The last time Lin Jia used a mobile phone to access the Internet, so the people in the Security Bureau could not trace Lin Jia’s ip, and there was no way to locate it. But this time, Lin Jia used a computer to access the Internet!


This time, the Security Bureau is not a joke. It has contacted the top hackers of the Red Star Alliance and even adopted satellite positioning. It is determined to give Lin Jia out!

"How, find his place?"

"Please rest assured, please give us a little more time. We have started tracking.... Well, ip is in Suicheng... However, the poster seems to be doing a good job in the professional field of computers, and actually knows how to counter-track... A hacker slammed the keyboard and said to the head. .

"How long does it take to confirm his address? Is it difficult?"

"His anti-tracking skills and software are very popular. We break it once and believe it only takes a dozen seconds..."

"Well, Du Yupeng, you can make great contributions this time. Finding him will have great help for you. If you can, I will help you fight for a red shield guard medal this time." On the shoulders, a smile appeared on his face.

In the past two days, he has been paying attention to the development of the situation, and even investigated the major film and television companies, game makers, etc. in the country. Finally, he can be sure that the videos and pictures of the outside world are all It is true!

Real, what does that mean?

It means that it is a brand new world!

Humans are struggling to explore outer space. Isn't it just looking for a breeding habitat that can replace the earth?

And if you can follow the stalker's hand, you can find a way to enter the outside world smoothly...

Then, the benefits the country gets are simply unimaginable!

Just like the Soviet Union and the US space war in the 1950s and 1960s, because these two countries took the lead in outer space, they occupied space to hegemony, took the lead, and gained too much first-hand information. The country’s entry into outer space is far behind the Soviet Union in the sense of...

As for the magical magic of the outside world, hey, what is that?

China's 1.4 billion people are very likely to migrate some of the past when the population expands to the limit in the future. If the people of the outside world rebound, then war!

You have magic, I have guns and ammunition, who is afraid of who is not necessarily, who ** dare to come, forcing Laozi an atomic bomb to smash in the past, to control you is the **** of law or Juggernaut, keep your smog!

and so……

The head of the head must get any news to the outside world at all costs!

And Lin Jia, is the breakthrough!

Find Lin Jia, China will be able to lead the world for 50 years!

The head of the hand clenched his fist, and the entire wrinkled face showed an indescribable look. There was no such thing as a safe man at the helm.

Not only him, but other employees in the security department are also as nervous as the enemy. They are all smart people, and naturally understand that this matter has multiple meanings for the country.

They held their breath, clenched their fists, eyes, and stared at the hacker's computer.

Breakthrough, 50%...75%...90%...

Long but short time, finally waited for 100%!

At this moment, everyone's heart is hung up, eyes are wide open, and the pupil is shrinking like a needle!

"Well, the head, I have successfully caught him! You see, this is his ip..."

The hacker said that he finally succeeded in breaking Lin Jia’s defense line and he was going to be arrested, but at this time, the incredible thing happened!

Lin Jia’s data has all disappeared!

It disappeared without a trace!

"How is it possible!" the hacker exclaimed, not only him, but even all the companions from the Red Guest League were shocked and straightened.

"What is the situation?" asked the head of the voice.

"Oh... we may have a more powerful hacker. The hacker's technology is a bit off-the-shelf. It's just unbelievable to hide our tracking. It is reasonable to say that all data on the network is correct, but in that place. In front of the hacker, the data seems to be no longer data... Our software can't help each other completely, God, it turns out that there is such a terrible top computer expert in this world!" The hacker's entire face is about to be distorted.

"Don't worry, calm down. You are the strongest hacker in China. Your wisdom is gathered together, and the White House must be shuddering..." The head is comforting.

"Well, please rest assured that the head of the team, we will compete with the hacker!"

The hacker nodded heavily and made a glance at his companions. The companions acted in a row, and all of them were waiting for each other. They slammed the keyboard and joined forces of twenty or thirty people to counterattack the enemy...

This group of people who represent the highest achievements of Chinese hackers, how powerful it is, is simply incalculable. Together, any bank must be embarrassed.

Therefore, dealing with a small enemy should not be a problem...

The employees present, including the heads, think so.

But is that really true?

Half a minute later, the hacker’s forehead was full of cold sweat, his fingers shivering slightly, and his voice whispered in a sly mouth:

"Impossible, impossible... this is absolutely impossible..."

