Apocalypse Summoner

Vol 2 Chapter 143: The evil demon of the blood demon...

The Dark Summoner of the End of the World 143, the Dark Summoner of the End of the World, the 143rd chapter of the Blood Demon...

In this regard, Li Jiayu does not know what to show.

Everything that is encountered now is even more difficult than in the previous life. At least I have not encountered the 12th-level earthquake in my life, and I have not encountered the King of the King. I have not lost a lot of food and materials. I will not encounter it for 10 days before the flight. Such terrible casualties (high-quality text starters, all in %).

"The army's elite troops suffered heavy losses... There were nearly 300 male soul inheritors, and 20 ghost inheritors were poisoned. Only by this, they lost a quarter of their strength, and Li’s head was distressed. Half white..."

"Now, the army has issued a conscription order, and it has attracted the inheritors of civil organizations everywhere, but it has little effect. It has no effect. On the other side of the police force, the blaster died. Only a master of the qizong is left. The team was too weak, so Qi Zong also ran into the army. The police team of Noda had no masters, and he was also incorporated into the army and became an independent group..."

"Civil organizations are bleak... There have been many pessimists, and there have been timid people committing suicide. Some people even drive themselves out because of forced fantasies. For example, a trade union has a middle-aged man who puts his own family. They all died, then left a suicide note and asked others to bury him and his family..."

Liu Wei and Xie Wenyuan sighed, and obviously the heart was not good.

Li Jiayu listened quietly. After a moment of silence, he asked: "What about the blood demon? Didn't you continue to run out of blood last night?"

"This is not... I didn't find the dead body this morning, maybe the blood demon also died in the big catastrophe..." Liu Weidao.

"Impossible, the **** demon of the blood demon is better than anyone else. The earthquake in the district is basically impossible for him. The reason why she did not **** blood last night may be that she is about to break through, and she does not know what adventure she got... If she reaches the second-level high level, it will be very tricky, and it will be very troublesome to pack up..."

Li Jiayu frowned, as he knows, although the blood demon is powerful and difficult, she is very difficult to upgrade. Now Li Jiayu can't take it lightly, and everything must be done in the worst way. If the blood demon really reaches the second-level high level, her strength may be even worse than dyed Hongxia. When Li Jiayu wants to catch her, Great reality.

"After being taken away by the fallen angels... it left a lot of fluff and tentacles that fell from it, and when the burster blew himself, he injured his mouth and seemed to have dropped some blood. Maybe The blood demon is just because it has absorbed a little blood, will it be promoted?"

The platycodon is talking. She observed carefully, clear-cut ideas, and the understanding of dealing with monsters was much higher than most people present.

"Well, this is possible... The blood of the King of the King of the King is very poisonous, but it is a big supplement to the blood demon... Hey. It’s a thousand counts, but I didn’t expect the blood demon to have such an adventure. Come, we must take measures as soon as possible, and quickly subdue her..."

In a few days, the corpse will come, in case the blood demon will swallow a few zombie heads, or refine the corpse of low-level corpse dragons (high-quality text starter, in %). If this is not done, this guy will really reach the third-level low-level. At that time, Li Jiayu may not be the opponent of this metamorphosis.

This metamorphosis of the blood demon, God knows how dangerous it is, and likes to attack. Once she has made a small wound, she will be able to drain the blood hard, as long as the **** creature will be greatly suppressed by the blood demon, unless it is a bloodless spirit such as a dragonfly, a bone dragon or a ghost. Not affected by her.

"Right, Jiayu Xiaoyou, during this period of coma, we also have something to gain..."

Xie Wenyuan caressed the white beard, and there was some kind of radiance in the eyes of the gods. He smiled and took out a few symbols of different colors, with triangles, six awns, and crosses, all of which were full. Awkward runes.

"Since the soul of the sorcerer's sorcerer has been... It has been nearly twenty days. It is hard to conquer the immortal civilization. When it comes to today, I only understand the defensive symbols, weight loss symbols, speed symbols, The poisonous symbol, the heavy pressure symbol, the broken soul symbol, the sharp sharp symbol, fortunately these days killed a lot of bugs, got a lot of cherished materials, I have already made a lot of various symbols, Jiayu you look Maybe there is something you can use..."

Before the escape, Xie Wenyuan made a defensive symbol. Although there is only one level, it is better than nothing. At least it can be used to resist bullets. It is no problem to defend against sickle beetles and poisonous spiders. It has already been produced. Xijiang University has already done so. Started to be equipped on a small scale.

"Oh? Come and show it to me."

Li Jiayu quickly took over Fu Xi, who was handed over by Xie Wenyuan. These symbols contain incredible power. Although they are all low-grade goods, the help for Li Jiayu is still very big at this stage.

"As the name suggests... weight loss is to reduce the impact of gravity on the earth, so that you can reduce your weight by half, not only for your own body, but also for the goods..."

"Speed ​​symbols can increase the speed by a small amount. Of course, the degree of improvement varies from person to person. For example, ordinary people can double the speed, while Hongxia can only increase by 10%, but the dark temple can only be reduced. It’s only half-increased, but even if it’s half-finished, it’s very helpful for Ling Shaoping...”

