Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 172: Dark Knight...


Nan Ge was madly twitching, and the black smoke appeared on his bare head. He only felt that the flesh and blood of the whole body were like roasting, and the pain suddenly turned into a raging flood, rushing his nervous system!


Nan Ge’s eyes were white, his mouth opened and he spurted a black mist, and then he fell to the ground like a dead, and his limbs kept groaning.

With such a blow to the dark octopus, Nan Ge has been completely abolished, leaving only half a life, if not because he is a "power burner" can slightly transform a trace of plasma into life-saving energy, I am afraid that he Already alive and dead.


The girl who was hijacked by Nan Ge was astonished, squatting on the floor and whispering in her throat, her eyes full of tears, her delicate shoulders swaying, apparently frightened, and her The clothes were also torn open by the gangsters, revealing half of the spring, and looked quite wolf.

"The most boring man of grass carp is taking a beautiful big sister to be a hostage... Big sister, I didn't hurt you just now..."

The dark octopus squirmed and squirmed tentacles, slipped to the girl, and asked with concern, showing that it was the flower ambassador.

Don't look at the plasma ball that it just shot, but those bio-electrics are completely under the control of the dark octopus. They only electricity to Nange, but not to the girl. For this, Li Jiayu also feels quite confused. Even the legendary Thunder Master, it is absolutely impossible to completely control the conduction of lightning. Some Lei Masters often accidentally hurt their own people on rainy days, showing how difficult it is to control lightning.

But the dark octopus can!

It doesn't mean how the thunder of the dark octopus is so successful, it is entirely because of its own miraculousness. Anyway, its thunder and lightning will only hurt men and ugly women. As for beauty, its lightning will not hurt them.

"No, nothing, thank you octopus... and thank you Li Jiayu, if you are not here to save me, I am afraid..."

The words have not been finished yet, the girl has already burst into tears and she cried. She knows that she is safe. The previous grievances and worries have been vented in her mind, and it is like a lotus in the wind and rain. It is pitiful.

At this time, Luo Yanyu and others who were hiding in the corner finally sighed with relief and walked toward Li Jiayu with relief, especially Han Xiaoyu, who broke into laughter and looked at Li Jiayu’s face without hesitation. The blink of an eye does not know what to think about.

"Captain, you really are like they said, in time, rain, where do you need to appear, I really love you, it is my big idol..."

Luo Yanyu had stars in his eyes, and he was a little admired and gratefully looked at him. Although Li Jiayu’s body was not tall, there was no king tyrant, and there was no man’s broad chest, but Luo Yanyu still felt this. At the time, Li Jiayu was particularly heroic, and there was a little bit of a call color similar to the hero's beauty.

"Let's come here, I can't be beaten by you... How about, didn't you get any harm? Did the group of **** do something bad for you?"

Compared with boys, Li Jiayu has obviously softened a lot of girls, at least knowing how to care about them.

"Well, you also saw... Our coats were smashed, and they were slap in the palms of their hair. Yiran and Miaomiao were hit by their chests, and they were all cheaper. If you don't come to the rescue at night... I really don't know what to do. If I am defiled by this group of people, I would rather commit suicide immediately!"

At the end of the day, Luo Yanyu had already gnashed his teeth and was angry.

In the last days, most women are used as venting tools by men like livestock, but some women are strong and swearing to defend their dignity, but such women are few and far between.

"The human beings are more dangerous than the insects. Luo Yanyu, you are also wrong. As a member of the school guard team, don't you know that you should not discourage them from going too far? If you were by my side, you would be those three." Got eight eggs?" "I know it's wrong, the captain, I won't be anymore next time..."

Luo Yanyu said some grievances, but there is still some sweetness in the heart. After all, Li Jiayu scolded her and said she had accepted her subordinates. At least it would not be as cold to her as before, but Luo Yanyu’s 18-year-old big flower idiot There are some tangles, she is a loyal fan of fallen angels, as a dream lover, Prince Charming, but now there is only Li Jiayu in her eyes... Hey, the girl is really hurt.

"In the future, you must always be vigilant! I am not omnipotent. I can't help you so lucky every time. If something really happens, there is no chance to recover. I don't want to see any of you. What are three long and two short."

Li Jiayu did not breathe a good breath, but broke into their heart like a current, one by one excited and a little shivering, more than 20 days since the end of the last world, for the first time felt so warm and secure.

