Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1330: Destroy the country

Looking at the sacred mountain of the emperor, which was shrouded in a violent explosion, the old woman’s eyes were scarlet, and almost all the eyes were thrown out.

"Family! Dash! Actually dare to put the foundation of the empire..."

Among the sacred mountains of the Imperial City, there are a large number of palaces, the guest princes, diners, offerings, and many masters who have cultivated a lot of hard work. In addition, there are a lot of royal blood. Each is the elite of the empire, the most precious backbone!

More importantly, there are many ancient submersible elders in the top of the mountain. Although they are not the most orthodox blood, they are not the oldest of the generations, but their ages and qualifications are there, and each has a legendary legend. Strength!

What's more, they have a very high prestige in the empire. They are the idols of countless younger generations. When they were young, they also made countless contributions to the empire. They should enjoy the highest treatment and support their days... ...

But now...

The entire Emperor's holy mountain was razed to the ground in the earth-shattering mushroom cloud!

How can this make old women not angry?

The demon Buona was a shot, and the 428 legendary masters of the Devil's Empire were annihilated on the spot, and the national strength was compromised by half!

"Destroy my emperor, destroy my emperor, bastard, are you an epic big demon? No! The devil is not growing into you!"

The old woman who is furious can’t stand upside down and look up and down:

"I understand! You must be the alchemy biochemical weapon made by other democrats. Look at the way you are full of round holes. It must be transformed. How much magic are they instilling in your body? A thousand legendary magic crystals? Oh, no wonder it can make such amazing destructive power... But do you think this will destroy the imperial capital? Don't think that our empire is a soft persimmon!"

The old woman does not believe that the devil Buu has an epic power.

Because there is an alchemy technique in the Devil's Empire, it is possible to practice the legend and even the half-step epic level. It is very powerful. However, the materials and efforts required are quite huge, and it is not a small country that can withstand it. Even if it is an imperial country at the imperial level, it will cost a country to forge a half-step epic alchemy.

The old woman subconsciously thinks that the devil Buu is an alchemy. And it is still the latest development of the embarrassment, she really thought it was another demon empire to launch an attack.

"Alchemy has a huge weakness, that is, the movement is not flexible. There are countless arrays in the body... Hey, your luck is really bad, just as I am also a top alchemist, I have already reached the peak in this field. It’s your nightmare, seeing that I will break the fuselage in your body and turn you into a pile of scrap iron!”

The old woman screamed, and wanted to approach the devil Buu at a super high speed, using her pointed claws to mark the lines on the devil Buu.

The old woman has a legendary high-order, even close to the cultivation of the peak, is one of the best ancestors of the entire Devil Empire, so the speed is extremely horrible. Squatting in the air left a long shadow in the air, a burst of ecstasy in her mouth. Because the devil Buu Guo really was unresponsive, she was already within ten meters, and he was still moving!


Just approaching ten meters, you can completely kill it!

The expression of joy spread across her face, but this expression just burst into bloom, but the magician Buu, who had already face her face, suddenly moved.

One foot!

Just a relaxing foot!

This foot seems to be effortless, but in fact it carries the power of rushing the sea, exploding the air directly, like a thunder like the sky, the poor old woman is directly shackled by this foot. On the chest!


The old woman's chest was pierced by a foot, and the soles were **** from her back!

The expression of joy on the face of the old woman is completely solidified. Instead, it is a fear of horror!

"You..." The old woman coughed up blood, and the horror in her eyes expanded a little bit and doubled. She shivered her lips and whispered with all her strength: "You... really... is... big Devil..."


The devil Buu can not let the old woman finish the words, he directly puts his hand on the old woman's head, and then seems to be pinching the persimmon, pinching her head, blood and brain are splashed. Buu is full of people.

"Oh no!"

Not far away, there was a screaming screaming cockroach, and it was the old man who was eager to open his mouth, and seemed to see the collapse of the end of the world.

He just opened a family meeting with many legendary masters. I thought that what happened outside was just a small movement, and the old woman would definitely be able to go out and solve it.

But never imagined that the movements from outside were getting more and more fierce, and the entire palace was collapsed. Dozens of legendary masters fled from the underground palace in panic, but when they came out, they saw that the Imperial City had Half of it was razed to the ground, and the holy mountain and the palace also turned into ashes, and what made them even more unacceptable was that the old woman was actually pinched!

