Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1113: Sunshine is coming

The smoke is smoky, the light is shining, the clouds are haunting.

In this sea, the sea and the sky meet, the thunderclouds in the sky have already dispersed a lot, and the golden warm sunshine is faintly illuminated. The sea water is no longer the gray of the cold, but gradually becomes a gratifying green. Blue, clear and wash, the sea breeze blowing, ripples of a slight ripples and waves, like flashing silver scales, reflecting the starry afterglow, like a silver band.


The boundless thundering clouds cover the sky for months, insulting all the sunshine, bringing the world into an unprecedented darkness, and bringing endless despair to mankind.

Now that it is in the seventh month of the last days, it has finally ushered in a turning point, and the third sunshine era is coming.

In the era of sunshine, everything will recover, time will last for several months, and the earth will return to warmth. During this period, survivors no longer have to worry about being frozen to death at night, and the space structure on the earth will be much more stable. Come from the world, if the most safe period of the earth, the natural non-sunshine era is even if it is only a few short days.

"Sunshine, Jiayu, Thundercloud is about to spread, the sun is about to shine on our heads!"

On the blast carpet, Xie light eyebrows and autumn waves are like water. Surprisingly, looking at the clouds in front of dozens of kilometers, a large hole is opened, and the golden light is projected. She wants to go to bathe for a long time of sunshine, washing these days. Mental haze.

Sunlight represents hope and can dispel all negative emotions. In today's gloomy gray world, the sun has long been a luxury.


See the sun under the sorrow. It stands to reason that it should be joyful, but Li Jiayu next to it sighs and looks like a listless. Even if the eyelids don't move, it's like losing their lives.

"Jiayu, look at the opening point, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and it is too much to worry about it..."

Xie Xiaomei patted Li Jiayu's shoulder. From last night to noon today, she has already persuaded and comforted countless times. Unfortunately, there is not much use, it is difficult to unlock Li Jiayu's knot.

Watching the black jade being taken away, Li Jiayu hated herself for being incompetent. Just want to pledge not to let her suffer from the fate of destiny, but fate immediately sent the messenger to harm her, do not have to know, black Jiayu was taken away this time will certainly usher in a more cruel fate. It is a slave to the darkness of God. Or the world that was exiled to the past...

Li Jiayu did not dare to imagine, she only knows that Black Jiayu will only gradually drift away in the dark and fallen road, and finally completely lost the fire...

Damn it!

I am hurting her!

If it wasn’t because I sealed her function and gave her a somning technique and fell into deep sleep, I believe that with her ability, it’s impossible to be taken away, to control when he is a slave, as long as it’s not an epic enemy. . There is no way to get the dark Li Jiayu!

This is really a pity...

A rare opportunity to resolve the mutual understanding of each other is wasted in vain. If Hei Jiayu is not taken away, but stays with Bai Jiayu, Bai Jiayu has a 90% grasp that can influence her, dispel her anger, and then make her a great help for human beings, not only to help protect the earth, It can help Bai Jiayu to fight the flood of fate.

It is a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and anyone can expect that the fate in the midst of it will actually be shaped to obstruct.

Li Jiayu always thought that fate is invisible and illusory... Until she saw the slave of time last night, she realized that the fate could be turned into substance...

Destiny, is it heaven?

Is it a powerful existence beyond the epic level?

Li Jiayu has no way of knowing. She only knows that fate is her enemy. It is thousands of times more harmful than the goddess of light. The fate is not only to use her, but also to give her a wonderful gift to the son of fate.

When she thought of her fate, she would arrange for her to give Yang An. Li Jiayu was disgusted, and the ** who changed her life was getting stronger and stronger. It’s no wonder that when she was in the Phoenix Island, she would be with Yang. That month will continue to maintain the female form, it turns out that this is the layout of fate!

Fortunately, there was an unexpected accident on Phoenix Island. Yang An was also self-respecting. There was no friendship between the two. This is really a misfortune...

"Light eyebrows, sorry... I have a lot of things, it's really hard to see. Oh, I just hope to get to Atlantis as soon as possible to get the strongest power, then end the battle of the South China Sea and return Take a good rest in Yucheng. I have been physically and mentally exhausted for several months..."

Li Jiayu will thank Xie Xiaomei's soft and warm body and embrace it in his arms. He sighs softly and closes his eyes slightly.

After being stunned by the time slaves last night, Li Jiayu was forced to change back to the female body. This made Xie Liangmei cold frost and other people worry, but it didn’t take long for Li Jiayu to wake up. She looked at her bumps. The figure is not too sad and sad. Anyway, she has long been used to it, but she is eager to say goodbye to Cold Frost.

