Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1204: Plant puzzle

After the lights were restored, the people in the game hall couldn’t find Li Jiayu. Don’t worry about how much loss of anxiety in the heart, thousands of people like players, journalists, performers, staff, etc., rummaged through the entire hall, even the men’s toilet. Every toilet in the women's toilet has not been let go, but the result is so confusing.

"I can't find the little Loli, it's a big loss. I haven't had time to take pictures of her. God, it's a big loss!"

"It’s strange that this power failure has not come late, why is it when she appeared, and all the facilities of our mobile phone camera have been broken, but why did she disappear, our mobile camera It is back to normal..."

"Is it true that she is actually a female ghost or a banshee? Is there a strange ability? Otherwise, how can there be such a beautiful and indecent beauty in this world?"

"Stupid you, people are all immortals, they have no ability to affect the power facilities, and can't even smash thousands of mobile phones, let alone female ghosts... So, this may just be a coincidence, anyway. Don't push anything evil to the little girl..."

"But our mobile phones are not lost at the same time, it is not a signal, but the collective can not boot... This is not evil?"

"Okay, don't bother... It's still out of the game hall. Go outside and look for the little Lolita. Maybe someone hasn't gone far, we still have a chance to meet her again..."

With that said, many players rushed out of the hall and ran towards the roads in all directions, even though they all knew that the chance of encountering the stunning Lolita on the street was very low, I am afraid that it would be less than one in ten thousand. Then hope is not?

If you can take a photo with the stunning Loli, then it is something to be proud of, or to be friends with her. Will definitely be killed...

In addition to the otaku and the madness of the players, many of the full-time game reporters in the club are also taking action. They rely on the professional standards of the paparazzi, think about where the little loli may go, and quickly write a manuscript, intending to hurry on the game consulting website. Logging out and letting people all over the world know that this game has seen a very amazing girl, her beautiful and lovely. And her brutal violence is enough to kill all young people.

"The blast is in full swing, and a mysterious loli is crawling out of the performance coffin. The power of the whole audience is ten minutes!"

"There are thousands of people in the hall who are shocked. What do they see? Thousands of mobile phones are smashing. What is the mysterious force? All the co-colors are utterly dull. Who is stealing them? The potted plants in the hall are all It’s crazy, it’s getting more green, how is this mysterious? Everything is in this issue of the game express!”

"Weird! Potted plants are actually two meters high in ten minutes? Qiqiqi! Iron tree actually blossomed in ten minutes? Different! Plant roots specimens, why suddenly recover, and then shoot new sprouts? Doubt The lawn turned out to be twice as long in ten minutes! Confused! Why are the trees on both sides of the street full of black flowers in ten minutes? A subversive night of biology. Let the scientists hit the wall with strange mystery, you deserve one look!"

The crazy reporter, just in a short while, drafted a draft. Immediately, you can save the keyboard and play the code quickly. Be sure to write the manuscript at the first time and then post it on the website or magazine...

Yes. correct……

In addition to that amazing Loli, in addition to the weird blackout...

There are also more puzzling things that are also happening...

because. All the plants within 100 meters of the hall have produced different degrees of variation, some of which are soaring in volume, some are old trees, some are completely in violation of natural laws, and some plants are dead and resurrected!

Especially the black flowers hanging on the street... that can make people want to break their heads, not to mention that the tree varieties on the roadside will not bloom at all, even in nature, there are very few black flowers...

Flowers are usually in a variety of bright colors. Only some very rare plants will produce black flowers... And in the horror story, black flowers represent ominous, but somehow, those street trees are out. The flowers are unusually fragrant, unusually beautiful, and I don’t know if I will bear fruit...

I believe that once this phenomenon is announced, it will definitely cause a sensational effect in the country, and let botanists and geneticists all over the world flock to find the bottom...

In the game hall, I soon came to the highest person in charge, and also came to a lot of big wealthy bosses, even Liang Yiren, one of the country’s former richest people, was also present personally. After all, the noise that came out of this time was too big. Even he was alarmed.

