Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1162: Never allowed

I heard Li Jiayu’s shouting, and when the red Xia was struck by lightning, the whole heart became hot!

Jiayu is inside!

Finally I have to see that family!

But listening to the sound, the classroom should be dangerous and Li Jiayu was forced to a desperate situation...

Dyeing Hong Xiaji wants to rush into the classroom to clear all the bugs, but the front door is tightly closed, apparently for fear that the sickle worms and poisonous spiders in the corridor will come in...


Dyeing Hongxia coldly snorted, but the alloy iron gates in the area could not stop her, but she saw her taking a deep breath, running the blood in the body, releasing a powerful energy, and she also realized the lord-level sword fairy. The unique sword-hearted environment, the clear doubles flashed through two brilliant lights. [This article comes from]

Immediately, she turned her body, and with the strength of her waist, her hands slammed down the fire axe. The axe was covered with a layer of golden yellow suffocating, blurred but smashed!


A sound almost broke the sound of the eardrum, dyed Hongxia only felt that his arms were shocked and shocked, the tiger's mouth will almost burst bleeding, but her efforts have also received a generous return, that is, the alloy door panel The lock was completely destroyed by her axe!

The fire axe has been turned upside down, and it is no longer the previous sharp, but the red Xia is too lazy to care, too lazy to care about the pain of his hands, now she only wants to do one thing, That is - hurry to protect Li Jiayu!


When I slammed my foot, I broke open the damaged classroom door, and I was so anxious that I was struck by the red glow. When she was dancing, she saw a mess in the classroom, and it was the blood of the earth. And the body, less than a dozen students also died on the spot. And those desks and chairs were cluttered to the ground.

In the air, it is a dull, suffocating **** smell...

Dyeing Hongxia quickly scanned for a week, but did not find Li Jiayu, she only saw a few boys are waving their steel chairs with red eyes, fighting with two sickle beetles and two poisonous spiders, fighting blood!

The boys were obviously not afraid of death. Now they all have a stinky sweat. The face is covered with blue veins. One of the boys has broken one arm. However, he still struggled in the first front line, and he did not want to break the bleeding of the left arm wound. He only desperately waved a steel bar with his left hand, and screamed wildly in his mouth, apparently giving himself courage.

"Kill. Kill these dog breeders and avenge the dead classmates!"

"Dog hybrids will also drag you down to hell!"

The boys have been blinded by hatred and fear. Even if they dyed Hongxia to break into the door and make such a big move, they would not turn their heads and look at her slightly. They only killed and forced the four dangerous ratios. Worm...

In addition to these boys, there are also two girls who come forward to help the war, that is, Han Xiaowei and Hua Xiaotong. One is Li Jiayu's childhood sweetheart, and the other is Li Jiayu's pursuer. Although they are weak women, they have not withdrawn from danger. All of them were excited to lift a chair, and they went forward to help the boys to fight against the insects.

In the corner of the classroom, there were four boys and six girls shivering there. The whole body was tight and his face was all white. Obviously, they couldn’t bring up the courage to fight with the worms. They only knew that they were greedy and fearful of death. The six girls were unbearable. They were so scared that they couldn’t stand up. They cried and cried, and the lower body was still wet. I don’t have to think about it, I’m sure it’s wet pants...


The eight eyes of a poisonous spider shimmered with scarlet light. In an instant, it had eight legs, and Qibi rushed to the face of the one-armed boy. The eight legs clasped his face tightly!


The boy was miserable and miserable, because the fluff of the poisonous spider was as sharp as a needle, and it had already penetrated his face, and the eight spider legs were also madly swiping on his face. Bloodstains, in addition to it squirming, madly biting the boy's scalp!

But at this moment!

A golden sword like lightning, "穿透" penetrated the air, and the rapid spurt came, just a flash of light, the spider holding the boy's face was cut off by the sword. !

The broken spider corpse fell to the ground on the ground.

