bark, sad to leave tears, like the death of the closest person.

"It should have died long ago... Life is a life, even if it is the tree of the world, it is no exception... Hey, it has been dead for so long. The creatures on earth, Don't always have a good time to prosper... Beauty Master. Why do you care about it..."

Yang Anxian comforted a female patriarch and immediately said such a saying. In his view, what the ghost "the tree of the world" is talking about, the human world, against the zerg corps dragons rely on the inheritors, relying on It’s the pride of the sky, the off the “tree of the world”. If the beauty master forced him to drag him, he was too lazy to look for something inexplicable "the tree of the world."

With so much time, he is better off to improve his strength, kill a few more monsters, or spend more than a few beautiful women.

"No, Yang Zhuangshi, you don't know the importance of the tree of the world..." The female chief is still stroking the wreckage of the tree of the world. Do not care that the dust stained her clothes.

Yang An sighed and held his hand, and released the tyrant of Wang Pa, slowly:

"Beauty master, you should know that the earth world is not a magical world. Originally, this world is on the road of technological civilization. Without magic, human beings can conquer the sky and conquer the deep sea. Conquering outer space, the missiles made by mankind are enormous. A military fortification that is capable of accurately bombing another land from this land. There are even nuclear bombs, neutron bombs, and banned weapons that destroy the city... If it were not the impact of the cosmic storm... Hey, there are more insect dragons. Also guaranteed to be killed by the human army as a dog!"

The elf female patriarch did not understand what the earth was like. She silently listened to Yang’s words quietly.

"Earth, for billions of years, there should have never been a magical civilization. The sayings of the Golden Age, the Silver Age, and the Black Iron Age are all deceptive... Earth, it will never be possible in billions of years. After four civilizations of ancient humans..."

According to scientists, the earth has been a civilization of intelligent creatures billions of years ago, and it is far more developed than today's human beings. They can even be created like gods. Scientists call them prehistoric humans, and with The disappearing continent and the prehistoric flood are linked together...

However, these are nonsense. Yang An simply does not believe that since the earth world does not have any ancient civilization, it does not involve any devils, gods, etc., and it is completely a normal planet of biological evolution. It is impossible to have a "tree of the world" that existed hundreds of millions of years ago.

Moreover, the previous earth could not breed trees up to several kilometers...

Yang An does not believe that this "world tree" belongs to the earth. He firmly believes that this broken wood, like this island, must be exiled from another world. Otherwise, the earth world has been prosperous for hundreds of millions of years. How should I explain? According to the elf female chief, the world tree is closely related to the creatures. Once it wither and die, not only will the world collapse, but all living things will die.

"Beauty master, don't you think about it, the survival of the earth world, there is no relationship with this broken wood. Let's go, let's go back to Elf Island... I will take you to the human world, only you. This kind of good-hearted elf can save the people of this world..."

Yang An no longer looks at the ruins of the broken petrified trees. Instead, he locks all his energy into the female patriarch. He wants to conquer this beautiful woman. She not only warms her bed, but also has the realm of the lord’s peak. With some elf secrets and elf artifacts, it is enough to fight against the legendary low-level enemies!

After conquering her, Yang’s power will expand by half. If you count hundreds of female elves on Elven Island, it will be even more horrible. After all, the weakest adult female elves have three levels of low-level strength. In the army of Yucheng and Haitian, you can be a big captain and give the rank of major...

Don't forget, five months ago, the eight major generals of Yucheng also had only three levels of intermediate level...

"Well... I will go out with you to fight, and God will roll our elves to this world. I am a part of this world. Helping human beings is better than helping those monsters... just, hey, Yang Zhuangshi, please Let me spend the rest of the world with the tree of the world for a long time, okay?"

"Well, beauty master, tell me more about all the legends about the world tree..."

Yang An evil charm smiled, sitting next to the female elf, sniffing her faint body fragrance, continue to close with her.


What Yang An didn’t know was...

This wilted petrified wood wreck is closely related to the fate of the entire world of the earth. Here... it will be the main battlefield of the future, and it is most likely the place where he and Li Jiayu are buried...

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