Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1446: Witty Lin Jia

For seven days, Lin Jia has wisely ran to the canteen of the military area to help cook!

Begonia is very surprised about this.

Well, a young man, did not go to the military camp to exercise in order to fight the battlefield in the future, but he did not think about progress, ran to the canteen as a fire leader, Nima this is to have more pockets!

Because the young men in the city either join the army or join the construction team, the rest are all joined by physical strength, young people, who is not a lofty ideal?

Even young people with weak constitutions are also going to the "red-top beetle" farm to raise worms. At least they can provide some meat for the city people.

Therefore, some logistical work is handed over to the old and the weak women. The canteen is almost all aunt, and the consul of the canteen is a middle-aged big fat man. To say that, no young man will be willing to stay in the cafeteria. Every day, the soldiers in the training camp of the military area are working hard. Whoever doesn’t see the blood is boiling, can’t wait to make a contribution, and only the soft eggs will be in the comfortable kitchen!


Is Lin Jia really willing to be a fire army?

The answer is obviously impossible!

The reason why I ran to the kitchen to help, because Lin Jia has "mother-in-law"!

The energy needed by the mother to pull the finger is bioenergy!

What is the use of bioenergy?

Of course it is the body of the creature!

Ke Linjia is unaccompanied here, and it is also a passer-by. Even if he asks for the desire to go out and kill the monster, Begonia will not be allowed.

What's more, Lin Jia is now a top-ranking arrogant, and the combat power is really not flattering. The conversion is no better than the American underground black boxers. Besides, Lin Jia’s combat experience is also shallow and the fighting consciousness is general. Single-handedly fighting a red-headed beetle is reluctant, but the problem is that once you encounter a monster above the second level, Lin Jia is more than half dead!

Broken out of the idea of ​​hunting and killing insects, Lin Jia can only hit the idea in the military canteen!

Because it is a training camp in the military region, it trains a large group of young soldiers, so the food is not shabby at all. The superior also ordered the meal, and every meal must be eaten well, and the meat must be sufficient!

There is a lot of material support. The meat in the canteen kitchen of the military area is extremely rich. Pork, chicken, duck, dog, and mutton are all available. Red-top beetles, snow-white snails, golden silkworms, boneless ants, etc. are also full of hail!

these things……

For Lin Jia, it is a huge fortune!

It is tantamount to a Jinshan Silver Mountain!

When Lin Jia went to the cafeteria to see the frozen fleshy piled up in the mountains, he was immediately excited and trembled. I almost have to drool down!

"Developed. Haha, developed. If I can convert all the meat in this stock into bio-energy, I can almost redeem a set of biological armor worth 2,000 points!"

A fish is a bio-energy of zero.

A chicken is the bio-energy of zero three five.

A pig's trotter is a zero point and bio energy.

A military dog ​​is a little bioenergy.

A cow is three points of bioenergy.

The red top beetle that lost the insect crystal is six points of bioenergy.

If the red-top beetle is not cut off from the insect crystal, it should be worth 10 points of bio-energy. Unfortunately, people in the "beetle farm" have long dug out the insect crystal.

Lin Jia’s hands in the kitchen, of course, will not steal the ingredients.

When he went to the kitchen on the first day to help, he only looked for energy from the abandoned bin in the cafeteria. To put it bluntly, it is a water cartridge, which contains a lot of inedible materials. Things like "big bones", "porcine internal organs" and "bovine intestines", in addition to the "worm shell" of the red-top beetle, a red-headed beetle is almost as big as a Spanish bullfighting, wrapped in a carapace. However, it can only be eaten only three or four hundred pounds of meat and brain, other skeletons, soft tissue, subcutaneous tissue, broken ribs, of course, according to waste.

But this is undoubtedly cheaper Lin Jia!

Lin Jialai refused to refuse, and he was not afraid of dirty. He directly plunged into the abandoned boxes, and used the "mother-in-law" to **** all the biological debris!

Zero one, zero five, one, three, eight...

Although the amount of biological energy obtained each time is very small, the amount of harvest in an abandoned box is not enough for three or five points. However, the accumulation of less and more, one hour of effort, Lin Jia has accumulated a hundred and three points of bioenergy. !

This can give Lin Jia a bad break!