"Jiayu, can I whip the body?". Luo Yanyu tightened the gown who was torn off the button and suddenly said.

"Whatever." Li Jiayu.

"Thank you!"

Luo Yanyu is also a person who has been on the battlefield. The guts and blood are much better than ordinary girls, but she sees her extremely embarrassingly calling out large blocks of stones, and rumbling to the crotch of those bodies. Roll their **** into a bolognese.

After finishing these things, she once again summoned the soil thorns, piercing the bodies of the villains all over the chest and abdomen, topping the ceiling, and the flesh and blood splashes everywhere.

It’s a crazy woman...

Li Jiayu's mouth was pumping, but slowly approaching Nange, who was seriously injured in the ground, there was no expression on the calm face, and there was no original suffocation. Some just mocked, he stepped out step by step, less than ten meters. The sound of seventy-eight feet of footsteps sounded like trampling the heart of Nan Ge, making him more and more fearful, and his body became more intense.

"Do you have anything to say?" Li Jiayu walked into the face of this unrecognized "coke" and said faintly.

"Tell your family! The small Xijiang City dared to provoke the majesty of Gongzhou City. You are dead, you know, you will die very badly! I am one of the three giants in Gongzhou, dark. Cavalier Luo Peiyang's cousin, know who the dark knight Luo Peiyang is! That is the top three masters, one can beat the funeral, if you kill me, he will not let you go, not just you Will be trained as a slave, even your whole family will be jealous..."


Li Jiayu stepped on one foot and directly slammed Nange's thighs, pus, flesh and blood, and Jiao Jiao spilled over the ground. Nan Ge hurt almost to faint.

"Oh, no wonder you are so fearless, it turns out that your backing is the dark knight Luo Peiyang..."

"You have heard of you... then you dare to kneel down on me, step on my leg, fuck! Let me go, if you regret it now, apologize, contribute everything, maybe my cousin will be online. Open one side, don't deal with your family..."


Another cry, Li Jiayu also broke the other leg of Nange.

"Ah! You heard no, you dare to abuse me, I am not afraid that my cousin will uproot your Xijiang University!"

Nan Ge screamed wildly, his mouth was drooling. He knew that he could not escape today. He was covered in layers of despair. The threat of death was so close. He even collapsed, like a bitch. Like the male dog who snatched away, he was angry and anxious to say something threatening without nutrition.

"Oh, your cousin is just a short-lived ghost and not enough to fear..."..."

The Dark Knight is also considered to be an extremely powerful profession, at least 30% more powerful than the Vajra Orangutan. The rareness is similar to that of the Cardinal-level Liuyin yarn. It is a nobleman in the dark profession, and it is famous.

Don't look at Li Jiayu's only two-level low-level. In fact, the real strength is hard to calculate. There are permanent dark octopus, bellflowers, stagnation, and the red lotus tyrannosaurus with high attack power, but if the dark knight really wants And Li Jiayu 'played up' still do not know who the deer died.

"You will regret it... Even if you kill me today, sooner or later you will fall into the palm of my cousin. He will bring me one and live alive..."

"嚓拉" "Kala"

Two loud bangs, Nan Ge’s hands have been trampled off, and Li Jiayu’s eyes calmly looked at the poor worms that were exhausted in the limbs.

"Ping **** go to find your mom to do it, idiots, opening your mouth is just a slap, and only your mother will do it for you!"

Said, Li Jiayu raised his foot again, just about to crush the head of Nan Ge.


A wind man pierced the air and suddenly appeared behind Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu’s “moving in his heart” immediately evaded sideways and escaped the wind and danger, but it still shot a huge crack in the wall not far away. Gray is falling.

"Well? Dare to attack me?"

Li Jiayu turned around with a sigh of relief, but saw a man wearing a windbreaker at the door of the hall. He was in his 30s, looks white, and his face is resolute. He has some mature feelings of middle-aged people, but his hair is not. The wind is automatic, the style of a master.

"Stop, you can't kill that person. If he dies... it will directly lead to the dark knight Luo Peiyang going crazy. He is famous for his short support. When he kills your university, he will definitely ignite Gongzhou. The war between the city and Xijiang City is not good for the people of both cities. Do you want to watch the innocent people suffer?"