The heads found that the situation was not good, and immediately gave them a breath: "Du Yupeng, you shoulder the hope of the country, believe in yourself, and work harder."


The heads don't know how terrible the enemies they face!



A series of explosions came out under the table, and then a row of computers on the table slammed the screen, and all the data and pictures disappeared!

In the air, it is filled with a smell of burning charred metal!

The non-girls in the security office were licking their mouths and stepping back a few steps with amazement, staring at the broken computers...

"What happened? Are the computers all burned?"

There was a shock on the head of the head. Don’t look at his age. In fact, he also knows about computers. The mutual contest between hackers is at best a competition between software and data. Attacking opponents through viruses and data. At most, you can only format the hard disk to delete data.

Therefore, it is generally impossible to damage the opponent's hardware, not to mention destroying the other's entire computer.

Twenty or thirty hackers, all of them were stunned and their heads were stiff. They were so shocked that they didn’t know what to say, because they had lost in the contest.

And when they are down, check the computer mainframe under the table...

The expression on the face is even more ugly!

Because the main board is inside, the motherboard has been burned by the high temperature!


This is too horrible, in the end what level of hackers, in order to let the opponent's computer motherboard burned, this Nima completely violated common sense!

And how unscientific this is!

Data, forever, is just data, how can it be applied to hardware facilities, not to mention how strong the computer motherboard is, and thousands of degrees of high temperature may not be able to melt it...

"The head, sorry, we can't do anything, it's right for the country, the opponent is too strong, we don't deserve to give him shoes..."

The head of the hacker was flushed and said to the head of the head with a low head and his face was extremely painful.

All along, he feels that his hacking technology can rank in the top three in the country, and the world ranks in the top 50. Even the world's number one well-known hacker, I am afraid it will not be much worse than him.

But at this moment, he was completely defeated, defeated without a chance, completely suppressed!

"Hey, that poster is not simple..." The headman knocked on the table and looked like a torch. He whispered: "There are still top hackers protecting him... Hey, what kind of person would he be? He, more and more Beyond our imagination..."

The head of the sigh sighed. If even the Red Star Alliance could not deal with Lin Jia, then, in which way should the head of the team start to attack Lin Jia?

There is never a time when the heads will have such a headache...


In the other room, the lovely little girl held her red face in her hands and looked at her own small octopus.

"Octopus, you are amazing, you know how to play computer... Scorpio, are you a hacker? It seems to be very powerful. Can you help people to see how many aunts are hidden in their father's computer..."

The octopus did not pay attention to her, still using its eight tentacles, and quickly and quickly knocked a piece of keyboard...

The people in the Security Bureau will never think of it. The hacker who just pressed them on the Internet is not a legendary hacker. It is just an octopus!

If they know that an octopus will beat them down, I am afraid that their expressions will be unimaginable.


Suddenly, the pink octopus spit out a series of white foam in his mouth, and some of the tired gasps, and took back eight tentacles, and slammed them back into the goldfish bowl from the computer desk.

Then he hid behind the rockery, curled up and went to sleep...

The hacker just took the same amount of mental energy, which is a kind of harm to it. After all, it has just been born again, the strength is still weak, and it can withstand the damage of other people's computers. ?

This dormant will cost it ten days. It only hopes that during this time, the idiot's poster will not continue to sway on the Internet...

If you sway again, the idiot will not only expose the parallel space to the eyes of the whole China, but will also let Li Jiayu fall into endless troubles.


Black Jiayu and Baijiayu have all awakened one after another, so what happened to the dyed Hongxia that has disappeared for more than a year?

"Xia, I like you, can you give me a chance? I want to be with you forever... be your man!"

A short black hair, a beautiful eyebrow, and a young man wearing a dragon skin light, lit a candle under the shade of the moon, and brave the courage to say to the dyed Hongxia, all eyes are looking forward to.

"Jiayu, I am sorry... I like Li Jiayu, not you... although you are a very good man..."

Dyeing Hongxia's eye trembled, it seems to be remembering what happened, and finally shook his head and shook his head, showing a bitter smile to the young man.

"Why? I am not Li Jiayu?" The young man said.

"You are not the same person as Jiayu in my heart..." (To be continued.)

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