Seeing that this spider was so easily killed, everyone finally turned their eyes back slightly, but they saw that the heroic and bright red Xia was holding two axes, and they all released a savage domineering.


Just when everyone’s head couldn’t turn around, dyed Hongxia again waved two axe in a row, but saw two fierce swords smashing into the air, like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables, flying easily in the air. The two sickle beetles on the ceiling give you a left and right body!

In the next moment, the dyed Hongxia figure moved quickly, and a residual image was taken. When everyone saw her again, she had already plucked eight meters away, and had already cut off the head of the last spider with an axe!


Everyone felt that there was a blank in their minds, and they even took a sip of cool air, and they were deeply impressed by the superb hand of Hongxia. After all, the four worms that the whole class had been desperately trying to beat were In two seconds, it was dyed with red Xia to kill a fine light. This kind of female-like statue is really amazing.

"Oh, oh, my face..."

The one-armed boy was screaming and screaming. His entire face had turned into a cyan, but when he was a poisonous spider holding his head, he injected too many toxins into him...

Once the spider is poisonous, ordinary people will die in half a minute.

In the world where Li Jiayu was born again, Hua Xiaotong was once bitten by a spider, but Li Jiayu immediately cut the head of the sickle beetle. Under the circumstance, he obtained the brain of the insect, and used the brain to give her poison to save. Her life...

However, today's one-armed boy is back to heaven, his entire face is full of spider's poisonous fluff, and the head shell is bitten by spiders, too much venom is injected...

"Classmate, you hold on! How to hold on!"

Dyeing Hongxia could not bear to see the classmate being poisoned. So she also wants to find the body of the sickle beetle to take the brain, although there are three or four beetles on the ground, but the dyed Hongxia does not have the indestructible ice round pills, and does not have the broken dream of breaking all obstacles. Knife, all she has is a fire axe that has rolled over the blade...

It is very difficult to cut the beetle's skull with a fire axe. It takes at least ten seconds to make it possible...

So, five seconds later, the painful sorrow of the one-armed boy subsided. His whole body was soft and the whole skin turned into a horrible purple-black, and the seven bleeds, the whole face swollen into the washbasin, watching the disgusting ......

Dyeing red Xia is also silent. Forced to put down the axe in her hand, she had only had time to break a crack in the skull of the sickle beetle...

The classmates in the classroom were also immersed in a mournful atmosphere. Although everyone was rescued, they heard the dying mourning of the one-armed boy and witnessed him dying in the end. He must have been happy...

"Ronaldinho, hehe... Ronaldinho, go with peace of mind. I will help you take care of your girlfriend..."

The sweaty Lin Zhibin gasped and put down the tattered chair in his hand. Immediately, his eyes looked at the red glow and licked the cracked lips:

"Dyeing the president. Fortunately, you have a shot to help, otherwise ... we may be really finished, not only Ronaldinho will die, even we are afraid that few can survive ... Hey. Look, you Look... the classmates in the class are already half dead! I, I really can’t believe that it’s all true...”

Dyeing Hongxia sighed and sighed. Consolation:

"The deceased has been paralyzed... In the face of this disaster, your duty is to protect yourself and protect the people who are still alive. Well, it is too dangerous here. You are going to the 13th floor to take refuge..."


Lin Zhibin’s grief nodded and nodded. A pair of tigers shed tears of hot water. His roommates and brothers all died in the battle of the genius of the genius. From then on, he was left alone.

He regrets why he just chose to stand alone in the classroom...

Although there are many bugs on the corridor just now, if the people rushed out together, the casualties will not be too much. Now it is good. Because of the choice of staying in the classroom, the classmates have been killed and injured more than half!

"Lin Zhibin, Li Jiayu, classmates...how didn't you see him..." dyed Hongxia suddenly asked.

"Ah? Li Jiayu, he..." Lin Zhibin heard the words, could not help but change his face, turned his head and looked at the crowd in a corner strangely, apparently Lin Zhibin was quite dissatisfied with Li Jiayu's embarrassment.