To know that the venom of the first-class peak that had almost killed him, he gave him twenty-eight points of bio-energy. Now he has a hundred and thirty points in the kitchen, which is so cool!

The next day, because of his outstanding performance, Lin Jia was sent to the canteen consul to kill the white snails and golden silkworms!

The snow-white snail and the golden-skinned silkworm are the first-class mid-level worms. They are white and tender, have no attacking power, but the meat quality is quite good and they are rich in vitamins. Therefore, these two kinds of worms are the "farm" of the city. Artificially reared on a large scale, until today, these two kinds of insects are already an indispensable dish on the table, just like the pork of peacetime.

Lin Jia was flattered!

He followed a group of aunts in the cafeteria wearing white chef hats, slaughtering insects in a pool with flowing water, with sharp kitchen knives. Because the grade is too low, these insects do not have any insect crystals, plus they There is no defense, it is as simple as slaughtering them. It is as simple as killing fish and slaughtering chicken.

The aunts are all experienced people. They don’t mention how fast they are slaughtered. When they work, they are especially attentive. They also give Lin Jia some opportunities. He specializes in picking up a group of aunts who don’t care much. The worms are stuffed to the "mother-in-law"!

The value of a golden silkworm is not inferior to a military dog, which means that you can get a little bioenergy by absorbing a golden silkworm!

After half a day of hard work, the mother-in-law relied on Lin Jia’s “full of private pockets” and even absorbed 70 or 80 pieces of worms, which means she got seven or eighty points!

After the gold silkworm is dissected. There is a pile of inedible rough skin and insect head, and the white snail is dissected and leaves the snail shell and the tail filled with broken eggs. These corpses are piled up. It is like a hill.

Lin Jia refused to take the initiative to provoke the work of dealing with these "garbage", but in fact he "waste into treasure", all these corpses are converted into bio-energy, don't look at a "snail shell" can only get zero Point 2 bio-energy, but so many corpses are added together, enough to let Lin Jia get two hundred points!

Then when I get off work. Lin Jia ran to the waste bin and the garbage dump and sneaked for an hour. Earned more than a hundred points!

So the next day, the points earned by Lin Jia added up to four hundred points, which is equivalent to the total gain of killing more than a dozen poisonous cockroaches!

On the third day... Lin Jiamao self-recommended, and was transferred to the canteen health department. Specialized in the disposal of waste materials after slaughtering insects. On this day, he earned five hundred bio-energy.

On the fourth day... Lin Jia also begged the consul and exchanged him to the slaughter department to specifically slaughter those more cherished insects, such as the first-order high-end "analytic insects". Although these meats cannot be eaten, their Body fluids contain some bitter, and extracting its body fluids can greatly improve the user's immunity. In addition, its soft bone marrow can also relieve fatigue and restore vitality, and the taste is also great.

in other words. The "Amoeba" is only valuable for its body fluids and bone marrow, but after it is slaughtered, there will be a lot of meat and cortex left, which will give Lin Jia a great chance. Basically, the wreckage of a worm Can bring him three or four points of income!

One day, Lin Jia earned as many as seven hundred points!

On the fifth day, Lin Jia learned to be smart. He went to the underground hail to check the quantity of insects and helped manage. The aunts who managed were not too worried. Yes, Lin Jia took care of her aunt. And secretly convert some of the deep-packed ingredients into bio-energy.

On this day, Lin Jia earned as much as a thousand points!

In five days, Lin Jia earned a full set of money, and there were 2,800 points in addition, which is equivalent to the bio-energy of killing one hundred peak monsters!

In the kitchen, you don't have to risk your life to earn so much. Fortunately, Lin Jia feels that he is too clever. Every night when he gets off work, he will come to Li Jiayu to show off his bragging and hear Li Jiayu turn up. White eyes...

These days, Li Jiayu felt that she was particularly tired and particularly sleepy. She had to sleep for 18 hours a day before she stopped. This is why Lin Jia went out to work during the day and stayed with her in the dormitory at night.

Li Jiayu was very puzzled. It is reasonable to say that her resilience is super strong, but this time it is abnormal. Li Jiayu feels that she has recovered very slowly. After five days, she is still weak. At most, she can barely walk and fight. What is the thought is not to think.

Fortunately, she is stubborn and her life is still able to take care of herself. Otherwise, if Lin Jia is required to go to the toilet, her face will be lost, and she will not be blamed by Lin Jia!

