Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1184: Black and white

Black Jiayu did not suppress the legendary power of the boundless majesty. In the presence, as long as the person with a keen sense of acuity pays a little attention, he can detect the difference of the black jade. Just look at her eyes, you will Will involuntarily rise up to surrender to her, let her dominate the sense of life and death.

Chu Xiang, Yang Xuyan, Li Mo, Wang Yang and others were secretly surprised. It was really a three-day singer, and it was only two months later. Li Jiayu was promoted from the original lord level to the legendary level!

Li Jiayu has such strength...

Then, under the heavens, who can still host her, what zerg dragons and abyss, how many will die, and the survivors of Yucheng will sit back and relax!

Liu Yinsha and Fang Fang on the side are extremely strange.

Don't forget, on an island, Liu Yinsha mistakenly thought that the black Jiayu was Bai Jiayu. She had done some extremely shameful things to her, and even stuffed the twin beads into the body of the black jade... ... tortured black jade to die.

I couldn’t think of it so fast, Liu Yinsha met with Hei Jiayu...

Liu Yinsha couldn't help but recall the style of the night, and taste the taste of black jade juice. Her heart is itchy. Now there are still a few "love potions" on hand, so I don't know how to find opportunities again. Jiayu swallowed it!

However, Liu Yinsha is not an idiot. She knows that she should be married with her tail. Don’t let Black Jiayu find her too early. At the very least, I have to wait until the limelight has passed before I dare to appear in front of Black Jiayu. Black Jiayu quietly took out a feather mask while he was hugging his family. She was wearing her face and covering her face, and then she hid in the end of the crowd. Extremely low-key, so as not to let Black Jiayu notice her...

"Jiayu, have you been doing well these days..." He was holding Li Jiayu's hand, tearful eyes, but staring at the eyes of his lover with infinite surprise, crying and asking: "Do you know." I have been worried about dying you for the past two months... I am afraid that you have something wrong, every day, you will not worry about turning the opposite side of the tea, and praying for you... After that, I will never let you leave for so long!"

"Tang you can rest assured, I will not go anywhere, always with you!" Black Jiayu excited to once again hug the perilla in his arms, greedily grabbed the warmth of the church.

Holding the church. Black Jiayu thoughts flying. It seems that when I returned to the city for a few years ago, when I was alone and fragile and helpless, it was the time that the church was taken care of and taken care of, so that the black jade survived. It was also the way that the black jade really took the road to the strong. ......

"Jiayu, you..."

晏 晏 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被Li Jiayu is rarely so crying, and even more puzzling. I don't know what kind of nerves Li Jiayu sent, but once again called her "tang", the relationship between the two had already poked the film.

"Jiayu, don't hold your scorpion so tightly." Li Donglin patted Black Jiayu's shoulder and sighed. For him, as long as Li Jiayu is safe, he has nothing to ask for.

"Dad! I am not filial, in the future, I must listen to you in any words!" Black Jiayu was planted in Li Donglin's arms, sobbing in a low voice, she wanted to stop crying, but her heart was raging. Underneath, where can you control the mood of boiling?

Once again, I feel the warmth of my father. Black Jiayu feels warm. In the past life, she was excessively pursuing strength. At the most vulnerable time, she wanted to go out and hunt the giant insects in exchange for insect crystals to support her family. At that time, she only had one level. High-ranking, father Li Donglin repeatedly advised not to listen, she ran out to take risks, the result dragged a serious injury and sick back to dying, Li Donglin reluctantly agreed to the conditions of the research institute, willing to be transformed into a biochemical **** body in exchange for his son Life-saving opportunity...

Because it has been lost, Black Jiayu will be full of regrets, because it will be recovered, Black Jiayu will know how to cherish, her fists are pinched tightly, and her nails are almost completely sunken into the palm...

"Brother, what's wrong with you today? I cried and cried when I couldn't move. I cried into a big cat." Li Banyue smiled heartily and pointed at the tears of He Jiayu.

Black Jiayu is too lazy to wipe his tears, just looking at his own sister with incomparably complicated eyes...

"Half a month, I can see you again, it’s good. Will we continue to play old games tonight?"

"Neurology, brother, how old are old games, who wants to hide from you, and you are the savior, the legendary master, I will hide from the end of the world, but you can't hide from you! You can cook for me every day, brother, you have to learn how to cook!" Li Banyue smiled like a blooming daffodil, delicate and dripping.

"Yes, I will!"

Black Jiayu’s heart was hot, and she suddenly found out... In her own heart, she still had a place for her sister. After all, the feelings accumulated over the past decade have been so deep, and she also knows from Bai Jiayu’s mouth that she and Li’s family In fact, there is no blood relationship. As long as she thinks, of course, she can also find her sister. Oh, no, it’s Bai Jiayu who can find her sister...

"Jiayu, you will be back soon... These days, hard work, you must have suffered a lot?"

Suddenly, the platycodon came up, stroking the cheeks of the black jade, with endless tenderness in his eyes.

"Who are you? Don't touch me."

Black Jiayu’s face was old and long, and he looked at the bellflowers with some uncomfortable feelings.

"Jiayu... Don't you kidding? I am a platycodon..."

The platycodon face was slightly white, and some shook his head in disbelief. She couldn’t understand why Li Jiayu was so kind to other people, but she did not care about her...

She, well, is also the contractual partner of Li Jiayu, and they are still extremely embarrassed men and women friends!

Don't forget, the two men were on the road to escape from the city, but when Li Jiayu tried to stop the mother, but he was sleeping with the bellflower every night!

"Who is the bellflower? I don't know... I am very busy now. You should stay and go. The bright Li Jiayu you like is still on the top of the sky city. I will take you there later."

"Guangming Li Jiayu?"

Everyone looks at each other, big eyes glaring at the small eyes, what is the light and dark Li Jiayu?

Is this black hair Li Jiayu in front of me different from Li Jiayu that everyone knows? (To be continued...)

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