Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1152: Dragon disaster

Although Yang An was still alive from the cold frost Huakou, when he heard the words of the Taiwu Emperor, Li Jiayu was like a five-flavored bottle. The taste of sour and bitter is indescribable.

Once upon a time, she hated Yang An, but everything that happened on Phoenix Island made her change her mind slightly. She didn’t think about killing Yang An all the time, and even regarded him as a half-community. The comrade-in-arms, Li Jiayu also vowed to shoulder the responsibility of Yang An, take care of Yang's widow and help protect Shanhe Province.

On the Golden Island, Li Jiayu witnessed the opening of the Dragon Channel and even faced a large number of quasi-legendary and legendary terrorist enemies. She knew that she could not compete with the Dragon World alone. She needed the power of Yang An. Only the son of fate, Yang An, can not die, completely restrained the fierce enemy...

Later, Li Jiayu was betrayed by the dark octopus. She felt that she had no sense of security. Even the most intimate summoned beasts were ill-intentioned to her. Who can she believe in later? Perhaps Yang An is a good choice. At least Yang An will not be in the ground. For her intrigue, and in the future may face the dark octopus beyond the epic level, this level of strong enemy Li Jiayu can not be an opponent, she is planning to use Yang's air to counter ......

"How? You are very familiar with the young man named Yang An? It seems that you look very much impressed with him." Taiwu Emperor saw Li Jiayu's pupil shrink like a needle, even the body is shaking three shake.



"It’s just a half partner... or he’s using the object and the beater.”

"Oh? He is your thug? But I can see hundreds of powerful women around him..."

"Well. He is like this person, lascivious, life, three hundred beautifuls in the harem..." Li Jiayu looked a little unnaturally. She did not despise Yang An’s private life in her previous life, and she often yelled at Yang’s wife and daughter. However, she is not qualified to despise Yang’an at the moment. She is not the same as her own, and she is infected with Hongxia’s mother and daughter. Mother and daughter, light and dark saints, but also take the village of Sakura, platycodon, etc., to say that private life is gorgeous. She is not good enough to go anywhere.

"Oh? How do you mention Yang An, you look unnatural? You and him are both handsome men and women, it is hard to be you..."

"Nonsense! How can I have **** with men! Taiwu Huang, I warn you. I am a man! I am your cousin! If you have the ability, you should read the memory of my cousin. When I was a child, I often went with my cousin. Go swimming in the Lijiang River!"

"Oh..." Taiwu Emperor smiled a little, but he didn't say anything, but his gaze glanced at Li Jiayu's round and full chest. The eyes are slightly embarrassing.

"Don't believe it! In short, don't misunderstand. Take a step back and say, I am really a woman... I can't look at the bad guys of Yang An. I tell you, in my home, there are five wives, etc. Let me! Even the children have two!" Li Jiayu angered the Taiwu Emperor, she hates the light smile of the Emperor Wu, because the smile is filled with many inexplicable feelings, see It’s not comfortable for her.

As for the child, it really is. The wife is not pregnant, but the two mother-in-laws are thankful and light, and the feast is pregnant. Even Li Jiayu herself is hard to escape...

"I didn't say anything, it was you too nervous." Taiwu Huang shrugged.

Li Jiayu snorted again and asked him: "What about Yang's others? Why don't you come out to see me?"

At this moment, Li Jiayu really looked forward to seeing Yang An. After all, she witnessed Yang An being beaten up by Hei Jiayu more than a month ago. At that time, she was really worried about death. Now if Yang An can appear in front of her, maybe she will You can use Yang's air to find the city of the sky.

But in any case, Yang An is much more reliable than Tai Wu Huang. At least she is familiar with Yang An. Although the Wu Emperor is a bright and upright person, he occupies the cousin's body. Li Jiayu is going to kill him sooner or later.

"Yang brothers are in a hurry, saying that there is something to be done. After I reported the name to him, he left.... However, I see his manner and the gas field. He is also a person in the dragon and phoenix. Not much worse than me..."

"Leave? Where have you been?"

"Going in the north direction..."

"Take me to catch up with him!" Li Jiayu suddenly bit his teeth and shouted to the Taiwu Emperor.

"What is chasing him?"

"You don't have to take care of me! In short, I just want to catch up with Yang An!"

"It’s hard to catch up with him... He has been on the road for a night, at his speed, I’m afraid I’ve already traveled tens of thousands of kilometers, and my whereabouts have long been lost. How do you catch up?”

"Less nonsense! It’s right to chase it! Anyway, I have to see Yang An again, and I have to win the city of the sky from him!"

