Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1458: Final choice

Creation is always impermanent.

Two years ago, Yang An had been to the island with the elf female patriarch, and even saw the world tree withered and dead. At that time, Li Jiayu was injured in the cave.

If Yang An went a little further in the beginning, he couldn't see his white-haired goddess, and maybe the two people's chances would be completely rewritten from then on.

"How? How can the world tree help Jiayu..."

A glance at the world tree covered with sand, Yang An stepped on the already barked bark, and asked Shen Xiaoqing calmly.


Xiao Qing Qing brows a breeze, the sorrow is revealed, she sighs gently, whispering: "You also saw that the world tree is worse than we thought... not only the buds that the last jade gave birth to withered Even the world’s tree wreckage is getting deeper and deeper... It’s hard to save the jade by the bark that has been weathered into powder...”

Xiao Qingqing’s voice just fell, Li Banyue, Xie Wenyuan and others were all stunned, silent, and the atmosphere was one of the condensation, surrounded by the whistling sound of the sand and the breathing of everyone.

Yang An Shen said: "Hey? There is no way for the world tree? Will it be that you missed it, maybe there is still a sprout in a corner of the world tree, you better check it all over time..."

Xiao Qing Qing long eyelashes drooping, forced to mourn: "I have scanned the square for ten kilometers with my mentality... To be exact, this ridiculous land, except for a few of us, has no life at all... ”

Yang An wrinkled his frown: "When did Jiayu last gave birth to the world tree and inspired the vitality of the world tree? At that time, Jiayu was not faint and dying!"

"Not the same... When Jiayu was sent to the world tree, she shed tears. The tears revived the vitality of the world tree and grew young sprouts. But now Jiayu has no movement at all, let alone tears... Even if it is drooling, it will not flow."

The memory of everyone is especially deep. Last time Li Jiayu used a tear to make the world tree glow, so that she could recover after two years of sleep.

Li Banyue shined brightly and made a sly idea: "Ah. Can we let her passively shed tears? For example, give her a 'tears', or use garlic onions or anything... Anyway, it will make her cry. Let's go!"

Yang An and Xiao Qingqing suddenly looked at her silently, but if they thought about it, they could only die as a living horse doctor.

A few minutes later, this "tears" plan ended in failure, not Li Jiayu's tears did not work. Rather, she is not affected by the "tears", her tears will only flow because of the mood swings.

The atmosphere once again fell to the bottom.

Without the help of the world tree, everyone can't do anything. Can you just watch the jade fail?

"Most of us are not counting on the world tree... Hey, then. There are still two methods left. One is to find another good jade of black hair, and one is that I am crossing the air... but The problem is that if you want to find another good jade, no one knows how long it will take... and Jiayu can only live for a few more days. It won't last for so long!"

Yang An’s voice slammed vigorously, and everyone’s heart was as uncomfortable as a knife. In the past three years, Jiayu has never had a good day. It’s not a wounding or a battle. It’s not a burning soul or a **** battle. Friends and friends seem to Didn't give her any help, from beginning to end, she is committed to it, just like a person is always fighting.

Delayed for two or three days. Li Jiayu's face became paler and paler, and the closed eyelids were filled with a touch of black purple. Yintang also played slightly. If someone opened her clothes, she could see that her heart had begun to permeate. That is proof of her physical exhaustion, and it is also the result of her loss of vitality.

Li Banyue opened his mouth, but it was difficult to open his mouth. It was like what was blocked in his throat. He only supported the old days:

"But...but if my sister knows that you are going to cross the air... she will still commit suicide!"

Hearing Li Banyue said that the women of Li Jiayu, such as Xiao Qingqing and Pei Su, also felt scalp numbness and hurt their brains. He said that Li Jiayu was also their husband. They did not want Li Jiayu to be tarnished by Yang An... ...but without Yang An, Li Jiayu will die, and this is an abnormal contradiction.

That contradictory emotion is like a flame that sizzles the hearts of everyone.

"If she doesn't make a living, she will die, but if she has a good time... At least she has a chance to survive. The key is whether you can persuade her... Moreover, with my understanding of Jiayu, Most of her will not leave you dead."

Yang An said, Li Jiayu, who has been lying on the bark of the branches, has been swaying up, and everyone has made the difference to stop him. After all, there is a demand for Yang An, and it can only be like this...

"Let's go back to Haitian City. On this road, there are still two days to hurry. Let's discuss it. Jiayu is dead or alive, just see how you choose."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang An summoned his sacred dragon and took everyone away from the deserted island.

Along the way, the relatives and friends were scowling, silently watching each other, and there was no atmosphere at all. To be exact, they did not know how to be good...

