Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 175: Mo bully... Li Jia half month

The 175th chapter of the Mo-boys... Li Jia half-moon

Tiannan Province, Yucheng City -

The capital of the former Tiannan province, which was once prosperous, is now in decline. The sky is as dark as ink. There is no moonlight to shine down. The broken streets are arched with fragments of debris. The cracks are cracked into the bottomless cracks. .

Many trees have been destroyed because of a fierce battle in the field. Only sporadic branches are trembled in the wind, and even the green grass on the ground is mostly eroded by the worm's saliva!

"Mom... I am hungry..."

Inside a rough refuge camp, all the eyes are dead tents. There are a lot of iron pots, spoons and broken bowls on the side of the road. The wash is quite clean. It is because of the two days that have not been used. There were occasional people walking around the lane, and all of them were in a hurry. It seemed that the panic reached the extreme. When the wind blew, it immediately blew the tent and it seemed to be stumbling at any time.

"Small moons... Mom has a piece of chocolate here, you can take it first."

In the tent, a young woman hugged her daughter and said softly.

"Mom, why don't you eat it... Let's eat together, you are already hungry."

The girl squinted in the darkness and said crisply.

"Mom is not hungry, really, don't worry about food. The relief team in Yucheng will come to distribute food tomorrow. At that time, my mother begged them to take us to a safer place..." Middle-aged women squatting Said, but there is some trembling in the voice, I am afraid that even she herself does not believe that she can succeed.

"Mom deceives... You don't eat anything in a day, so what relief team doesn't know if it will really happen... In case they don't come, what can we do? Xiaoyue doesn't want to be hungry every day, don't want to be everyday Scared..." The little girl pouted and her eyes were tearful.

"Oh, don't be mischievous, my mother promises that they will come... the human nature is good, everyone is equal before the disaster, they will not see death, Xiaoyue, don't forget, when we came all the way to the city, we met Many good people, give us protection unselfishly, give us snacks without compensation..."

"But, haven't those people disappeared... either eaten by bugs or because food is getting more and more difficult, and they are not willing to help us... Dad is dead, Grandpa is dead, and my brother is dead, Liu Bobo Their whole family is dead...only two of us are left, living alone."

The little girl is not stupid, or some precocious, and the problem is far more profound than that of ordinary children. She even knows that this way she fled to Yucheng. Her mother is willing to go to sleep with the captain in order to be begging for protection. Back to a pack of candy, her mother is willing to bear the grievances and willing to be bullied by the transport team...

Many people look down on this mother, but the little girl knows very well that everything the mother does is for her daughter. If she is not worried about this daughter, I am afraid that she has already left the world with her husband. More shame and pain.

"Don't worry about Xiaoyue, even if there is only one mother left... It will definitely protect you, let you grow up quickly, and my mother swears that this life will not let you suffer a little bit of grievance!"

In the darkness, the young woman said firmly, groping for the piece of chocolate, tearing the package, and stuffing it into her daughter’s mouth. The sweet and delicious chocolate suddenly made the little girl forget the trouble, chewing in a small mouthful. She is really hungry and has not eaten all day.

Half eaten, the little girl realized what, handed the rest to her mother, crying and said:

"Mom, you can eat a little too... I am already full."

"Really, don't use it, you should eat it slowly. If it is not enough... Mom will go out and look for the uncle of the transportation team. Hey, you are waiting here, my mother will come back soon." The young woman touched the girl. Head, give her a blanket, I want to wear clothes.

"Mom, don't leave! I won't let you go. If you don't have such dignity, I would rather kill it..." The little girl wiped her tears and suddenly said.

"You, how is your child so ignorant..."

"Mom, I know... you use your body to please them, bullied like a bitch, and are still crowded under the crowd. They talked a lot, and they looked at me differently, some uncles. Also, I am a little singer..."

The young woman was in a stalemate, as if she had been exhausted with all her strength, and looked at her daughter in a dull moment. She didn’t know what to say for a while, but she was ashamed to be self-confident and felt that the battle had collapsed.