Seeing Li Jiayu's eyes filled with an unshakable firmness and perseverance, Taiwuhuang sighed and nodded:

"Well, just take you to him..."

Said, Taiwu Emperor approached Li Jiayu, his hands stretched out, scared Li Jiayu's face again white, angered and added:

"What are you doing again! Go away, don't come near me!"

"Don't hold you, can you fly to the sky and hurry?"

"Roll! I can do it myself!"

Li Jiayu was reluctant to let the Taiwu Emperor touch her again. She simply smothered some jingshén forces and summoned the "Dark Griffin". She rode on the back of the Dark Griffin, and the Taiwu Emperor flew into the sky.

"Dear cousin, your injury has not healed, and if you force jingshén force, it will only make your injury worse." Taiwu Emperor Yukong flight, do not forget to remind.

"You don't need your cat to cry and have a fake child! You yell at me when I am asleep, I haven't found you qingchu yet!" Li Jiayu gnawed his teeth and glanced at Taiwu.

However, when the voice just fell, Li Jiayu felt a tingling in her mind, and then the two eyes were black, and the jingshén force was hard to concentrate. The "dark gryphon" at the foot turned into a white fog and returned to the original world.

Li Jiayu fell into a coma, and aside a trace of blood was spilled around the corner of his mouth. The body immediately fell from the air. Fortunately, the Taiwu Emperor next to him was quick and quick, and he tweeted to catch Li Jiayu.


"This is the consequence of reluctance, dear cousin, you are too superstitious about your physical fitness, you believe it or not, and then use your jingshén force, your injury will be cured for ten days?"


Li Jiayu squinted weakly, and her heart snorted.

Along the way, neither of them said a word. Li Jiayu determined that the Taiwu Emperor’s heart was not a good person, but the Taiwu Emperor was not a nonsense person. The atmosphere between the two was quite blunt.

However, the flight speed of Taiwu Emperor is really not covered. He is like a dragon in the clouds, swimming in the water, flying incredibly fast, even the air is rubbed out of a hood, screaming.

That speed is no slower than the fighter.

In the middle of the journey, I have encountered many relics of civilization, the city of the Middle Ages, the Taoist Temple of the Immortal, the Great Vatican of Buddhism, some vampire castles, and even some high-tech civilizations...

People, but there is no.

However, on the road, there are many grotesque monsters of Warcraft, and some high-tech cannons that still retain energy, and some special life.

Countless unseen creatures, Li Jiayu is stunned, weaker than human beings, strong even able to reach the quasi-legendary level, and even some creatures similar to the snake, about two meters long, with double wings, mouth flame In a group of squadrons in the vicinity of a very large lake, the number of such snakes is scary, and the sky is hidden, and at the end of the day, the conservative estimate is more than one million!

The adult snakes are equivalent to dragons and dragons. They have the second-order low-order power. Don’t look at them. They are not powerful. However, millions of heads of snakes are entangled in the ants, and even the lords of the lords will be alive. Killed!

There are many and many large populations like Teng Snake, but the Taiwu Emperor flies above the sky and avoids contact with those creatures...

Taiwu Emperor has an incomparably strong strength, naturally able to ignore the many monsters of Atlantis, and Li Jiayu also took his blessing, easily surpassed the heavy obstacles, saving a lot of time and energy.

If other inheritors land in Atlantis, it is absolutely difficult to be beaten by many monsters on the mainland. If you are careless, you may lose your life!

After three hours

After crossing a mountain range, Taiwu Huang and Li Jiayu suddenly saw a magnificent and magnificent city. Li Jiayu screamed and screamed:

"Castle in the Sky?"

"What city of the sky?"

"What do you do so! Fly! Speed ​​up the speed to take me to the city of the sky!" Li Jiayu's heart is like a spoonful of butter in a red-hot pot, thoroughly boiled!

Finally, I have to find the city of the sky!

The trip to the South China Sea can finally be a perfect ending...

at the same time

Far away from the distant world of time and space!

"Don't come over, don't come over... you will come back, you will regret it!"

On a steep mountain, the jelly retreats back and forth, and the scary face is full of tears. In front of her is a purple one-horned dragon with a lord's peak!

"Wow, hahaha, call it, you are screaming, the more you scream, the more happy I am, oh, it’s the human chick of the earth. It’s a watery spirit, it’s so many heads, you should be arrogant. Open your thighs, hey, I can use metamorphosis to transform into a human form, to enjoy the wonderful taste of your body..."

The purple one-horned dragon smirked and pressed hard. It liked to see the pitiful and panicked expression of the jelly. (To be continued...)

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