Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1201: Debut

The world where Li Jiayu is located is turbulent and turbulent, and it has fallen into an unprecedented disaster. The earth in the parallel world is still prosperous and peaceful, prosperous and eager to move forward toward the era of high-tech development. (Baidu search Li Jiayu's world because there is no Anshi chaos, miraculously continued for thousands of years in the Tang Dynasty, therefore, Li Jiayu's world has embarked on another very different path, where the heavens are the most powerful in the world The country is also a magical country that is admired by hundreds of countries around the world.


In the parallel world of the earth, the Tian dynasty is much worse. It is called China. Although it has developed rapidly after the reform and opening up, it has exposed many drawbacks at the time of development. The pursuit of economic benefits has neglected the construction of moral civilization. Therefore, China is an extremely contradictory country, and its national strength can rank in the top three in the world, but the people’s living standards are the world’s countdown...

Time is already in the summer of 2019, July 11.

It’s been half a year since the last Mid-Autumn Festival...

However, people all over the world have not forgotten the last Mid-Autumn Festival, because that Mid-Autumn Festival has come to a dusty fairy. Her arrival has captured the hearts of all people and conquered the whole world...

More and more people are going to China to learn about China's historical and cultural heritage and want to know more about the legend of "The Fairy Fairy"...

The albums, videos, photos, and posters of "Zhu Xianzi" are still popular all over the world. They are highly sought after by many people. In various universities and even cities, there are some hard-core fan groups that are obsessed with fans, even on the Internet. It is also madly circulating all kinds of pictures, videos, and even some of the surrounding people, poetry prose.

Especially the fairy. Sticking up to 50 million members, far more than "Li Yi Bar" "World of Warcraft", has become the most popular online post bar in the days of the sky, the daily postings are simply difficult to count, just more than three hundred administrators...

As for the things that the fairy used to live in Hong Kong, who passed through, slept, and lived, I don’t know how many rich people are snapped up, even if a chair that the fairy was sitting in at the restaurant was The auction price is high.

Some people say that the things used by the fairy are stained with scent. If a mortal can absorb that scent, he will be able to live longer and be happy for a long time.

"Hey, it’s been half a year... For half a year, the fairy hasn’t come... I won’t really have to wait for the Mid-Autumn Festival every year. I want to die. Anyway, I In any case, I have to see her on my own eyes, otherwise I will be too worthless in my life..."** Silk complained that he had a fan with the head of Bai Jiayu in his hand.

"Oh, brothers, people are fairies. We can see the mortal blessings of eight generations. You still hope to see her real people, don't be stupid, we shouldn't have anything to do with this kind of silk." I think, oh right. How did you use so many paper towels last night, is it stunned again?"

"I said a few of you, don't interrupt your mouth! People are not what fairy knows, some time ago. Didn't broadcast her battle video, didn't see her alone, a large group of magic turtles, tentacles And vines. There are still some videos, she is fighting for those giant worms... Her name is Li Jiayu, it is not the fairy we imagined, she is actually human, understand!" ** silk anger.

"Fart, how do you know that people are not fairies... She admits that she is embarrassed, maybe, those battle videos are just movies that are boring in the fairy world? Or maybe the fairy reincarnation, reincarnation to a doomsday The world..."** The silk retorted.

"Don't quarrel, do you have a beautiful girl and you have a relationship with you, concentrate on doing our business, let's all come to this Chinese game show for a long time, don't let his mother talk about the fairy, can't do it anyway, anyway, you guys I can't eat her anymore. If I have that energy, I might as well go around and see the beauty of those booths!"

**The silk curse snorted, and this only woke up the three companions from the dispute.


The crowds are full of people, and the streets are full of new and gorgeous booths. There are dazzling and dazzling flashes everywhere, and from time to time there are also beautiful stage ladies who are beheaded.


Here, it is the most grand game show in China. This is the most memorable event in the 2019 game event!

Many online game giants in China have emerged in this game exhibition. Shanda, Perfect, Giant, NetEase, Sohu, Baidu, each game company is strong and not a fuel-efficient lamp. Their booths promote the new hot games. Many game enthusiasts come to test the water, in addition, there are many exposed, **** and hot "", that is, the game crush on the booth danced, singing and singing, full of fashion sense.