The man in his thirties said calmly and gracefully, not forgetting to take a cigarette out of the windbreaker, skillfully picking up a lighter, taking a sip of the beautiful, squirting a circle of smoke, it looks really handsome. .

"Sorry, I haven't thought about anything like the overall situation. I just don't think that I only know one thing, that is, people who dare to move me, even if you are a legendary master, you must die! What's more, what garbage dark knight!"

Li Jiayu glanced at Han Xiaoyu. The girl who grew up with him was so wronged. Can he be as eager to shrink as a tortoise?

"That said... Are you really going to kill him? Please think clearly, now regret it is still too late, after all, he is only suffering from limbs and skin burns. Finding a light sacrifice will make him recover. If you are guilty of sin, you promise to have some of the bosses, and there should be a roundabout...".

"Ah, wind brother, is it you? You come to save me, but fortunately you didn't go to the party tonight... Hey, don't talk nonsense with this mother-in-law, and quickly take her down, she just wants to kill I also said that I would kill my cousin, saying that we are not as good as the pigs and dogs in Gongzhou City. They are all locusts... You also saw how cruel she is, and my brothers were killed by her. This clearly means the extinction of human nature, and it must be well trained!"

Suddenly, Nan Ge, who had already died, suddenly felt like a chicken blood. His eyes were bright and he cried in tears. At the same time, he poured a bucket of dirty water on Li Jiayu. He did not mention why he was on this side. To such a retribution.

Nan Ge is full of confidence in the name "Wind Brother"!

Because he is a wind master, has a super high speed, and has an unparalleled speed, although it is only a second-level middle, but his strength is infinitely close to the second-level high-level, able to deal with a colorful 独自 alone, Extremely powerful.

If he shot, Li Jiayu will be defeated!

At this moment, Nan Ge is full of love for life, only to feel that the village is dark and bright, and the dawn of hope once again shines on him. Hahahaha, sure enough, Fu Da Ming’s own self will die so easily. After waiting for the great beauty, you must make a good sigh and humiliate back.

"Sister, do you have any arguments... Just give me a reason not to shoot you, I can consider not to give you a heavy hand." Feng Ge played a ash, and once again spouted a ring of smoke, not too slow Said.

"have nothing to say!"

Li Jiayu raised his lips and once again revealed the signature mocking smile, the sound is like the cold wind in the crack of hell:

"I don't need to explain anything to you... In short, I can't stop me tonight, you can't stop me. You just dared to attack me. It's better to give me a satisfactory explanation, otherwise... even kill you!"

"Haha! Mania!"

The wind is very angry and laughs. He has always been a self-respecting person. He is quite reasonable for women, especially beautiful women. In his opinion, he has given Li Jiayu a face, but Li Jiayu not only does not buy it, but instead toasting and not eating fine wine, it is simply Ignorant!

If you don’t agree, just start playing!

"The cage of the wind!"

The man violently violently leaps and leaps, and his body smashes out a large piece of blue-colored wind, smashing and forming a tornado, screaming at Li Jiayu, and blowing his hair in a messy dance.

He has full confidence in his own move.

Because of the second-order high order, no one can escape the threat of "the cage of the wind."


He was thinking wrong.

The next moment, his eyes must be pulled out.

Because he saw a golden dragon with a height of three or four meters, he was aggressive and arrogant, and he stood in front of Li Jiayu in a fire, completely offsetting the "cage cage"!

"Dragon... Hey, what dragon is this!"

Wind brother is completely dumbfounded, how did he not think that the soft and weak beauty can summon the legendary dragon, and it is still a huge one!

"Red Lotus, Octopus... Kill me for him! Frustration!"

Li Jiayu shrugged his eyes and said faintly.

The result is no longer suspenseful.

The red lotus tyrannosaurus and the dark octopus clip the man together. Although he is very fast, the dark octopus has a lot of ranged attack skills, and the red lotus tyrannosaurus is even more greeted by flames, fireballs and dragon tails, ten seconds. The clock cleaned up the wind brother, let him fly like a sack and fly out a few tens of meters away, smashing the hotel's large glass, squatting on the streets of the big old, the bones are broken and the head is also I photographed the inside of the chest, and I still had a plasma and flame on my body. It died very badly!

Chapter 172 Dark Knight...

Chapter 172 Dark Knight... 沧 帅 handsome guy, to the website

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