Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1382: Completion

"Oops, Jiayu is breathless, how can the breath be so weak... Yes, her back is pressed by the big wood for so long, the lungs must be a problem!"

Lin Jia was anxious but she was also thinking about it. The flash of light in her mind suddenly reminded me of the most common killing trick in the dog blood drama - artificial respiration!

"I don't know if the artificial snorkel is not used, but seeing her breath is so weak now, the dead horse should also be a live horse to come to the doctor, at least there is still a little hope..."

Lin Jia’s heart was moving, his face was reddish, although he didn’t dare to marry this little angel, but now he’s in a hurry, and he can’t manage so many men and women.

Looking at the lips of Li Jiayu's **, Lin Jia took a deep breath, so that the strength of the milking was strong and supported, and I wanted to kiss it...

Can Lin Jia really succeed?

Happiness is coming too suddenly!

She is so young, maybe this will be her first kiss!

Take her first kiss... It will definitely leave an indelible mark on her heart, and the embarrassment between me and her will be deeper in the future!

Lin Jia's hot breath hit Li Jiayu's face. At close range, he could more clearly feel the amazing beauty of black jade, white **, long eyelashes, cute nose, curved eyebrows, There is also the fragrance that is mixed with blood...

But at the moment when Lin Jia is about to go down and artificially breathe -

The change is sudden!

A small puddle about 20 meters away from Linjia suddenly slammed, and the white water splashed. Then a huge black shadow suddenly came out of the water and crawled wetly toward Lin Jia. past!

Lin Jia was shocked. He still had to go to see him. He turned his head in a reflexive way, but he saw that the huge black shadow was a gray-black poisonous frog!

If it’s just an ordinary poison frog, it’s nothing, one step on the dead...

The problem is that this poisonous frog is bigger than the buffalo. A pair of thick and powerful frog hind legs are two times thicker than the ****, the eyes are yellow, the bloodthirsty fierce light, greasy The skin is full of hexagonal bumps, and it is black and black oil. The black oil drops on the grass, and the sound of "Ziz" immediately sounds, and the green grass is also eroded. I also know that the black oil is absolutely poisonous and has nothing to say!

The big poison frog, Lin Jia is the first time to see it. When he is on the road, he has a blank space in his mind. What is Nima’s? Is this world hanging, and even the frog is so big? To know that on his earth, the biggest frog is the African giant frog. The body is only forty centimeters, only six pounds!

But this one in front of you must definitely exceed two thousand pounds!

Even if it does not use poison, it is enough to crash, it is enough to kill the hard-to-play Lin Jia to live!

"Where, lying, this guy will not be hungry, ran out to eat, it is obviously drooling at me... not good, you must think of a way, you can't be silly here waiting for it to come Let me swallow it!"

Lin Jia was shocked and his face was white. This is also his bad luck. This poisonous frog is just a peak of the abyssal monster. Because of the coincidence, he hung under the mud of the small puddle two years ago. Hibernation, naturally, there is no physiological reaction, so those who passed through this process did not find a fierce poison frog hidden under the soil!

The poison frog has been hibernating for three years, but it has to continue to sleep for a long time, but Yang’s and Yang Jiayu’s fighting is too fierce, and the huge voice has awakened the poisoned frog that is buried seven or eight meters deep in the mud. Fortunately, it was buried deep, or else the energy aftermath of fighting was killed.

It didn't wake up long, just under the hunger trend, drilling a hibernating hole, and for two years of geographical changes, the hole actually turned into a small puddle, the poisonous frog soaked in water is more toxic, and the stomach is also In the screaming, even the saliva dripped from the corner of the mouth!

One step, two steps, three steps...

The poison frog's jumping speed is not fast, it is much slower than the red-top beetle, but in Lin Jia's eyes, the poison frog is scary than the crashing train, with its ugly face, almost ugly face. Just like the evil spirit of the fate!

"A wave of unrest has started again. I am moving a disaster star or a broomstick. How can I risk it to me? Because Jiayu is still unconscious, I can’t move anymore... Mom, die at one end. Under the frog's mouth, I don't know how much it should be wrong... No, I have to get up and play with it, so I am also practicing vindictive..."

Lin Jia didn't want to wait, but just wanted to get up, the violent tears filled his whole body, and the blood and water rushed out of the wound.

I can't even get up, how can I fight the poison frog?

Strong fear and unwillingness, Lin Jia's face is blue, and every muscle is stiff and uncomfortable.

"There must be a way, there must be a way! Jia Yufu is a big life, and it’s not a bad thing..."

Lin Jiayan squats, but this piece of wild mountain, how can there be any valuable help!

At this point, the poison frog is less than ten meters away from him. Lin Jia can clearly smell the unique charred and bitter taste of the poison frog, just like the rot is rotten, and the smell is so irritating!

Finished, finished, I am afraid I am going to die!

Just when Lin Jia’s heart mourned, the poison frog jumped two more steps forward...

But at this time, not far from the twisted and broken sound of "咔嚓嚓", it was a stout tree that swayed and fell!

Fang Cai’s fight with Bai Jiayu and his temperament, and even a shot of a tree also wore a large hole. After supporting the tree for dozens of minutes, it finally collapsed under the influence of gravity. The wood on both sides of the hole was completely twisted and broken. Let this big tree collapse in one direction!

It’s so dead, the direction is just right at the poison frog!


The sound of a simmered meat sauce rang loudly, and the tens of tons of towering trees with a terrible weight slammed into the poison frog!

Although the poison frog is the first-class peak, but it is all in the venom, it is not as good as the red-top beetle. It is better than the rhinoceros at most, so it can't stop the tens of thousands of pounds of thick trunk. It was directly smashed, and even the colorful intestines flowed out of the opened wounds!

Fortunately, Lin Jia and the poison frog stay at a distance of seven or eight meters...

Otherwise, once the body fluid that the poison frog is thrown out splashes on him, it will definitely ruin him and be riddled with holes!

Lin Jia looked at it all, and finally he sighed with relief and said to himself:

"This time I want to thank God again... the poison frog brother, blame you for walking too slowly, and not looking up at the situation in the sky..."

Because of the excessive tension, Lin Jia’s face was full of sweat, and the sweat flowed into his eyes and he couldn’t say anything uncomfortable. Lin Jiashun wiped his eyes and found a trace of difference.

He snorted and saw his right thumb on his right hand, and there was a black jade finger!

"Drip... recognize the Lord, the Queen's system is open!"

An icy mechanical synthesizing sound blew up in Lin Jia’s mind.

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