"Mom, you don't have to apologize, I am very sensible... All you do is for Xiaoyue, Dad is not, my brother is not there, no man is supported, our mother and daughter can only be bullied, but you really Don't pay so much, Xiaoyue doesn't really like to eat chocolate... Xiaoyue likes vegetarian food, even if he eats weeds and eats bark.

This road fled to Yucheng, and after more than 100 kilometers, the little girl also suffered a lot, and her mind became more and more mature, but she comforted her mother:

"So, mom, don't be like that again, okay... I hope that you are a dignified person, not a slave to a **** for a little food, even if we graze together, even if we will starve, we must Go straight to the waist to die, otherwise fall to hell, how should we face Dad..."

The little girl's words are very light and soft, but the words are knocked on the young woman's heart, making her more and more excited. At the end, she has been crying with her mouth, and her shoulders are shaking, and her tears are falling.

"Stupid children... Mom will never betrayed, but I have wronged you. It is very difficult to know that there is no food and no one is protecting. My mother will watch you starve and will be very distressed..."

"I am not afraid! I am not afraid!"

The little girl said firmly, her eyes were like learning the flying eagle, and half of the chocolate in her hand was stuffed into the young woman’s mouth, just a drop of warm tears on her hand, let her Feeling very heavy.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside, and the little girl and the young woman all looked out of the tent to see what happened, but saw three gangsters looting food in the next door, and kept squatting, facing several refugee camps. People punch and kick.

No way, the ghosts and souls of the inheritors came to Yucheng, most of them were recruited by major forces to live in cleaner and safe places, so there is no master in this ruined refugee camp, three gangsters. It was enough to rob the night and night, but it was enough to sweep. After all, they had daggers and pistols in their hands, and few people dared to resist.

"Fuck! We only want half of the food! Just half of them, you still push the three resistance! Don't give your face a shame!"

When I slap a slap, I turn a teenager fan to the ground, but the boy desperately protects a box of biscuits in his arms, and he refuses to let go, forcing three gangsters to keep around the boy’s cockroaches. His head broke through the blood, curled up in the ground and bowed his waist and pain, and an old woman next to him begged for mercy, but he was flying two meters away by a gangster and vomiting blood to the ground.

"Toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine! Hand over the food early, where will suffer from the flesh and blood! Fuck! We must force us to be honest and honest!"

The juvenile has been beaten and bruised, and there is no strength to protect the biscuit box. The meditation has spit a few mouthfuls of sputum on the juvenile. This is the pick-up of the biscuit box.

"Well, we only plan to be half...but you just resisted, then no wonder we want more."

The punk poured the biscuits into the bag they prepared, and poured a large part of it. The biscuit box left only a little biscuit crumbs, and I was afraid that the teenager and his grandmother would not have enough teeth.

"Hey, look, we are still very ethical... give you a little bit, enough for you to eat enough, hey, let people stay on the line, and see each other later. It’s already kind to be a robber to do our part. ""

The three gangsters have a disgusting face, but they are proud of themselves. They really regard themselves as the thieves who robbed the rich and helped the poor, shamelessly horrifying.

"Mo is bullying young and poor... In the 30 years of Hedong in the 30 years of Hedong, Xiao Yan will not let you go!"

The young man named Xiao Yan was kneeling on the ground, coughing blood, glaring at the few gangsters and gnashing his teeth.

"Hahahaha, do you see the fantasy novels look silly? Isn't it bully? I am, you are so poor, you have been eaten by insects in a few days, and you want to take revenge, it is simply delusional! Also take the name Cheng Xiaoyan, ah, why don't you call Xiao Yan?"

The three sly smirked, not forgetting to spit a few more saliva on the boy's head, giving him endless shame, but the boy named Xiao Yan was just lying like a fur-skinned dog. The small universe broke back.

The reality is such cruelty, it is not that you can solve it by saying "Mo, bully and poor".

Especially... In such a cruel and doomsday world, people are cold and warm, ugly and unselfish, and they are all played in every corner. Even the savior can't punish those villains because the number of villains is too much. .

Soon, the three gangsters came to the mother and daughter's tent.

"Hey, this girl is not bad... Little Loli is seven or eight years old, Bu Bu is crisp, just can be inserted..."