No woman will want her spouse to derail, and it is even less likely that her spouse will be swindled by a third person, even if it is a good intention to save people.

Time flies, two days later -

Yang An has returned to Haitian City, and Liu Yinsha also sent back the news. They launched all the forces to find black jade, but the final result is still nothing.

Even Fang Yun was invited to Haitian City. Fang Yun had a female subordinate. He had the treasure of the river map, and the divination road was also very incomparable. At the beginning, he relied on the river map, and Yang An knew Li Jiayu in Yangcheng.

However, even if it is asked about the river map, it will not help, let alone find the black jade, even the divination Bai Jiayu is difficult. It is obvious that the black and white jade is more than the mortal, and it is not the river map. One or two.

For this result, everyone did not feel surprised. When the big battle was made two years ago, everyone could see the black jade floating on the sky and falling outside. Most of them are no longer in this world. Looking for her is like finding a needle in a haystack.

At this point, everyone is also looking for the heart of black jade...

The only hope now is on Yang An’s body.

"What? Let Yang An give Jiayu a crossover? Didn't make a mistake? Jiayu's small body board. Still, how can I get it, do you want me to help her first!"

When Liu Yinsha learned that Yang Anzhen intended to cross the air, he exclaimed, and he also volunteered himself to make a self-recommendation. He made it clear that he wanted to seduce Yang An. It is a pity that Yang An is unmoved. He is full of thoughts on Li Jiayu. Where can he still accommodate other women?

Xiao Qingqing couldn't help it anymore, and angered: "Liu, Liu Yinsha, you "sao huo", there is no loyalty! You have not always been loyal to Jiayu!"

"Hey, what is the loyalty to Jiayu? I am good for her, my life is connected with her. If she is dead, I will follow the soul! I will say that she is a young child, can’t eat it, I am not considerate of her! In fact, she is quite good with Yang An, then my life is perfect without regrets."

Liu Yinsha did have a very strong feeling for Li Jiayu. However, when Li Jiayu became a woman completely, Liu Yinsha was desperate. Even the "love potion" was too lazy to be used in Li Jiayu. No matter how it was done, Li Jiayu could not satisfy her. She was itchy. Years, she has been waiting for Li Jiayu to do her for the past three years, but she has not waited until the end, she can not be disappointed!

Worse. There isn't there another handsome, tall and mighty Yang An, Yang An is sure to meet her needs!

Liu Yinsha is like this, always put "sex" in the first place in the heart, loyalty to what is old, and she has not been worked by Li Jiayu. At most, I also swallowed some milk a few times, and she also suspected that Li Jiayu was weak.

In this world, only Xiao Qing, who is deeply in love, will not mind if her husband becomes a woman, and she will change her other vulgar women. She has no **** life at all, and there is no difference in her life, even if she is not divorced. Most of the time, the spirit will also be derailed.

Li Banyue was even more ruthless, pointing to Liu Yinsha’s nose and anger:

"You fart! Liu Yinsha, if you dare to be infected with Yang, don't want to go back to our city!"

"Hey, what's wrong with you, I don't want to be close to Jiayu in peacetime, how can I treat me as a wife of Jiayu now, and still not let me marry others? Is there such a reason for you? Then again, I don’t have anything to do with Jiayu. It’s just a little bit. Anyway, Jiayu also hates me... In this case, don’t tie me any more, let me have a good time, oh Oh, anyway, when I go with Jiayu, I can work together..."

In the arrogant laughter, Liu Yinsha went away, leaving Xiao Qingqing and a few women there with big eyes and small eyes, almost mad at speech!

Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

At the crucial moment, Liu Yinsha turned around and turned away, but ran to hold Yang's thigh, damn, she did not want to think about how many times Li Jiayu helped her!

There is really a moment, there is a weird idea in the heart of Xiao Qingqing and Pei Su

If Jiayu can restore the man's body in the future, he must punish Liu Yinsha well. She is not empty, lonely, hungry and thirsty. Well, let Jiayu dry her legs, dry until she wants to vomit, see her later. Dare to be mentally derailed!


This is also the preconceived concept of the people. After all, Liu Yinsha has been with Li Jiayu for three years. Everyone has a little affection for her, so now she sees her burning for three years and takes the initiative to invest in Yang An. How much less can't be accepted.

Even Li Banyue was thinking about it: "Brother... Can you really come back? Is it really like they said, the world tree seed must be a woman... I am still waiting for you. My, by your side, many women are waiting for you silently, you know, Sun Weiwei, me, Qin sister, Chinese sister, Xia sister, but we have not revealed their feelings... Brother, why can't you be a Stallion!"

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