"The poisonous scorpion can make the attack bring poisonous, but at this stage it is not very useful. It can only poison a high-level worm, and it has no effect on dealing with Feilong ........."

"The heavy press can put the weapon on the weight and add two hundred pounds of weight..."

"The soulbreaker can burn the soul of the bug..."

"Feng sharp can..."

Xie Wenyuan introduced, but these Li Jiayu already knew that after all, he was once a legendary master. Of course, he used these low-level Fuxi. Although the number of Fu Shishi is rare, there are still more than one hundred in the whole day. After they have stabilized, they will There will be sales and auctions, so there are not a few symbols on the market.

"The quality of these symbols is very good... far more than the ordinary first-class symbol, it is from the master of Xie, ah, if you don't mind, all three are given to me. With these things, my There will be a small increase in strength. After all, the dark octopus, my new summoned beast can also be used..."

One of the magical things about Fuxi is that as long as it is not a property, it is basically not that you are a demon, so fallen angels can also be equipped, Li Jiayu's summoning beasts are so many, each equipped with words. The power of accumulation is very impressive.

Xie Wenyuan nodded, no resignation, Li Jiayu is his turn of the year, is also the young man he admires, is the pillar of Xijiang University, he naturally has to give priority to Li Jiayu - although Xie Wenyuan anti-Li Jiayu is like a thief, afraid Li Jiayu will touch his niece and granddaughter.

"Jiayu, you have to pay attention to it... Although Fuxi is good, but after all, it is a foreign object, you must not rely too much. And my symbol is only a low-grade goods, the level is limited. It will be scrapped in a few times, not urgent. It is best not to abuse, it is like speed, at most, it can only be exhausted in an hour or so..."

"Well. I know, Xie Lao, you are bothered, study at your speed... I will be able to develop even more powerful second-level symbols. By then, the strength of Xijiang University will surely take it to the next level. Li Jiayu said.

"Not so fast, the second level is awkward... I am afraid there is no hope within three weeks, but even so, many of the symbols of the first level have not yet been understood. For example, the level of self-harm is very practical, once Researched, allowing users to burn blood within three minutes, bursting out very powerful forces. May be useless to you, but useful for first-class high-level people, to make them enough to deal with green beetles... side effects are Afterwards, it will be weak for a whole day, and the life expectancy will be reduced by three days, but these side effects are nothing compared to life-saving."

Although the self-inflicted character is somewhat inhuman, but the practical value is too great, perhaps a self-mutilation is a life for ordinary people like Sun Weiwei and Pei Su.

There are many things like self-mutilation, and the knowledge of Xie Wenyuan's inheritance is not too high. It is also known that the super-high-level immortal civilization is much more powerful than the monk (high-quality text starting, all in %) ).

Xie Wenyuan's family, whether it is this literary master or dyed Hongxia, or Xiaoqing Qing is very lucky, one by one has won the favor of strong inheritance, not only Xiao Qingqing is the bishop of Guangming, even dyed Hongxia is also the female sword fairy The supreme inheritance.

And the dyed Hongxia mother who is far away from Yucheng is also a very powerful master... Sometimes Li Jiayu has to sigh, Xie Wenyuan's blood is really not good.

"The army knows the grandfather's sympathy... They sent people to negotiate, hoping that the grandfather also joined the army and provided the army with the shackles, but the grandfather refused... For this reason, we are almost inconsistent with the army, and finally the army's alchemist Proposed to exchange alchemy equipment with the grandfather..."

Dyeing Hongxia to Li Jiayu, no matter what kind of unhappy look of Li Jiayu, he made a look familiar with Li Jiayu, grabbed the symbol of his hand and gently turned:

"I just said that the saint armored king left a lot of tentacles and fluff when he left... It was collected by the army and cost a lot of manpower and material resources. Several alchemists teamed up to make several sets of armor and weapons. They are all very advanced. I watched them very strongly, so I wanted the glass sword..."

The accumulation of the army is not comparable to that of a small Xijiang University. After all, people have more than a thousand capable people and a large number of talents, so it is not surprising that they refine these good things.

"It’s fine to exchange with them. After all, we still need the army to be the vanguard. Although at this stage our top players are enough, there are more potential stocks, but the backbone is still far more than the army, and the alchemists are a decadent. For the magical profession...but if the army drives the price too high, then if the corpse comes out anyway, we can rob the equipment from the squad, the zombie prince, and the insect beetle refining the alchemist. The sword is much more powerful!"

Li Jiayu shook his head and ended his conversation with the crowd. He slept for a day and night and wanted to go out to breathe fresh air. Although it was already dark and cold, it was unbearable, but it was also possible to go out and walk.

After a short time, I met Yang Xuyan and Ling Shaoping. The two men gave Li Jiayu no surprise.

"Well? Are you two... have you broken through to the second-level middle class?"

The second-order mid-level is stronger than the second-order low-order, which is considered to be the master of the hall. (To be continued)

The Dark Summoner of the End of the World 143, the Dark Summoner of the End of the World, the 143th chapter of the Blood Demon...

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