Apocalypse Summoner

Vol 2 Chapter 158: Orangutan is half dead... sitting cheap

The one hundred and fifty-eight chapters of the orangutans are half dead...

The legendary ice wheel, I don’t know how many times Li Jiayu has passed through. Although it is in a state of seal and has not recognized the Lord, it still has super high growth power. It is used to deal with insects with low ice resistance. Invincible.

"The king... It’s so powerful..."

Dyeing Hongxia turned his gaze to the ice wheel of Li Jiayu's hand, his eyes were reddish, and he did not know how envious. She was very interested in this legendary level of knives. She repeatedly wanted to borrow and watched it. Li Jiayu refused. She almost wanted to cry.

If Li Jiayu can also summon a legendary weapon for her, I don’t know how good it is, but it’s a pity that Li Jiayu is so... it’s really unlikely to help her.

"Don't grind it anyway, I have to leave the king's bug to get it, and my strength has to double."

Li Jiayu took the red glow, and the red lotus tyrannosaurus rushed toward the direction of the insects.

Through heavy white fog, Li Jiayu has already seen the outline of the target.

Golden butterfly

King's gold butterfly

It is very different from the ordinary ones. It is surrounded by orange plasma, and it is very dazzling. It is making a loud sound. This monster is bigger than a truck, and its wings are stretched. It is 30 meters long, the colorful butterfly belly is hooked, and the tail has pointed barbs. This horrible body is much larger than the purple beetle and the blue-eyed giant ant, enough to make any second-order low-order. The following people are chilling, not to mention the plasma on the body is still beating everywhere, even the air is distorted.

What caught Li Jiayu's attention most was a pair of tentacles on his head, which not only condensed lightning, but also released a mental attack. Obviously, this king-level gold butterfly has a high spirit.

Spiritual system

It is exactly what Li Jiayu wants. Not only is the insect crystal extremely suitable for his needs, but even its corpse is very likely to help summon the summoned beast of the spiritual department.

This is simply the best gift for Li Jiayu.

"Kill it, you must kill it."

Li Jiayu’s heart is raging, and it seems that even the blood is boiling. He wants to get this king-level gold butterfly.

The value of this golden butterfly is more than one hundred blue-eyed giant ants, even worth a three-pole high-order insect.

However, Li Jiayu did not lose his calmness for this, because he knew that the strength of the Golden Gudie King was not the same, and one could accidentally put his own life into it.

Although it is a butterfly insect, it is very different from the butterfly on the earth. The huge wings are covered with strange patterns. It seems to constitute a magical pattern or rune. The mysterious natural force is involved in the faint, a circle of energy.涟漪 涟漪 它 身 身 , , , , 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 缠绕 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞 挥舞

Its strength, no need to think about it, has reached the three-pole low-order

Just looking at the power it displays, it has already made people feel uncomfortable. If you fight it, you don’t know how to make a stern result.

In fact, it is true

The army's Vajra orangutan, Knife King, and Tyrannosaurus Rex have all been dispatched, and they have been fighting together with the Golden Butterfly King.

Three people, one insect, playing with the sky, the blood flying wildly, there are all kinds of lightning, gas, flames burst out, endless, as if the end of the world.

Above the battlefield, the bodies of the second-class high-level worms are lying horizontally, and there are flame beetles, purple beetles, and blue-eyed giant ants. Of course, there are more second-order high-ranking human beings who are being crushed to death. The opening is less than ten. Minutes, there are seven or eight high-level worms that die in the central battlefield, but there are two top dead culprits.

Even the female literary soldier, the sturdy jiejie, also exhausted his mental strength and fell into a state of severe coma. If someone was desperately trying to rescue, she was afraid that she would also be eaten by the worm on the chaotic battlefield.

"What is this insect?"

"Too he is too difficult to deal with, its psychic attack is too powerful..."

"It's more powerful if it's more than a boss, we have to fight in the two moves."

Knife King and Tyrannosaurus fight **** battles. They are already full of wounds, and the skin is black and smelly. The clothes on the body are completely turned into powder, and they are in a hard battle, and the Vajrapani is not so good. His muscles have shrunk. In the circle, the scary orangutan was full of fatigue and pain.

"It should be the supreme leader of this group of worms... If it is defeated, it will not weaken their morale, although it will not let the swarm retreat, so my gorillas will end up with their lives today."

The Vajra orangutan seems to have played a real fire, and the black smoke of the real thing in the nostrils has scared the face of the Knife King and Tyrannosaurus Rex, and they have been discouraged:

"The boss should not use the self-harming skills anymore. You have seriously injured this level, and you have burned a lot of blood, and the attack power has been raised to the limit, but the counter-attack will definitely make you weak for a long time... If you use self-harm again If you have the skills, it will hurt your muscles and your body will not be good for your future development."

