Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1060: Burning the soul, the price of blood

Hundreds of giants are suspended in the air, or they are watching from afar, or standing on the broken wall, and Li Jiayu, who is bruised and bruised, is surrounded!


Li Jiayu coughed out a touch of blood, and climbed up with difficulty. The face of the original white jade was covered with deep blood and sweat, and one eye could not be opened.

She gasped fiercely, her eyes were like wild wolves, hungry and cold!

"I... I can't fall!"

She held the legendary weapon ice wheel pill in her hand.

"I want to save her, I want to save her, I want to save the red glow!"

Li Jiayu's mental power has been exhausted, and his head is filled with pains like a river. He has numerous wounds, large and small, and even the extremely pure and white light gauze has broken through a hole, revealing a road. Bright blood marks, tender meat rolled, shocking.

She can only rely on herself.

What she can rely on is the courage to breathe in one breath!

Already owed the girl too much, in any case, Li Jiayu also wants to rescue her from the bitter sea. There is only one conviction in her mind, that is, the wind and the scenery bring the red Xia back to Yucheng, and enter the marriage hall with her. The bride is not a loved Xiao Xiaoqing, nor is it a succulent succulent perilla, not even Liu Yinsha, Fang Fang, Campanulaceae, Ivy, but should be silently paying for everything for Li Jiayu!

"I, Li Jiayu, will never lose!"

A woman with blood on her face almost bites a piece of silver teeth into pieces. Her eyes were cold and stubborn, and her body was covered with a strong murderousness and firmness, although she was already faltering and trapped. But her momentum is like a pillar of the sky, never falling!

"Humans, surrender, even if you are dying and killing and killing half a hundred dark lords, your ending is already doomed."

A vampire prince wearing a black gold-trimmed dress walked gracefully into front of Li Jiayu, faintly said, as if he had decided to eat Li Jiayu.

Li Jiayu at this time. Already exhausted, can you still wind up the storm?


Li Jiayu glanced at the enemy in front of him, and his blood was slightly raised. The long knife in his hand crossed a snowy arc, and the Thunder was too late to fall on the prince's heavenly cover.


A soft sound of a tearing strip.

Just like cutting a cream cake, the vampire prince was cut off and the two left and right bodies were separated. A thick, **** ice is scattered. Even those red, green, and green intestines are covered with ice and slag!

The **** prince at the peak of the lord has an unparalleled ability to hematopoietic and regenerative. It is difficult to kill it completely without any heavy blow. However, the powerful frost destructive power of the ice round is enough to destroy all its physiological functions. Every trace of moisture in the body freezes into ice!

Seeing that Li Jiayu, who should have no threat, rose up and killed another dark lord, the rest of the undead creatures all rioted, and they all screamed with a screaming roar:

"The stubbornness!"

At that time, it was the same one of Li Jiayu’s nearest alchemy, “噼啪”, which opened the chest and drilled a magical cannon. These cannons are all wing-shaped, with a variety of alchemy magic arrays in the tail. Behind each cannon is a precious magic crystal inlaid as a source of power!

"Crash and collapse!"

The piercing sound of breaking the air tore the void, dragging a road to the killing of the film, the speed is terrible, even the ten huge guns to kill!

Li Jiayu wants to escape, but can't hide!

The foot has already been injured, and the movement is inconvenient. Where can I force the magical cannons of the 10 abyss?

She has only one retreat, that is hard to connect!


The knife light flashes, the knife glass is like a dragon, the knife tip points directly to the gun, Li Jiayu squeezes out the last strength in the deep bones, the blood is in the middle of the surge, the tip of the knife has fallen on the gun of the destroyed city. !

A dozen knives, all at the top of the rifle!

Each block of the next gun, Li Jiayu's arm will make a "squeaky" muffled sound, it is her hand bones are broken!

When the last rifle carried a huge rush of floods and crashed into the tip of the knives, Li Jiayu could no longer afford it. It was like a stun of Wan Lei, and his face was pale and like a paper. Flying a few tens of meters, the foot rubbed a deep gully on the rolling loess!


Another black-red blood spit out from the mouth, Li Jiayu wants to stand still, but the violent shock of her talent has already made her right arm bone, phalanx, and wrist bones of the sword shattered into powder, only to hear "jingle" The ice-pill that relied on his life fell to the ground.

And she, finally, fell to the ground on one knee, and kept breathing...

"I... I can't fall... I have to save..."

There was a breath of blood in the mouth, and although there was a vow in the mouth, she could talk about it, and the cruel reality could not be changed by a firm mind.


Suddenly, a few black shadows came from the anger, and it was actually an "Abyss Spider King" that shot the poisonous hair of the body, blue light, with endless violent viciousness!