How can this make people look silly?

You must know that the old woman is the emperor of the first two sessions. She is a husband and wife relationship with Tianluo. In the practice of nearly a thousand years, her strength has been extremely deep, and it is only a step away from the legendary peak. Her unique experience and wisdom, has also killed a legendary peak master of the enemy country, a brilliant record, once known as the female **** of war!

but now……

She is actually dead!

He died in the hands of a stranger with a red skin and a white cloak. He died completely, and even the soul did not stay. There was no chance to reshape the body!

"When it's over! Actually dare to kill the ancestors, he will not be able to offset his sin even if he died ten thousand times. Sin is unforgivable!"

"I am going to kill him!"

"Don't be impulsive, he is obviously the top master, not the ordinary legend can be countered, he is at least half-step epic, with a level of Tianluo ancestors!"

"Don't be afraid! We all go together, we don't believe that dozens of legendary coffers still fight him alone. We must smash the corpse before the Tianluo comes back, otherwise it is not good to give a confession to the ancestors!" ”


In the noisy and shouting sounds, dozens of legendary masters rushed up, and they were all stunned by anger, vowing to avenge the old woman.

The devil is a creature that attaches great importance to glory. In their eyes, glory and mission even prevail over their lives.

Especially in the case of the fire of vengeance, they can play several times the fighting power in order to avenge the enemy, and it will not die!

They are fearless and full of confidence.

Because in any case, nine legendary high-order, more than twenty legendary middle-level, more than fifty legendary low-order, a total of nearly 100 legendary masters of combat power, is enough to make half-step epic strong taboo, If a real fire is played, whoever wins or loses is still unknown.

The one who first rushed to the front was the old man of the animal skin.

He is the emperor of the Emperor of Heaven, with four arms, endless power, even a mountain can be lifted up, known as the empire's warhammer, invincible, fighting strength is second only to the old woman, ranked third in the Empire!

"Kill, kill this bastard!"

The old skin beasts took the lead and rushed very fast.

Although there is an old woman's foresight, the animal skin veteran does not agree, he thinks it is because the old woman is under the enemy...

The legendary high-order face half-step epic, how can it not be spiked, as long as you are serious, there is still a battle, supporting a three or five round is not a problem.

He did not ask for a punch to defeat the magician Buu, as long as he could first entangle Buu, and he had two tricks with him, and then let nearly one hundred legendary strongmen behind him block Buu’s all sides, and finally let Buu retreat. I can't escape, I struggled in the heavy encirclement, and finally lost my hate!

His abacus was sizzling. However, before he could fly to the magician Buu, he saw Buu cracking his mouth and smiling at him:

"I am angry, you actually dare to vote for the net, then use it to vent my anger!"

It was a punch, and the arm of the Devil Buu was like a rubber. It stretched for hundreds of meters and pierced the chest of the old man with a punch!


If the old man of the animal skin is struck by lightning, he is completely stunned, and his mind is blank!

He didn't even see how Buu made a punch at all...

He even wants to not understand how he died...

Because his heart has been smashed out by the magician Buu, his arm has been shortened by hundreds of meters, and the strong heart that beats and beats is thrown into his mouth, and he "cheers" and chews.

Seeing that the old skins of the beasts were hit by a single shot, the rest of the legendary powerhouses all smashed their eyes, and they sucked and took a breath.

Originally they had started their horsepower and rushed to the magician Buu...

But now, they are rushing to fly, where can they dare to approach the magician Buu and then close to a little bit?

Just now, I hated the fire and swear to kill the devil Buu as revenge for the ancestors, but now that they have witnessed the cruel means of Buu Buu, their courage is about to be scared.

One hit, the third-ranked animal skin veteran of the Empire... Nima, is he really a half-step epic alchemy?

Also, why do alchemists like to eat human heart?

They haven't had time to communicate yet, but the opposite man, Buuou, is not arrogant. After swallowing his heart, his body shape is shocked. He punches dozens of punches in the air, and each punch is mixed with wind and thunder. Almost to make the void also blow up!


Like a submachine gun, the fierce punches are shocking, and the golden energy aftermath is filled with half the sky!

The Devil Empire...

Today, it will become the dust of history!

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