"I don't have to persuade... I am a soldier... My mission is to protect the people and protect my comrades."

The face of the Vajra orangutan is as heavy as gold, and the body releases a rather horrible momentum. The roots of the orangutan are completely upside down. The fangs of the sensation are mixed with saliva and the lips are white, and the white eyes seem to be in a state of madness.

"Puff puff"

His muscles burst into a circle that became as hard and textured as a steel plate, seemingly full of explosive power.

The storm that swept through everything, the mighty, rushing away, blowing away the white fog of ten meters...

That kind of momentum, like a landslide, even the knife king and the tyrannosaurus have to step back a few steps.

"Boss, you don't have to sacrifice this level... The sequelae will break your flesh and blood, even if you can be cured in bed, it will make you feel bad and die..."

Tyrannosaurus muttered to himself, and he admired the Vajra orangutan from his heart. Not only did he admire his strength, but he also admired his persistence and spirit. Maybe he looked stupid, but the justice he insisted on was enough for everyone to send. I respect him from the heart, and this is one of the reasons why the Vajra orangutans are so strong.

The stronger the heart, the stronger the power. This is a law between the inheritors.


The completely mad Vongang orangutan is like a madman, with the power of shocking the soul, to smash and smash, and suddenly jump to the mid-air of more than ten meters.

Steadyly pressed against the king of gold

"Zi La"

The horrible orange high-voltage current eroded the body of the Vajrapani, and he was so angry that he roared again and again, but he did not want to pick up his fists, like a 10,000-ton hammer, squatting on the head of the Golden Butterfly King. Every time, let it make a scream of screaming, it seems that the head can shoot the brain at any time.

The Vajra orangutans seem to have extinct humanity, leaving only the beast's instinct, giving up all the military boxing techniques, using only the beast's instinctive attack, not only desperately, but also pulling the tentacles of the Golden Butterfly King.


A large expanse of juice squirts, green insect blood descends from the sky - it is the two tentacles on the head of the golden ancient butterfly king, which were pulled out by the Vajra orangutan.

Losing two tentacles, the Golden Butterfly King lost most of his power, the mental attack weakened, and the lightning attack was running low. What’s worse is that it couldn’t balance under the pain, and the Vajrapani carrying the body fell. Above ground

"The success of the boss is really powerful"

Knife King and Tyrannosaurus screamed. I didn’t expect the Vajra orangutan to defeat the golden butterfly in a few breaths. This is incredible.

The golden king of the butterfly fell to the ground, which means that it lost its greatest advantage. The knife king and the tyrannosaurus can also exert the greatest attack power on it, so the two did not hesitate and rushed toward the falling place, wanting He killed it alive when it was injured.


The golden butterfly screamed and flapped its wings on the ground, climbed up hard, and flew up the sky with a scar.

The Knife King and the Tyrannosaurus are destined to have no chance to attack the Golden Butterfly King again. They can only watch it with injuries and escape.

The Vajra orangutan, who has already been stiff and stagnant, has been burned by plasma and has a lot of flue and blood. It seems that it is only a step away from death.

"Damn... this golden butterfly king has been seriously injured. If it is not flying, we can clean it up and miss this opportunity in vain..."

"Don't worry about this boss going to hang up, and quickly take him back to the therapist. If there is any accident, what else do we take to resist so many bugs along the way, it is impossible to go safely to the city"

The two strong men also refused to take care of their own injuries, and they eagerly raised the body of the Vajra orangutans and ran wildly toward the rear.

The gold-stained butterfly king, who was seriously injured, fluttered in the white mist and made a loud cry. He hated the Vajrapani in his heart, and the huge insect eyes radiated a complex light.

It knows that it has lost, but as long as it goes back to raise the wound, it can definitely make a comeback, once again bringing disaster to this group of human beings.

It was too lazy to pay attention to the low-level bugs, and dragged the debris alone and flew away in the distance.

But at this time -


The bright knife shines

The golden butterfly who was caught off guard was killed, and there was no time to dodge. He was suddenly slashed on the head by a long knife with a bright snow. It hurts to die.

It opened his eyes with difficulty, but he suddenly found out that it was a human with black wings.

People... can humans grow wings too?

The golden butterfly king flashed a horrified thought, immediately whipped up the little remaining power, condensed a large amount of plasma, and forced the black-winged human that could fly, and then it did not love the war, and he wanted it with eagerness. escape.

"Have you escaped? But I am waiting here for a long time. If you wait for the cheap one, you will leave it to me."

A pleasing neutral voice came, and the golden ancient butterfly king looked down to the ground, but greeted it, it was indeed a golden blazing fireball.

a high-explosive fireball with dragon's breath

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