Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1335: Moving the treasury

The seventh floor of the abyss can no longer wait. Although there are only a few legendary monarchs who are lucky, the invisible magic of Li Jiayu is broken, revealing the form, and the traces have already been discovered by them. If they do not run again, They will definitely smash Li Jiayu into pieces!

Don't look at Li Jiayu's subversion of the entire abyss, but in fact she is still only a legendary summoner and a bright sacrifice. Although she can fight this group of guys with dozens of times of magic, but here is At home in the abyss, the power of darkness continues, and the probability that Li Jiayu can win is infinitely close to zero!

Therefore, Li Jiayu left the seventh floor early, flying all the way, rushing to the ruins of the magical empire.

Because there is no free power of the Devil Buu, Li Jiayu's flight speed is several times slower, and the layout of the sixth layer of the abyss is too vast. It took her an hour to get to the Devil Empire.

Here, there are already several legendary demons who are wandering around.

"Is it going to be destroyed? Why is the famous Ronaldo Empire falling to this point..."

“Is it a day of punishment? Or is the seventh-level masters teaming up to erase the Devil’s Empire?”

"Unbelievable, it is incredible..."

"Don't care so much, and quickly search for the supplies of the Devil's Empire. How many treasures the Devil's Empire has treasured for thousands of years, enough for us to divide up!"

The legendary masters, who are members of the imperial family in the vicinity, were originally affiliated to the Devils Empire, nowadays. In addition to their feelings, they can only be brave enough to hurry and get cheaper. In spite of the old feelings of the past.

Suddenly, what they felt, looked up and shouted:



Li Jiayu canceled the invisible magic, revealing her brilliance from the air, and glanced at the six legendary masters wearing animal skins.

"It's you! Li Jiayu, the arrogant woman on the earth, is so good, you dare to sneak into the sixth floor of the abyss. The courage is not small!"

The legendary master was shocked first, then there was a burst of ecstasy, and they naturally collected some information about Li Jiayu. Knowing that she is one of the most promising leaders on the planet, she may not be the strongest in terms of strength, but she is much more beautiful than all women in the abyss. Any man saw her. I will be born and heartbroken, never forget.

"Do you know who killed this country?" Li Jiayu fell from the air, the clothes fluttered, the hair danced, and a pair of ice blue beauty turned agilely, scanning the piece extremely damaged. Serious ruins.

"Oh, who knows. Perhaps it is the ancestors of the Devil's Empire, the Emperor Tianluo is too strong, and provokes the old monsters on the seventh floor. So it was obliterated... Hey, Li Jiayu, the devil's empire and You have nothing to do, you don't want to divert your attention. I advise you not to do unnecessary rebellion. If you are a slap in the face, you are a legend. We are legends. You can't be the opponent of our six people. It only increases the flesh. Bitter, we don't want your fine skin and tender meat to be damaged!" Several legendary masters looked at each other and stared at Li Jiayu with a good intention, and they decided to eat her.

In fact, they are not blind and confident. The six legendary masters are the strongest in the nearby imperial country. Five of them are legendary high-orders, and one is the legendary peak. The combined fighting force is terrible, only Tianluhuang The half-step epic power can be stabilized, not to mention, they also learned from the intelligence that Li Jiayu is just a legendary peak of the bright sacrifice.

There is no sun in the abyss, and the magic of light is suppressed by the darkness. The power is less than half of the original. Moreover, the magic of light can only restrain the undead and dark creatures. The devil can not belong to any dark creature. Therefore, Li Jiayu’s bright magic pair They can't play any role, and they don't have any advantage!

"Is it awkward? I think it’s okay for you to get it right... It turns out that the Devils are so small to see me, I really think of me as a big fat sheep..."

Li Jiayu evokes a scornful smile, and the coldness in his eyes is getting more and more prosperous. He summons the legendary weapon ice wheel pill in one hand, and unleashes the unparalleled spiritual pressure of the whole body, such as the ocean and the sea to the six legendary masters:

"But my words are in front, this magical empire is destroyed by my own hands, but this is not the end... sooner or later, the other eight demons will also follow in the footsteps!"

"Wow, hahahaha, slip the world, do you think you are an epic? One hundred you, you can't destroy the Devil's Empire..."

The old man of the legendary peak looked up and laughed, as if he had heard a big joke, he almost burst into tears, and then he slammed out a weapon and pointed to Li Jiayu.

"Since you are stubborn and don't want to let go, don't blame us for destroying flowers!"

