Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 191: The army invited... the mountain rain is coming

"No, you stay here, in case the Dark Knight comes to sneak attack or the worm hits the night, at least it can withstand a moment."

Li Jiayu waved his hand and gestured to dye Hongxia not to come over, and then the soldier quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Although the sky is already very dark, there are still a lot of insect fires along the way. The flames of the stars are dazzling, and many of the masters of civil organizations are working hard outside the tents, especially those Berserkers and Giant Warriors. Just like being crazy, I kept holding a few thousand pounds of boulder for extreme sports, muscles bulging, sweating, and making a loud roar, making it difficult for others to sleep, and the magicians kept performing magic. In particular, the water master who ran to the riverside was screaming at all kinds of water arrows and water shields.

Almost all the inheritors are desperately trying to make themselves strong. On the road to escape from precariousness, only the hard strength can guarantee that they will survive, so that they can gain respect from people.

Speaking of it, this is the first time since the city’s escape that he left his companion and ran to other circles of power. Li Jiayu does not like to deal with strangers. The people he contacts are basically Xijiang University and Nanhai Martial Arts School. Other organizations really don't know a few. Now, seeing so many inheritors along the way, it feels quite fresh.

"Li Jiayu is an adult, the front is the military camp..."

The soldier carefully glanced at Li Jiayu next to him, and he respectfully said:

"Your reputation has already spread in the army, huh, I am also your fan..."

In the eyes of ordinary people, the top powers of the second-level high-level are all supreme, so many people give them the title of "adult" in private.


Li Jiayu responded in a cold voice, without any interest in chatting.

However, the soldier was obviously a little excited, and he still said to Li Jiayu with respect and respect:

"Li Jiayu, you are obviously a dragon summoner, able to summon a dragon. It is known as Xijiang University's Lotus with the dyed Hongxia Major, but you don't seem to like to contact our army... It's a pity."

"And the Lotus?? That is to describe the woman? Who is so boring, take me to compare with the dyed red Xia?" Li Jiayu mouth pumping, he has been too lazy to waste his tongue to explain.

"People's organizations have said this. It is rumored that you and the Dyeing School have implemented the dagger plan. The two swords combined to kill six blue-eyed giant ants, which is much more powerful than the Tyrannosaurus and the Knife."

at this time. The two have entered the military camp, but see that the dozen guards are first-class high-level. Infinitely close to the second-level low-level small masters, one by one looks awe-inspiring, eyes on the eight-way ear listening to the Quartet, all of them are full of fortitude.

"Oh... the people in the army are really powerful, and they are much more qualified than my classmates. Their equipment is enough."

It was a few guards, one-of-a-kind covered insects that had been dealt with by an alchemist, equipped with deep-hardened alloy weapons, or spurs, or heavy hammers, or rifles. At a glance, you know that it is not a product.

"Hey! Ha!"

In the military camp, there are more than 30,000 people, and the soldiers and abilities add up to a quarter, which is more than 8,000. Most of these people are still training, looking into the distance, stretching all the way to the distance, the river wind blowing, countless tents hunting, quite spectacular.

Looking at it from afar, I can feel the overwhelming masculinity of the air, but Li Jiayu just said it.

"Well? That big white hair girl... isn't Li Jiayu!"

"Wow! Really Li Jiayu. What kind of money does she run in our army? Is it necessary to join the army? Great!"

"The future of Major Li, the future Major Li! If she wants to build a commando in the army. I am the first to sign up!"

Suddenly, the crowd suddenly rang, and more and more people noticed the arrival of Li Jiayu. They had already lost their minds of continuing night training. Instead, they ran to the roadside and watched Li Jiayu, who was rarely seen. Too much abrupt, they really want to run a few words with Li Jiayu.

"Li Jiayu, you see it too... The people in the army respect the strong, especially the big masters like you, who can definitely admire the five bodies, huh, as they said, if you jump to In our army, I am afraid that half of them will fall under your feet and rob you of being your boss..."

