Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1014: Yang Li reunited


In the cave, Li Jiayu sneezed very uncomfortably. She pulled out a sticky, slippery liquid from her throat, not only flowing wet on her mouth, lips and chest, but even her breathing tube. Almost blocked.

The inexplicable liquid did not know what was going on. Suddenly, it popped out from the "Shuangshengyuanzhu". The amount of water was very large, almost equivalent to half a large pear, where Li Jiayu’s mouth was confined. Allow so much water...

Therefore, after Li Jiayu sneezed, he was awakened and opened his eyes in confusion and pain.

"Hey... Where am I? Cave? It seems safe."

Li Jiayu looked around vigilantly. It was the same as the scene before the coma. The cave was narrow and deep. There was only a trace of light, and the stone walls were mixed. The ellipse was raised and the inside of the cave was dry and scary. The water in the air There is almost no content!

Although the environment here is a bit bad, at the very least, there should be no creatures coming in...

Li Jiayu’s consciousness was still a little chaotic. She struggled to climb up with her forehead. Suddenly she found that her tongue was full of a touch of salty taste, just like drinking soda, but there was a little bit of embarrassment, like a living. The fish fillet doesn't have the soy sauce and it feels like it's stuffed into your mouth.

"Hey, how can there be so much saliva in your mouth, no, this is secreted by the twin beads..."

Li Jiayu was shocked and quickly spit out the round pearl from his mouth, but he saw that the pearl still oozes out the slippery liquid in the "squeaky", crystal clear and transparent, without any impurities, but it is a strong faint The aphrodisiac smell, Li Jiayu, of course, has also been heard, is in the wife of the mother-in-law. However, Li Jiayu is not a metamorphosis of the taste, naturally does not kiss the woman's lower body, and does not know the smell of the liquid...

"The liquid secreted by the twin beads, the taste is really bad... it is still sticky. However, the liquid it secretizes seems to be a little healing. Otherwise, the mental reflex that I received will not be so fast. Healed over... Sure enough. Twins are a rare treasure, hey, just don’t know how to win another twin, how can it be difficult to deal with it? If I can get two The twins are so beautiful, the days are better..."

Li Jiayu whispered, pouting, and summoned a bit of clean water to wash away those strange salty taste.

She handed the "twin beads" into the space ring. At this time, she wore two space rings in her fingers, one of which was the trophy after killing the nine princes in the abyss. The other one was given by Yang An. At the original Phoenix Island, Yang An’s two goods forcibly put the space ring on Li Jiayu’s ring finger as a token of love. As a result, his wish has not been realized because he was protected by Li Jiayu and was smashed by the black robe and annihilated in time and space.

This ring that has already recognized the Lord is actually a waste. After all, Li Jiayu couldn't open it, that is to say, there was no effect at all. Li Jiayu still wears it on his body, and he is reluctant to lose it...

Although she and Yang An have a **** revenge, but this world's Yang An is killing her after all, to say that there is no innocence, it is impossible, people can not be ruthless, Phoenix Island live and die and share, and many are very funny Unforgettable experience, Li Jiayu is still vivid, how can she forget Yang An...

This ring is worn on the hand, which is to commemorate Yang An. Of course, Li Jiayu did not realize that she had a subtle change in her attitude towards Yang An...

She has always had a clear understanding of her grievances. Since Yang An has helped her so much, she naturally wants to repay her. Since Yang An is dead, she will not sit idly by Yang’s widow, if Yang’s men and her wife are deadly. Dangerous, she will definitely help, and if anyone dares to sullen Yang's three hundred harem, she will certainly be the thief.

"What is the world, what is it, I am obviously a rebirth... But the advantage of my rebirth is less than I imagined. Mom, how can I upgrade the speed of the arrogant ones faster than before? I have been stunned by them, and I am even stunned by Sakura Sakura. Even the products of Terunsu can be pressed in the sea without any help. But my summoned beast is not enough. The goddess is not willing to give me the light of my gods... I really miss the days on Phoenix Island. At the very least, there is a comrade in the same rank who can fight side by side and have the same mind..."

Thinking of the Battle of Phoenix Island, Li Jiayu was a bit stunned, bowed his head and sighed, and his heart was sour and sour, and the indescribable depression was as if he had missed something.

"Yang An is dead, I still have dyed Hongxia. After more than a month, her injury should be better. She burned so much vitality for me, only a few years of life, hehe, I don’t know if there is South China Sea. There is no treasure that can sustain her life... If she is also with me, it will be at least close and close, and have a tacit understanding. Even if I encounter Telunsu, I will have a battle..."