Li Jiayu is a male student, but she does not know how to fight for help. Instead, she is like a girl who hides in a corner with a group of girls. It is really ugly!

"I... I am here... I am dyed the president, are you looking for me?"

Sure enough, the crowd in the corner heard a weak voice, and then a boy stood up!


This is Li Jiayu!

He just squatted on the ground and held his head. It was blocked by the girl, and she did not find her when she dyed Hongxia.

And there is another important point...

Today's Li Jiayu is black hair!

In the impression of dyeing Hongxia, Li Jiayu should be a white-haired blue dragon and a cold gas field...

However, today's Li Jiayu is obviously an ordinary black hair, although the facial features are more delicate than women, but his skin is too white, the gas field is very weak, his face is full of expressions of panic and collapse, stunned Cry, at first glance, you know that it’s a particularly bully person...

Yes, now Li Jiayu is still a sissy!

Li Jiayu, who is white-haired and blue, absolutely no one dares to say that he is a sissy, because he is overbearing and powerful, and people respectfully turn Li Jiayu into a patron.

Dyeing Hongxia stared at the boy who was stunned...

There was a ripple in her throat, and her whole body was shuddering, and her mind seemed to be short-circuited.

how is this possible!

What exactly is going on……

Why, why did Li Jiayu not become a white hair blue?

She clearly remembers that on the first day of the eruption of the last days, Li Jiayu became as bright as the wind and snow. He held the snowflake ice-cold pill with a pink giant octopus, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves. All the way to the horrible worms, even the second-class mid-level female Luo Teng is still defeated by him...

Even when Li Jiayu was about to resurrect that night, the sky was summoned by him to phantoms of legendary creatures such as Frost Dragon, Nine-headed Firefox, Iron Armor, Lich King, Fallen Angel King, etc. The momentum is like a landslide. It’s scary and almost collapsed, and the entire Xijiang City’s worms have also surrendered under the pressure of those phantoms...


Li Jiayu, who is in the memory of Lunbi... Now, it will be a sissy who hides behind the woman!

"Jiayu... Why are you still this look? Your ice round pills and octopus..." Dyeing Hongxia shook his head incredulously, tears burst out.

"Ah? Ice Wheel Pills? I, I don't know... I am so scared..."

Li Jiayu simply did not know why she was crying because she was dyed. I don’t know why I was particularly worried about him. At this moment, Li Jiayu only knew that she was scared and soft, and she couldn’t think of anything in her mind because he As soon as you close your eyes, you will see the fangs' claws and faces, and the students will be tragically dead...

He is really scared, afraid that he will become a dead body!

He can't afford a little courage...

Because he is not a courageous and **** man since he was young!

"Jiayu, you...hey..."

Dyeing Hongxia smiled and shook her head, her face was full of an unprecedented loss, and she seemed to understand what was hidden.

It is no wonder that Li Jiayu was so powerful and violent at the beginning, even that Li Jiayu was still rude and fierce to her and gentle to Xiao Xiaoqing...

It turned out that it was because Li Jiayu was born again once!

Just like she is now...

She, isn’t she returning to the starting point of the past, the day when the last day broke out?

Ha ha……

Li Jiayu, you got me so hard and hard...

"Dyeing the president, what's wrong with you? Don't you cry... You still have to take us upstairs to take refuge..." I saw the dyed Hongxia with a smirk, how could the tears stop and cry red eyes, Lin Zhibin, etc. People can't help but rush, thinking that the dyed Hongxia is the 20 students who died in grief.

"I'm fine... just sand blows into my eyes..."

Dyeing Hongxia wiped her tears, and silently looked at Li Jiayu, who was scared and stunned. Then she bit her teeth and suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Jiayu’s arm and said:

"Jiayu, go upstairs with me, I will protect you..."

At the same time, dyed Hongxia said to himself in the heart:

"Jiayu, you are mine... In this world, I won't let you be taken away by anyone, even if it is a small donkey!"

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