Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1406: Dyeing Hongxia for medical treatment

Xiao Qingqing can marry Yang An. From where it is seen, it is all good and has no harm. It is extremely strategic.

First of all, Yang'an is the most powerful survivor city in the north, while Yangcheng is the most populous city in the south. If the two merge, they will complement each other and have long-term significance for cooperation between the North and the South.

Secondly, Yang An is the strongest leader on the table. Although it is better than the Taiwu Emperor, Yang An’s men will be extremely powerful and there will be a city of the sky. Even if two Taiwu emperors come, they will be influenced by Yang’an. Rolling.

Although Xiao Qingqing has a slightly weaker fighting power, Xiao Qingqing is a bright sacred woman with many superb blessings of abundance. When she sits on the battlefield, the mortality rate will be reduced to a minimum, and the soldiers will gain a lot of gain effects to enhance combat effectiveness. With her, the soldiers will not fear death, and the 100,000 army can exert the strength of 200,000 troops!

In addition, Xiao Qingqing has a strong recovery magic. If she marries Yang An, she can work closely with Yang An and can accompany Yang An to fight. Then Yang An can almost ignore all injuries, even half-step epic Can resist several!

In this way, even if there is any Emperor of the Dragon and the Emperor of the Invaders to invade in the future, Yang An can also be in the forefront and fight for more humans to fight for more breathing equipment!

Third, the science and technology of Yangcheng and Haitian City can also communicate. After all, Haitian City has a city of the sky crystallized by future technology, and the Yangcheng Research Institute has gathered a large number of scientists. If they are combined, they can definitely be in science. Open up new horizons in the field!

Fourth, the two major cities are married. It will surely promote the cooperation model of survivors across the country, so that the remaining survivors have more opportunities to survive.

There are more and more benefits. It is impossible to say one by one, but almost all the survivors of the celestial dynasty learned that Yang An wants to marry Xiao Xiaoqing. They are all applauding and admiring. After all, the two are the best people in the South and the North, and the survivors rely on their faith. Navigation lights.

"Thank you very much for coming to my wedding. I am honored by Yang An. I sincerely thank you for your support and blessings. It is my blessing to be late, I will treat her well. She will never let her suffer a bit of grievance... However, I will not let you down. Soon, I will work together with the late Qing to counter the abyss. I will fight back the first shot!"

Yang An is wearing a black tuxedo, all of which are golden masculine, extravagant, and the man's glory is between the eyebrows. The five senses that match the golden ratio are also pretty good-looking. It makes people think of the sun **** above nine days.

He raised his glass and said such a sentence. The arrival of the guests caused a lot of guests to cheer, and the entire Haitian City was bathed in a cheering sound.

"Yang brother. Congratulations, you can hold the beauty to blame, you and Xiao night city owners are handsome men and women. The gene is surprisingly good, haha, I wish you all children... I said, we can do it in the future." Fang Yun, the leader of the province, took a shot of Yang’s chest and smiled and touched him.

"Haha, bearing your words." Yang An smiled very attractive, two deep eyes will shine.

Just as everyone is immersed in a joyful occasion -

Not far from there, there was a commotion, which caused quite a lot of movement.

Yang An wrinkled his face and couldn't help but turn his head and look at it. Today is his big wedding day. Who is this unintelligible to mess?

"what happened?"

"The city owner is Master Xie Wenyuan of Shonan Province!"

"Well? Master Xie, that's half of my father-in-law... Before he closed, he avoided me everywhere, how come now again..." Yang An frowned and whispered.

He Yang is indeed very good, but his harem is too big, his wife and wife are too many, and the name of Merry is spread all over the world. I think Xie Wenyuan may not want his niece to marry him.

"The city owner, Master Xie wants to enter the backyard to see Xiao Qingqing's mother, but the guards disagree, so there is a conflict..."

"Oh?" Yang An slightly sideways.

"The master of Xie is really first class, but the owner of the city is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the backyard. Although the guards are not the ones of Master Xie, the mother of Liu Yinsha will soon come out to compete with Master Xie..."

"Oh, Liu Yinsha?" Yang An's mouth swelled, and could not help but reveal the evil charm.

Liu Yinsha, that is his imprisonment. Not only do people look beautiful but also special, they are very comfortable to play, but the most satisfying thing for Yang An is that Liu Yinsha is a dark saint and a dark magic crown. In the world, if you are alone, you can even tie it with the tenth Ningxifeng!

There is Liu Yinsha's horse, and Xie Wenyuan, who is not good at fighting, is afraid that it will not last long.

"Yes... Liu Yinsha's mother took out for ten seconds, and she has already let Master Xie Wenyuan show her defeat. Later, Master Xie Wenyuan threw out two golden light charms, which in turn controlled Liu Yinsha's mother and mother... Fortunately The main mother of Ivy arrived in time and mastered Master Xie Wenyuan, so that he did not let him enter the backyard to see Xiao Qingqing's mother..."