He just had dinner at a nearby hotel. In his view, the game is a sunrise industry and has an increasingly important position in people's lives. He believes that the game industry will be more profitable in the future, so he is also very concerned. This game event, however, he never expected that this game event will have so many changes in ten minutes...

"What do you say? After the power outage, a little girl with black eyes and red eyes ran out of the coffin? Her clothes are flowing liquid? She put down the **** son of Liu shareholders with a fist? She will shine on her body? After she converges I quickly fled the scene and fled under the crowd of thousands of people. Then when I got the electricity, did you discover that the plants here have changed?"

A middle-aged man with a cane wearing a Zhongshan suit, with a big oily back, a red-faced face, a slightly bloated body, but a kind of anger.

After quietly listening to the report of the relevant person in charge, he narrowed his eyes and immediately asked the responsible person such a series of questions.

"Yes... Liang Zong, this is the case..." The person in charge deeply screamed at the middle-aged man. Although there was no expression on his face, his heart was also very embarrassing.

"Oh... I understand, Ah Hong, you don't have to look at me like this. I know that you are telling the truth... After all, what thousands of people have seen, can't be faked. Moreover, some time ago, there was a black dragon attacking the United States to destroy the military. Base, the column of the concert under the fairy fairy... This is a strange thing, I still believe..."

The middle-aged man nodded and his eyes suddenly became sharp. The crutches in his hand also gently slammed on the ground, thinking about it again:

"Hey, Ah Hong, the girl you said... maybe it's related to the plants that have changed. She may have some kind of mysterious power... If there is a chance, we'd better make a relationship with that girl, understand. ?"


"Oh, yes, Ah Hong, they just talked about the appearance of the little girl, but what do you think?" The middle-aged asked again.

"It's hard to compare, but the little girl's appearance is not worse than that. I was quite heart-warming at the time... Maybe after she grew up, it was the second one... Liang Zong, but unfortunately everyone at our scene Didn't take a photo of her... Although some people have already sketched her portrait, she can't accurately depict her charm and eyes... In short, she is indeed a person who can't forget her life after seeing it. Beautiful girl..." The person in charge recalled it, and then sighed a little, and there was a bit of intoxication on his face.

"Oh... well, I believe, one day, I can see her with my own eyes... just like I ran to Hong Kong to participate in a concert..."

The middle-aged man smiled happily, and he was embarrassed, and the partner companions in his suits and suits also showed his longing for color.

嫦娥仙子 is beautiful, extremely beautiful, beautiful, but her **** dragon has not seen the end, it has disappeared for so long, and she is so noble and glamorous, mortals simply do not dare to give birth to her heart I don’t even dare to touch her...

But that little loli is different, she may not be a fairy, she may be a mortal, a creature that lives on earth like everyone else...

Life is alive, many times, there are only two pursuits, one is career, the other is love...

An undeveloped little girl, of course, few people will raise her love for her, but it is because of her young age that it will inspire more people's dark minds...

Black Jiayu did not know that she was just a high-profile person who first came to the parallel plane, causing such a big incident and pulling the attention of countless people...

However, the world also does not know, in fact, this black-haired violent little girl has caused great sensation with the big half a year ago, and the "Fairy Fairy" that repels the dark evil dragon has the same soul, but this little girl is more rude. It’s just violent.

"Hey...what should I go to..."

After the black jade came out of the hall, she ran away along the path. She didn't like the crowds, and she didn't like the strangers who gambled on her. She always had a kind of inexplicable irritability.

She prefers darkness, prefers to be quiet, prefers to be alone, and prefers challenging challenges...

However, standing in the alleys of the street, smelling the hot pot smelling from the next door, listening to the audio songs from the square not far away, Li Jiayu did not know where to go, she suddenly found out that she was actually in this city. So uncomfortable and unfamiliar.

She has become accustomed to struggling in the last days, getting used to killing in a desperate desperate situation, getting used to getting along with ugly undead creatures...

Therefore, when she came to such a bustling city where people came and went, she naturally felt uncomfortable, like some ants crawling on the skin, inexplicably with a slight itching.

She looked around, but did not know if she should go to eat something, or should she leave the city quickly...

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