Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1237: Thunder sea prison

"Oh shit!"

A man violently slammed his handle on the ground, his face was full of twisted blue veins, and even his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes under fury. The whole person was like a mad bull. Literature Museum

"Impossible... Impossible, absolutely impossible... Illusion, I must have an illusion, right, how could he become so powerful... Don’t say it’s an illusion, even a world-class master, It is impossible to abuse me like a dog like him!"

This man is not someone else. It was just in the game that Li Jiayu was abused by the "mad dog gun" Luo Wei.

He can't accept his own defeat, and he can't accept that the former enemies will become so powerful, it is simply beyond the limits of humanity!

If it is not because of understanding the structure of the game, he is almost skeptical that the other party is using a plug-in!

Luo Min’s mind constantly reveals the memory of the battle with Li Jiayu. “Yan back”, “blocking”, “borrowing power”, “sniping” and “returning”, every move is like this. As if through the most sophisticated calculations, these moves are like movie clips, clearly flashing in Luo's mind.

A person……

How can you make the game characters so fascinating?

Luo Wei felt that his confidence had completely collapsed. As he reminisced in his mind, his mental endurance became more and more fragile, and he was completely defeated by the unparalleled manipulation method...


At this time, the phone suddenly rang, and Luo Yan’s cold sweaty face flashed a lucid color, and he recovered from the huge frustration.

"Hey, Luo Wei, have you finished the task on the other side? Have you already cleaned up the 'crushing' equipment? Hehe. Another good player has successfully slammed their vice president and killed him. At the 30th level, haha, this union has no two signature characters in the union. The land reclamation is destined to fail."

A thick voice of a middle-aged man was heard on the phone. It was the president of the "mad dog gun" Luo Wei. It is said to be a coal boss. The family has broken through the nine-digit number and is a big local tyrant. This time, someone sent a sniper to Lin Jia is what he did. Even Luo Wei’s “Shenying Gun” worth 120,000 was also given by the coal boss.

"Meet, president... Some things, I think I need to explain..." Luo's voice was a little hoarse.

“Hey? What do you need to explain? Don’t you catch ‘crush’?”

The boss of the coal boss did not even think that Luo Wei, who is one of the best in the conference, would fail. After all, the strength of Luo Wei was there, and the whole service was ranked in the top 30. Moreover, he also spent 300,000 to build the best weapons and the best equipment, which is almost as strong as a player npc, killing God and killing Buddha.

"The president... is like this... because of an accident..." The voice of Luo Wei is getting lower and lower.

"What an accident? You are hurrying to say, dumb, isn't it?" The boss of the coal boss snorted in the heart, and the ominous premonition rose.

"It's like this... At the beginning, I did not abuse him. When he killed him, he exploded a knife and a necklace, but..."

"But what! Is it difficult for people who have nostalgia to come out and help?" The patience of the coal boss president is almost exhausted.

"No..." Luo Wei swallowed a bitter bite. Smiled bitterly: "But after he was resurrected by our blood, it was like using chicken blood, using only one knife, and using hundreds of accurate 'Swallow' and block, sniper sniper. Just hung up..."

"Hang up? Are you being hanged? Are you kidding me? He cuts a knife with a drop of blood and cuts you to death? If you are fucking, even if you stand and let him cut, he will cut you too. You can't cut you in seven or eight minutes. What did you eat during this time?" The boss of the coal boss took the case and the voice increased by several tens of decibels. The eardrum that shakes the mad dog’s guns is faint and painful.

"Not... it’s also a bad thing. I didn’t hit him from start to finish. Instead, he was unable to find the North by his ghostly attack... Oh, yes, president, if you don’t believe... I will The recorded video is for you. After watching the video, you will know how I lost..." The voice of Luo Wei is all helpless and bitter. As for hatred, there is not much.

Everyone worships the strong, and the mad dog is no exception. When he is quite similar to Lin Jia’s technology, Lin Jia is naturally regarded as a nail in the eye, but when he sees the "Lin Jia" anti-day operation, he will be in the bottom of his heart. Raise the sense of powerlessness, not to mention the rise of vengeance to catch up, even the low-lying heart is gone, the only thing left is to look up and marvel.

Therefore, Luo Wei admitted that it was very simple and neat, not looking for an excuse such as "Lin Jia used plug-in" and "handle is broken" "being encircled" to cover up his failure.