In addition to the large domestic companies, there are many foreign game companies that come to share a piece of cake. As the Chinese market grows bigger, it is Blizzard, Activision, ea, r star, demon cat, Capcom, and Glory. Game makers such as the trousers and so on are also present. They are swaying blonde white beauty, or acting as a female actress in Japan, attracting the attention of many game otaku...

Of course, this is not the world of online games. The single-player game also occupies a huge market share. Therefore, there are not a few online games and stand-alone activities. Some companies have specially invited domestic well-known cos teams to perform. Show, play a role...

On the booth, some people played the Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man, some played the Naruto, some played the Saint Seiya, some played "Two Women", some played "World of Warcraft"...

A variety of exotic costumes, novelty and weird shapes, coupled with the dynamic music and colorful lights, also brought a magical atmosphere to the game exhibition...

Especially in the afternoon when the game is about to be released, there will be more cosplay performances, not only the official professional co-color, but even the visitors have a lot of spontaneous cos, out of the limelight.


There are sounds of camera photos everywhere, as well as flashes of photos. I believe that this evening, the major forums and major stickers, and even the various game sites will affix these photos to young people who like games.

"Look and see, it's not the super-female female cos, the cos is the most beautiful."

"That one, that water Linger, Zhao Linger of her cos is called expressive..."

"The trough, the wild boar sister finally appeared, and her role in Naomi and Lei Fang is called classic..."

"The house goddess and goddess are on the scene, what are you waiting for? Let’s go and see the people’s style..."

As if it was an appointment, in the hour before the game exhibition was about to be released, it reached an unprecedented **, many of them only appeared in the legendary female co-color, and suddenly caused a burst of embarrassment and pursuit. The voice is very lively and lively.

Especially the professional co-color of a Korean team, with years of experience, and expensive armor, as well as the makeup skills of the gods, plus the expressions and movements that are in place, so the magic characters of their cos are It’s pretty good, it’s a big show.

However, a Chinese cos is not inferior. One of the super beautiful women is playing a quaint female fairy. She has a good face and a graceful attitude. She is not inferior to those stars. She is wearing pure white tulle. Hold the squat, gently step on the lotus, swaying.

Her cos turned out to be a fairy half a year ago!

Although her face and temperament are far worse than Bai Jiayu, she imitates Li Jiayu everywhere, but it also imitates quite well. There are two points of Bai Jiayu. More importantly, she is truly present in front of everyone. Naturally, it also attracted a lot of applause and good voices...

At the end of the song, the female co-color was bent over to the audience, and she smiled sweetly. At the same time, her heart was thinking about it with great enthusiasm. With today’s performance, it is bound to gather huge popularity, and maybe even Let the fans of Yuxianzi love the house and Wu, and also like her, then she will be just around the corner when she becomes a big star...

But just as she is about to step down and shake hands with the audience -

A thing that surprised everyone was happening.


The power system of the entire venue was damaged, and some of the high-powered bulbs were burned out, and there was a thick black smoke.

At this time, it was already 6:30 in the afternoon. Without the electric light, the venue seemed quite dim. Although it could not be said that it was not reaching out, it also greatly hindered the vision of everyone...

“Hey? How did you lose power?”

"Where, the management side, how to do it, when you don't power off, you have to come at this time, deliberately not..."

“Everyone is a little bit safe, the management will soon resume power...”

Everyone complained that the booth manager also ran out to explain, but then, everyone found something even more amazing!

That is... the power of the audience seems to be isolated!

"Not good, my mobile phone and camcorder have failed, no electricity, right? It’s just full of electricity!"

"Yeah, my camera can't open..."

"My electronic watch is also broken..."

"I'm not right, how can this happen? The lights of Nima's exhibition are burned. It can be said that the power supply system is out of order, but why are our independent small appliances also with power failures?"

Everyone was puzzled and even quarreled. Some people still shouted, "No mistakes. I bought the apples of the seven local golds. I have broken in two days." There are also a few female audiences. The face was full of resentment, because the massage sticks inserted in their underwear actually lost power, which made them no longer dark.

Just when everyone is wondering -

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