Li Jiayu whispered, climbing the elliptical stone ball on the stone wall and walking towards the cave. She wanted to go out and breathe in the fresh air, and check the situation nearby.

But at this time -

"Beauty master, the sky is going to be dark, let's go back, it is a waste of time to find it."

A magnetic, thick voice, coming from outside the cave mouth!

The sound is very small and insignificant, but Li Jiayu's hearing is far more than ordinary people, naturally can be heard, and her reaction is... as if hit by a heavy hammer in the chest, stay like a chicken!

"Yang, Yang An?"

That voice, actually Yang An?

How can this be!

Yang An has not been blown up by the dark Li Jiayu lively, turned into a fly ash into the annihilation of time and space...

Didn't he die, and he is about to reunite with Li Jiayu in such a remote place?

Li Jiayu’s heart’s beating speed suddenly increased by a factor of two, and blood pressure rose to the limit. She took a deep breath of dry air and wanted to speed up the rush, but she quickly pressed it. Stock impulse.

No, I can't meet Yang An. If that's really Yang An... She will only go out into the tiger's mouth because she hasn't recovered yet. What's worse, she finally realized that her body is happening again. Change!

"How does the body become so heavy, it seems like a few pounds of meat... Oh, this is..."

Li Jiayu felt her chest sullen, involuntarily squatting on the chest, soft and full of elasticity, feels very good, she was petrified at once - Nima, how the rabbit grows again!

I haven’t been to the full moon night yet!

Li Jiayu's most annoying thing is to become a goddess of light, which makes her uncomfortable and extremely insecure.

Although the goddess state, the magic of magic will increase by 50%, but correspondingly, her physique is 30% lower than that of the male body, even the summoning magic will be weakened, so that the mental power is often not enough!

The decline in combat power does not say, the worst thing is that this irregular change!

It used to be stable in the past, and it only changed one day in a month. However, it has become more and more unsuccessful in the recent period. On the island of Phoenix, it was a month’s worth of paper. After leaving Phoenix Island, it was hard to be seven. Eight days of men, but after running to this cave, Nima changed back to the woman, this is what to do!

Is it the disaster of the twins?

Or is the "Bright Goddess" finally impatient?


Is it the strange power of this island?

Li Jiayu didn't understand, even if she wanted to understand it was useless, because she couldn't find a solution at all. At this moment, she could only let herself not make a sound, so as not to attract people outside the cave...

"Look again, maybe the seeds of the tree of the world are in the vicinity... oh, although the world tree has withered, I believe that it must have seeds left on the desert island..."

Another voice came in. The voice was sweet and sweet, soft and crisp, with a kind of indifference of mountains and rivers, and a tranquility that was uncontested in the world. It was like a drizzle in the ear. Very comfortable.

"Beauty master, the world tree does not know how many tens of thousands of deaths, hundreds of millions of years, even if there are seeds left, it has long been petrified, we have been looking for two days, you see, your face is awkward, I looked at Distressed." Suspected Yang An's voice sounded again, let Li Jiayu's heart twitch.

"No, look for it again. There is a small cave in front. Go in and check it out. If there is a world tree seed inside, maybe it can be saved..."

The small cave in front?

Li Jiayu glanced, and then the pores of the body were tightened, breathing was a glimpse, and the lips were subconsciously bitten.

Finished, did they find this cave?

Is this going to the cave?

If the male voice really belongs to Yang An... He came in again and saw Li Jiayu, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Li Jiayu couldn't help but have a chill. If she met Yang An at other times, she was naturally fearless. Even if she could beat, she could escape. But now she just woke up from a coma, and her strength did not recover. It is too narrow, and it is impossible to summon a large summoned beast such as the Dark Griffon and the Sakura Fire Gold Beetle King.

Just as Li Jiayu’s scalp was numb and his heart was stunned, the magnetic voice was loud again:

"Beauty master is careful, you see, you have been searching for two days without sleep, tired and almost fell down..."

"Thank you, can, let me go, I just fell into dizziness for a while..."

"Beauty master, let's go back and forget, how to find it is futile."

"do not……"

"call out"

Just listening to a burst of wind, the cave has changed a strong temperament. After that, there is no more movement. I think the person outside the cave has already left.

Li Jiayu’s tight body finally relaxed, and she patted her chest with a lingering sigh:

"Have you gone? Call, I almost got it... But who is that voice? How is it exactly the same as Yang's? But he obviously died..."

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