"Not bad."

Yang An waved his hand and said to the virtual shadow:

"I will personally welcome Master Xie Wenyuan... I believe, I will make him satisfied..."

"Yes, the city owner!"

Yang An put down the wine glass and apologized to everyone in the main hall, and then instantly moved to the back door of the backyard, just to see that the fairy dragon that had grown up was confronting Xie Wenyuan.

"Ivy, it must not be unreasonable! This is my father-in-law, you can go back."

"Yes..." The fairy dragon, Ai Wei, who had grown up, looked at Yang An intricately, nodding her head, and squatting with Liu Yinsha, who was settled.

The fairy dragon Ivy, who is next to Yang An, is also favored by fate. The techniques of teleportation, rebounding, and mirroring have become great, and the strength is still above Liu Yinsha, and even the monster hand in the legendary peak. Support for half an hour under the bottom!

Yang An’s majesty, there are 21 legendary masters, six of whom are his men, and the other 15 are all his wife!

Such an amazing number, it is absolutely stunned to pass out. After all, other provinces are dead and only three or five legends, but the legendary masters of Yang An are not like it!


This is also the strong double-repair ability of Yang An, every night, some cool and can improve the cultivation, why not do it, in a few years, the weakest of Yang An Hou Gong Jiali has the lord level The realm of this is why this is why so many women in the outside world are vying to become Yangan women.

Even Yang An’s mother, Cold Frost, is now a legendary high-ranking Valkyrie, and she has added a lovely sister to Yang An... No one dares to ask who the daughter of Leng Huohua is, because everyone is already stunned. Proclaimed.

Since the ancient times, the top heroes, peerless heroes, have always seen relatively light in the ethics of this aspect. Yang An, as the savior of all mankind, does not matter at all, but may also make people feel that he is more legendary.

"Yang, I am only half a month after retreat. You are acting so fast, and you are telling the world to hold a wedding, but you should remember that I have been against you..."

Xie Wenyuan had a slight dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he did not finish his words, Yang An interrupted:

"Sorry, my father-in-law, I am too anxious, but for the sake of all mankind, I have to make a decision. After all, I am married to the early evening, and humans will return to peace one day earlier..."

Xie Wenyuan sorted out the collar, and his eyes reflected a sneak peek into the celestial meaning of the heavens.

"Yang, I have given you a trip today."

"Oh? Father-in-law has a heart, I don't know what it is, is it because the father-in-law is dissatisfied with me because the elephant is ominous? Oh, the elephant, when there is no time for it..."

"Yes, there is indeed a time when it is not allowed... but your image is a smog of smoke and smoke! I can't let you get involved in the evening, I want to take her away!"

Yang An was unmoved, raised his head and smiled slightly:

"You are laughing at the father-in-law.... No one can hurt me in this world, let alone let me go.... Oh, we will soon be a family. Some secrets are also time to tell you. ......"

Yang settled down, aggravated the tone, and leaned forward slightly:

"I am the son of fate, and the air transport will always accompany me. If you follow me, I will die. As long as there is air transport in this world, then I will not die..."

Xie Wenyuan did not agree, shaking his head:

"Destiny is always used to break... The air transport can't always be with you..."

"Is it? But I have always believed in fate. Some things are destined. The fate has already arranged the trajectory. It seems that some people, no matter how hard they work, are destined to be stepping stones for others, but others. People, born to be people and dragons and phoenixes, as long as a little bit of sweat, you can get a thousand times the achievements of ordinary people... Hey, I also forgot to tell you... Today’s Haitian City, count me, There are already thirty-six legendary masters, plus the strongest giant soldier in the sky city. Oh, do you say anyone else can make me fly away? Even if the insect mother and the dragon emperor come, they are guaranteed. There is no return!"

Just as Yang An and Xie Wenyuan’s big eyes narrowed their eyes and gradually smashed the smell of gunpowder, a man suddenly flashed in front of Yang’an and rushed to report:

"The city owner, Su Liu Ying in the Soochow Province urgently asked to see, she also carried a coma and dyed red Xia!"

“Well? Su Liu Ying? Dye Hongxia?”

Yang An stunned, Su Liu Ying is not a big man, it is just an apprentice who dyed Hongxia, but what really deserves his attention is dyed Hongxia!

Although dyed Hongxia can not break through the legend because of the demons, she is definitely the first master under the legend, even some of the legendary mid-level powerhouses may be dyed Hongxia steady and pressure!


Didn't dye Hongxia have been poisoned by Guqing, so that she could not go out to rescue Li Jiayu who was besieged?

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