"Hide, give me a hood..."

Li Jiayu's eyelid jumped, and she was shocked. Under the stimuli of danger, she was extremely eager to dodge. However, the serious injury caused by her death allowed her to only roll on the spot. Although she avoided most of the poisonous needles, she still had several poisonous needles. Unreasonably piercing her legs, she shot a bullet-sized wound. The blood flowed like a note, the tender meat shrank, and even the leg bones were beaten into horses!

The hand bones are shattered, the legs are shot through, the poisonous invaders, the spirits are back, and the repeated blows have long made it difficult for the scarred body to persist...

"I... I can't fall..."

Li Jiayu was on the ground, and the blood pool under her body had already dyed her clothes and her hair. She struggled to shake her dizzy head and wanted to stand up again, but only climbed halfway, she fell down softly. On the ground, the line of sight is blurred...

All around, it is the silence of death.

More than two hundred alchemists and dark lords were motionless, quietly watching Li Jiayu, until the Lich Haruk urged, there was a "one-eyed dwarf king" holding the Thunder warhammer slowly to Li Jiayu, which blew the **** Dirty long beard, sighed:

"Human, let's accept it, no matter how hard you resist, there is no use..."

But at this time, the face was bloody, and Li Jiayu, who couldn't open his eyes, suddenly raised his head. The scorpion burst into a faint cold awning, and his complexion began to twist and twist. He was a kind of despair and destruction, as if he could use his eyes to shoot the dwarf king. Kill the same.

"What is the use of murderous? It is necessary to recognize the reality, and repent under the power of Quake!"

The dwarf king greeted Li Jiayu’s hateful eyes, and lifted the giant hammer in his hand, and suddenly squatted on Li Jiayu’s fragile back, faintly passing the sound of the broken bones of “啪啪”, even harsh, even her The internal organs have been crushed...

There are more than a dozen terrible cracks under the ribs. Don't squirt blood with money. The broken ribs pierce the heart and the lungs. The huge pain is like a flood that sweeps the brain, causing her mind to fall and fainting in the past... ...

"Ah, hahaha, stupid human, you should know that you have offended the sorcerer Haruk's end, regret it, despair, you will be the worst torture in history, the separation of spirits!"

Among the giant towers, the sorcer Haruk exclaimed with excitement, like a chicken blood, which is so great, isn’t it? It’s a reincarnation of the goddess of light, it will be loaded into the abyss Among the historical documents, it has been passed down for generations!


The Xie light eyebrow on the bone bed has already swollen and swollen eyes. The tears are like a string of pearls rolling down. When she was tortured by the lich, she barely frowned, but she saw Li Jiayu being beaten like this. Seriously injured, her heart is like being beaten by a hammer. It is broken and broken, and the pain of convulsions makes her difficult to breathe!

It is true that it is the object of her daughter's favorite... But seeing Li Jiayu can do this for her, even the name does not face hundreds of lords and strong enemies, she suffered the greatest shock in her life, for a time, her soul all They are full of the brand left by Li Jiayu...

"Look, my lovely dragon girl, you open your eyes and look at the son-in-law who saved you. She was defeated by me. Soon I will deprive her soul and godhead and occupy your colorful dragon body. Oh, this is a wonderful thing, what do you say?"

In the victor’s voice, the sorcer Haruk slammed the neck of Xie’s brow and lifted her up, making her uncomfortable, and the lich all the way to the huge crack that the chamber was knocked open. On the edge, look down at the soft muddy Li Jiayu below.

"You... this demon..." Xie Xiaomei closed his eyes in pain and his heart was cut like a knife.

"Ha ha ha, the sad expression of human beings is really wonderful. It is a comfortable and explosive thing to torture human beings..."

Lich Harrick laughed, and his eyes changed, cold channel:

"Bring up the reincarnation of the goddess of light, my dear children!"

Immediately, the one-eyed dwarf king put down the hammer of Thor in his hand and squatted his hand and lifted the soft Li Jiayu, just like lifting the body...

But it is at this time!

Li Jiayu suddenly opened his eyes!

Deep in the bottom of the eye, the light shines, like a golden sword to tear the soul!

On the face covered with blood, she slowly sketched a smile, although she smiled a little hard, but she was really raising her mouth and pulling out a sinister demon smile.

"Soul... I should have sold it, isn't it?"

"What are you talking about?" The one-eyed dwarf king frowned and slammed into a cold war like an electric shock. It suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"I said... you can go to hell!"

The smile turned into a cold sneer. Although Li Jiayu was bleeding, she still spit out such a sentence as a wounded beast.

The next moment, her right hand that smashed the fracture suddenly turned into a blue light, earth-shattering!

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