"Crushed Dream Knife?" Li Jiayu's face is more gloomy: "It seems that you took the lead and took his space ring from the body of Tianluo, and this broken dream knife... I don't even dare to touch Broken Dream Knife, you dare to touch!"

The reason why Li Jiayu will return to the ruins of the Devils Empire is to take the wealth of the Devils Empire and bring back the useful things of the legendary treasures, legendary magic crystals and so on in the city. Imagine this magical empire. Can cultivate a hundred legendary masters, then how many rich treasures it has in the national treasury, moving back can definitely let the inheritors of the city to arm to the teeth!

It is conservatively estimated that those resources are enough to make Yucheng a dozen legendary masters!

The most valuable thing is Tian Luohuang's space ring, which must have his lifelong collection, and many things are enough to make Li Jiayu's strength improve a lot!

"Broken dream knife? Nonsense, this is the fallen sword, the legendary seal of the fallen sword of the ancient world of God... but you do not understand!"

"More mouths, you die early and live too early!"

Li Jiayu raised his hand, and suddenly he broke open a door of time and space. Inside, he came out with a large group of summoned beasts, Safiros, Hawkeye, Female Emperor, Nie Feng, Step Jingyun, Don Quixote, Tyrant and so on. The top level of the master!

As soon as they appeared, they did not say a nonsense. They flew directly from the door of time and space, and launched a fierce attack on the six devils. A lot of swords, knives, winds, light, and punches were not wanted. Money drowns the enemy!

"not good!"

Seeing that Li Jiayu had so many powerful masters in the blink of an eye, the six demons changed their faces one by one, and really couldn’t understand how Li Jiayu summoned them.

"Maybe you still don't know... I am a light sacrifice, but also a summoner. My strongest strength is my endless summoned beast..."

In Li Jiayu's chuckle, the six demons regretted it. After all, in the big battle two years ago, Li Jiayu only defeated the worm mother with the power of light. At that time, her summoned beast did not form a climate. It’s strange to blame, Li Jiayu’s intelligence possessed by the devil is too backward.

"call out"

The strongest Safiros is the steadfast legendary peak. If he loses his body, he is definitely a super-middle-level super-master, but this is so, his sword is enough to break through the void, a sword sweeps over, wears The wind is cracking, and the momentum is endless. On the spot, the legendary peak of the devil is vomiting blood and flying out!

The eagle eye is not to be outdone, and the huge cross sword is also swept out. A sword stabs the chest of a demon, and the blood flashes. When it is time, it draws a shocking sword mark...

The devil was able to dodge and did not get too heavy on the sword, but he soon felt that the soles of his feet were numb, but he could not move. He looked up in horror, but he saw the female emperor not smiling at him. , cast a wink eye - this time, the magic talent knows that their feet are petrified by the female emperor!

The next moment, greet him is the most powerful blow of Steps and Nie Feng - Moco is infinite, and the tornado that swayed him and smashed him into pieces of debris!

His soul flew out of the ruined squad, and he wanted to escape from the battlefield in panic, but Raytheon Aini Road ate an apple and lowered a large bucket of lightning on him. He was stunned on the spot. The soul flies away...

Under the encirclement of ten legendary masters, in less than two minutes, the six devils of the demon were killed and wounded, and the debris and half of the soul fragments were not left behind. The standard setbacks were smashed!

The current Li Jiayu is such a tyrannical, because she is a supreme summoner in the heavens and the earth. Perhaps her sustained combat power is not high enough to maintain the mental power consumption of the ten summoned beasts for a long time, but her fighting power is absolutely explosive. It is the strongest, summoning a large group of top experts to round your rice. In the same class, it is absolutely invincible, and only half an epic level can fight her!

"This group of waste, fortunately, I came early, otherwise these treasures can be cheaper for them..."

Li Jiayu took back the ten summoned beasts and picked up the space ring of the six demon emperors, received their weapons, and then blasted the ruins and arrived at the treasury of the Devil Empire. A large number of legendary magic cores are included in the capsule.

The most amazing thing is that there are three half-step epic treasures in these magic cores, and I don’t know how the Mo Luo Empire was acquired.

"Three of them are dark attributes. For me, there is no value. I can only leave it to other people in Yucheng.... Hey, if the black jade is still alive, then it’s good. These three magic cores are enough to make her more Go up one floor."

Li Jiayu was slightly embarrassed, but she shook her head very quickly. Now, when it’s not sentimental, she quickly put some of the collections and foods of the Moluo Empire into the space ring, and finally wrapped the broken dream knife with spiritual tentacles. Get out of the air and leave the ruins quickly.

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