" Lost? Fucking, you didn't pat your chest and said to me, how much do you have, how can you be killed by your fateful opponent now? You are this rice bucket!"

"President... there is still something to tell you..."

"Say it!"

"The eagle gun you gave me was blown out by him..."

"Dog eggs! You are also lost in the 120,000-year-old Condor gun? You are useless hybrids. It is better for Laozi to raise a dog when you raised it!"

"President, don't be angry... I will send you a video, and you will understand after reading..."

The mad dog gun Luo Wei passed the battle video from the mobile phone to the coal boss president. The coal boss president was able to bear the heart. When I first started watching it, I felt that there was nothing. After all, the first few minutes were the golden armored samurai swordsman. In two or three minutes, it fell into a pool of blood.

However, after the resurrection of the Swordsman, the coal boss immediately tightened his pupils, and he was shocked by the gorgeous movements of the swordsman's body, pace, rhythm, counterattack, etc.

When he finished watching this video, it was also a long time that he couldn’t speak the language. After a long while, he reacted and called Lu Luo:

"Ronaldinho, you are defeated, and you encounter this kind of god-level opponent. I am afraid that all the five best players in our union are not his opponents. Hey, this failure does not blame you, it is strange to blame him... You don’t want to go out with your people first, and don’t bother to go to the 'crushing'. I will talk to him personally tomorrow to see if I can dig him into our union... If he comes to our union, It will inevitably achieve the brilliance of our trade unions and become the most powerful trade union in the history of the Dragon Tomb..."

"Yes, I understand."

Immediately, the battle video recorded by Luo Wei was spread in a small area in the guild. After many of the game players saw the video, all the chins fell on the ground, and the exclamations came one after another, shouting: We are not playing the same game, we are not in the same world!"

at the same time--

Li Jiayu simply did not care about what caused her own sensation in the game, and overturned the three views of many people. Anyway, she is doing what she wants. She feels that this game is fun and she wants to play well.

Luo Wei’s Condor gun was smashed, and the eight doctors broke out. She was also stunned, and then she was under the strong request of Lin Jia’s slogan on the big map. Hurry.

During this period, Lin Jia once again expressed sincere gratitude to Li Jiayu and unprecedented shock.

"Missy, this time, thanks to you, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do..."

"The people are beautiful, the sound is good, the game is still playing so badly... Scorpio, how can you be so perfect, then the appetite of the game family..."

"There are a lot of spoils that you just harvested... If you sell them all, you can have 100,000 if you say less? Hey, what is the concept of 100,000? You can buy a lot of food for you, just take it last night. For dinner, you can get at least a thousand times, and then you can buy 5,000 sets of clothes on your body... But, I am also your younger brother, you are using my account, so you are 100,000. Is it good for the younger brother?"

"Oh, it’s not good, time is running out, you have to hurry to meet the people of the union... You are going to the left!"

Li Jiayu walked on the big map and killed. When she met some strange monsters, she would come forward and "squat" a few knives, so the trip was slower, and Lin Jia refused to listen to her.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Li Jiayu ran to the place where the guild gathered. There was a seaside scene. The magnificent seaside cliff was full of sharp and sharp spiked stones. The rolling waves were like a tsunami. Mixed with the violent sea breeze, you can still hear the horrible sea monsters in the faint...

Here, nearly 30 game characters are waiting, they are all dressed in good equipment, weapons and clothing and jewelry are faintly shining.

"Broken, you can finally come!"

As soon as the characters who saw Li Jiayu came, the people of the guild greeted them, so Lin Jia was one of the three masters in the guild.

"When you are shattered, you are really worried about you. Do you know that Vice President Su Mu was intercepted and killed in the middle of the road? I was so sad that you have nothing to do, or else you will be in trouble..."

The president of the Linjia Association is a farmer. Although the entire hill is full of cash crops and the family has a small amount of money, the farmer is hard to compare with the coal boss. Therefore, Lin Jia’s president is not a wealthy person. However, it is very kind and honest.

"It's okay... In fact, I was also killed by the 'mad dog gun' in the middle of the road, but because of a little accident, I finally came over, and I was killed by him once, with a necklace and a knife. Was expelled, the president, do you still have a spare single knife? Do you use me first?"

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