A gangster touched his chin, his sly smile, his gaze gazing up and down on the mother and daughter, and their faces changed slightly, and their bodies were a little trembling.

"Hey, what are you scared of, let's hand over the food, the old rules, we only need half, just wait for us to rob and then come back to find your mother and daughter happy..."

"Well, this is for you..."

The young woman timidly took out a small bag of candy from the bag and handed it to the gang, but the smirk was dissatisfied:

"There is such a thing left? Grass, only twelve candy, are not enough for half a meal, do you want to take it out? Is it a flower?"

"We...we really only have such a little candy..." the young woman said coldly.

"Fuck! Who are you cheating! There are twelve candy left. Do you think you are awkward? I don't think you are going to cooperate. If this is the case, don't blame us for not being able to rob the money. The color is good."

In the end times, especially in refugee camps, there are often ugly things like rape, robbery, and theft. It’s no stranger, but the young woman is so scared that she is so horrified, crying and crying, and gimmicks. I hope that the gang will let go of their mother and daughter, at least not in the face of her daughter.

"Well... who told us to be Grand Theft Auto? Then let your daughter get out of the tent, and the three of us will do it in the tent with you, hahahaha."

The three gangsters screamed arrogantly, and the obscene voice spread unscrupulously in the refugee camps, although many refugees were clenching their fists with indignation... but they didn’t dare to go out because the three gangsters had a pistol in their hands. This is not a joke.

Fighting with them, it is very possible to get yourself up. After all, the knife and the gun have no eyes. If you accidentally hang it, you can be sad. Every refugee has his own protection. Compared with his loved ones, others’ lives. It’s not worth a few dollars. The good guys who have been brave in the past and the age of peace have become less and less.

"Mom, don't give in to them, you promised Xiaoyue... You said that you will never betray your **..." The little girl shed tears, as if watching the killing father Group mix.

"Small moon, my mother is also very helpless...but this world is like this, the weak meat is strong, who told us to be so weak... This is the last time, OK? This is really the last time, tomorrow, my mother will pick up the dignity of discarding. ......"

The young woman also cried and her eyes were swollen, but she could only surrender to fate. Otherwise, she might most likely even ruin her daughter... but she didn’t know that her daughter would rather die than her mother and daughter. I don't want to see my mother discard her dignity. After all, once dignity is lost, sometimes she can't find it again.

The three mixed-smiling smirk, we must push the young woman into the tent, but...

at this time--

A figure suddenly came over!

Like the wind!

Very fast!


A fist hits the nose of a mixed compound, directly interrupts the bridge of the nose, and the pain falls to the ground and falls to the ground.


It was a muffled sound. It was indeed a roundabout kicking on the neck of another gangster. He flew out five or six meters away, and his pistols flew out!

"Ah! I am grass, you dare to do it..."

The last confusing words had not been finished, and the dagger was taken out, but the figure rushed over without fear. He suddenly squeezed the mixed wrist, twisted it with a force, and instantly twisted his wrist, hurting and screaming Pig-like screams.

"Scum, go to hell!"

A spoiled drink, the entire arm of the gang was twisted, and the figure was still unresolved, and the other arm was completely twisted again, and the hand was extremely hot.


The young woman and the little girl looked at everything in front of her eyes, and her head turned a little bit. The figure took only three seconds to solve the group of gangsters who were holding weapons. It was really amazing.

"Sorry... I am late, I am wronged."

Through the dim light, the young woman finally saw the face of the savior, which is a very energetic and heroic girl.

"Thank you for your help, my name is Bai Jie..." the young woman said gratefully.

"Don't thank, this is what I should do... I am the captain of the Yucheng rescue team, especially to help the refugees in Liucheng."

The moonless night, the girl stood pretty opposite, but it was like a light source, which made one look bright, with a long ponytail behind it, a few smooth streams in the ear, and a beautiful frontal Liu Haier, silky and silky, swaying in the wind, very beautiful.

"Because of some delays... so I am late, Bai Jie younger sister, you can call me Li half a month."

The girl said with a smile.

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