Where Li Jiayu went, he would attract powerful enemies. First, he attracted the black Jiayu to break the bow, and then led to Letia to explode the cabin passage. This is too dangerous. Li Jiayu worried that he would stay again. This group of son-in-laws has caused even more terrible troubles, so she must leave quickly so as not to get tired of them.

I rushed through the blast carpet for a night and walked for 20,000 kilometers. It only took a little while to reach Atlantis and enter the final battlefield of the South China Sea.

"Jiayu, everything has me, what can I tell you, I can bear with you, don't forget, I am also your woman now..." Xie light eyebrows, looking at Li Jiayu's eyes Full of pity and tenderness.

Li Jiayu opened the gemstone blue, sparkling with a trace of embarrassment and bitterness:

"The robbers told me a lot of secrets last night... let me know the fate I have to face. Although I don't want to believe it, I have repeatedly told myself not to listen to him, but I have deep inside but judge what he said. Non-virtual... Oh, light eyebrows. He said that I was a woman. When I was born, I was integrated into the genes and souls of the goddess of light. It was a baby girl. Later, because a certain power would protect me, it would shield my women. Features, sent me to the earth so that I can live safely, be an ordinary person... I have seen another time and space trajectory, and I am happy and happy in that track, becoming an accomplished achievement. Cartoonist, designer, game producer. Successfully **** with Hongxia... Unfortunately, I am still me, in this time and space. I can only face my fate..."

Xie light eyebrows can not help but pass a smile, and looked up at Li Jiayu, suddenly put a finger on Jiayu's lips, preventing her from saying:

"You mean I understand. But I have been married with you for a night, no, it’s all night, don’t forget how we spent the five or six days in the cave... don’t forget my belly. Child, I don't care about your gender, and whether you can change back to men in the future, I only know that you are the one I love now..."

"Thank you. It is really fun to get your understanding... just, light eyebrows. I am very worried now, fate can take her away from me, you can see the fate can not be violated, you know, fate will take me As a gift, give Yang An to enjoy, Yang An is also the son of Cold Frost..."


"If there is such a day in the future, you should never follow me again... lest you be harmed by Yang An, oh, if it is really difficult to violate, I would rather end myself to end this fate!"

"Jiayu, there won't be one day, you are a man who can make a miracle... Since you got along with you, you can always turn the madness in the most critical moments to do things that ordinary people can't do. In my eyes, There is nothing you can't do, defeat the dark evil dragon, defeat the female Rondo army, and kill the lich for my life... These former enemies are not ten times more powerful than you used to be... I I believe that you can also defeat the fate, Jiayu, you are a unique existence, you belong only to us, not to fate, nor to Yang An."

I was able to get the full trust of Xie Xiaomei, which undoubtedly made Li Jiayu feel a good spirit, and my heart knots were solved a lot. The mood also followed a lot of cheerfulness. She nodded and smiled:

"You are right... no matter how strong the fate is, I should also laugh and fight with it. Who can judge me without winning? But... I don’t really care if I am a woman? Are you sure to stay with me forever? In case I can't change back to a man in the future, what can you do? You are a royal colorful dragon. When I am a man, I can't satisfy you, let alone my woman. It’s time..."

Xie Xiaomei’s face slammed red, and she continued to red from the cheek to the root of her neck. She snorted and slammed her hand on Li Jiayu’s waist and pinched it.

"You are doing the opposite, it should be for me to meet you... giggling, don't let me sleep with you at night, be careful that I press you, now the wind of the virtual dragon and the phoenix is ​​very popular."


Li Jiayu was stunned, and she was reminded by Xie Xiaomei that she could think of a relationship between women. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like if she kept her female body in the future, in case Xiao Xiaoqing and Pei Su Mother and daughter, Xie Xiaomei are all sleeping with her, she will definitely be the one that is the easiest to attract firepower.

Damn, why suddenly I feel very scared, lesbians are the most abnormal and disgusting, and we must find ways to maintain the male body as soon as possible!

Li Jiayu flashed thousands of thoughts in her heart, wondering how to change back to the male body again, even if she should be a woman, she just wants to have a normal husband and wife life with her wife.

"Jiayu, what did the people told you last night?"

"There is nothing... it is to restart the messy words like the era of the gods. I only say a few words. I don't know much about it. This is a big deal. You still don't know too much, otherwise you may be in trouble..." Li Jiayu Miao said: "Go to Atlantis first, then I will meet again with the octopus..."


"Well... I didn't know until now. The original octopus is a demon prince. Hey, I am so bitter, and I lied to me what is the condensate of the silk faith. I am still stupid enough to believe it... ..."

Dark octopus magical, if you find it to help, you can restore the man's body and fight against fate!

"call out"

The speed of the blast carpet is so fast that in the sunshine, no more than half an hour, the two finally saw a vast expanse of land.

This is the ultimate battlefield of the South China Sea, Atlantis! (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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