These days, the Begonia seems to be too busy, and only took time to look at Li Jiayu twice. Every time she saw her, she was a poor-spirited figure. I wanted to come. Qiu Haijun was mostly busy with business.

Lin Jia has nearly 3,000 bio-energy. Of course, he will not use it at all. He first bought a biological armor worth two thousand. This is a battle armor that covers the surface of the skin. It is transparent and cannot be seen by others. However, Lin Jia wearing this armor can immediately have the second-level combat power, hard against the colorful 蜈蚣 is not a problem!

With the biological armor, Lin Jiacai has the power of self-protection. He secretly thinks that he should be able to help Li Jiayu a little bit later...

In addition to the biological armor, Lin Jia also spent a hundred points to make a facial adjustment for himself.

Because he wants to make himself more handsome!

Perhaps Lin Jia is very eye-catching in parallel with the earth, but when he is in Yucheng, he will die normally. After all, most people use the insect crystal to strengthen the body and modify the gene. Many people have become particularly handsome and beautiful. In young people, there are few people who have grown up.

After all, Lin Jia secretly loves Li Jiayu.

Li Jiayu looks as perfect and cute as a porcelain doll. There is no flaw in her hair. The long black hair is soft and smooth like brocade. The skin is even more bullying. Whoever sees her is so heartbroken.

But if she wants to soak her, she must first be worthy of her. It is Lin Jia’s intention to spend a hundred creatures to make herself more handsome.

Not to mention, this hundred-point creature can simply smash the sky, and it is more powerful than the millions of dollars of cosmetic surgery in Korea. All of the defects on Lin Jia’s face are all made up, and the eyes become bigger. It is darker, the arc of the double eyelids is very smooth, the eyebrows and eyelashes are particularly black and long, the nose is firm and three-dimensional, the lips are thinner and more crystal-clear, and the contour lines become softer...

"Drip, the plastic surgery is finished, the host's appearance is adjusted by 15%... It is already three times more handsome than the original. Do you still need to make physical adjustments..."

Lin Jia looked at the face in the mirror and was really scared. Although it was only 15% adjusted, she became too handsome and too handsome. She was handsome compared to Ye Fugui, if she could return to him. The university is definitely a school grass, and even less than those creamy male stars who sing love songs!

Mom, this hundred creatures can be too fucking!

It’s almost every boy’s dream. Although Lin Jia didn’t particularly care about this, it’s three times more handsome now, and it’s definitely impossible to say that he’s not happy!

He is more and more like this "mother emperor", this Nima is simply omnipotent, as if all the creatures and genes are involved, it can be done!

"Hey, is the body adjusted? Also, I have been a professional player for many years, and I haven’t gone out to exercise. I’m not very good at bodybuilding. I’m tall and thin and have no muscles. It’s no wonder that Jiayu will not look at me... Cough, if I can have a super perfect masculine bodybuilding steel, I can't be sure, she will be convinced by my masculinity... Hey, the question is, how much biological energy does the body adjust?"

"Drip... preliminary system optimization requires 3,600 bio-energy..."

Lin Jia suddenly frowned: "Where! Three thousand six? Why don't you grab it! The face adjustment of paralysis is only one hundred, you have to pay attention to the size of the price!"

"The host is a little safe, the face adjustment is just two palms of the skin, of course, it is well adjusted... but if the whole body, the skin is too much, it is difficult to think about it expensive... Or, the host can consider local adjustment and optimization first. ......"

"What about local? How much is it!"

"One hundred, host, this system suggests that you... your size is inherently not superior. It belongs to the public level and only has 14.5 cm. It is recommended that you make adjustments to that part first. This will help you to catch up. Girl..."


Lin Jia almost squirted the tea out of her mouth. I want to be so straightforward in my day. I haven’t used the ruler. How do you know how old the son is 14.5 cm? Is it normal? Lin Jia always thinks this size is at the upper level!

Ah, no!

This is not the exact direction of the spit. The key issue is -

"Enough is enough! Don't say it again, she is still small, can not see, can not eat, more important is that I still can not match her, where can I eat swan meat... I don't dare touch her. Unless I can really deserve her in the future, I dare to think of that kind of thing... However, it’s less than three or five years later, so now I don’t have to hurry to adjust there, cough...” To continue, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!

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