The soldier looked fiercely at Li Jiayu, who was white and blue, and said with some excitement.


Li Jiayu refused to say a word. At this moment, he really had a little hesitation, considering whether he should convince the army of Xijiang City and pull them to his knees, so that he would really have a party. It is more convenient to do anything in the future.

However, at the thought of his own ignorance of the commanding army, and his character is not suitable for the king to dominate, Li Jiayu temporarily gave up this plan, and after going to Yucheng, he will draw a few hunting devils and form an elite team. It will be even better.

Of course, who can make it clear in the future, perhaps Li Jiayu suddenly opened up and want to completely accept the power of Xijiang City. With his record and the prestige of fallen angels, it is only a matter of words.

Soon, Li Jiayu entered a small house made up of vines and sandstones. This is obviously a masterpiece of the second-class middle-level bots and soil masters. It is also interesting to stand on the beach.


Pushing open the wooden door, the red flame inside suddenly illuminates, and the soldier slams:

"He Li, the great Li Jiayu has already been brought!"

"Well, go on, let me entertain her."

A heavy hoarse male voice came out.

"Yes! Li Jiayu, please!" Then the soldier left.

Inside the wooden house, but the three are the heads of Li, the eye of the eye, and the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Li Jiayu glanced at the three people with a cold look, then gently closed the wooden door, sitting on the wicker chair, faintly said:

"What's the matter with me?"

"Oh, do you still remember me? I was the secretary of the municipal party committee of the municipal party committee. You saved me and the old mayor. You should still have some impressions..." The secretary of the municipal party committee was more than twenty days ago. A lot worse, his face is a little sallow, his hair is a little messy, and his clothes are just ordinary sportswear. He can see that his situation is not good these days.

"Well, I heard that the old mayor has died." Li Jiayu glanced at the secretary of the municipal party committee.

"...Yes, it’s so bad that it was crushed by the purple beetle into a meat sauce. The teacher repeated his thoughts and repeated you, always want to see you again, but he never had a chance again..." The secretary of the municipal party committee smiled Shaking his head.

"Speak the point, I don't have much time to chat with you." Li Jiayu shrugged.


The secretary of the municipal party committee was somewhat unnaturally blind. He originally wanted to have a relationship with Li Jiayu, and he was engaged in a guest, but Li Jiayu, like twenty days ago, did not enter the oil and salt, and it was like a thousand years of cold.

"It is like this. At eight o'clock... Dark Knight Luo Peiyang personally came to our military camp to inquire about some news about you. I am very surprised that a big master like him does not need to personally ask your message, just give it to He is just fine, the situation is so abnormal, I guess he has a great interest in you..."

Li’s gaze looked at Li Jiayu intricately. The muscles on his face twitched and hoarse and said:

"Before leaving, Luo Peiyang said to me... His cousin is killing you, killing people and killing them. He even asked me if I would like to sit on the Xijiang University, I will not stand by..."

Speaking of this, the tone of the head of Li is still very dignified.

The fire jumped and the atmosphere was tense. Li’s head felt that his heartbeat was more than doubled. He quietly waited for Li Jiayu’s answer.

"Hey, his cousin is really upset by me." Li Jiayu opened his mouth, no panic, and whispered as usual, it seems that he did not put the pressure of Taishan in his eyes.

You must know that the power of the Dark Knight Luo Peiyang is enormous. It is also a huge thing in the eyes of Li’s leader. Especially when the military’s King Kong orangutan and Doosan’s two main forces are seriously injured, even if the army wants to help Xijiang The university is also somewhat powerless.

"Li Jiayu, have you considered joining our army? If you become ours, then Luo Peiyang will vote for the rats. If he really dares to move you, it will be the dissatisfaction of the two armed forces in Gongzhou and Xijiang. Li Mo, the first strong steel giant in Gongzhou, will definitely stop him. When you apologize to Luo Peiyang, you can compensate for a little insect crystal. It is estimated that you can delay the time. It takes only five days for the Vajra orangutan to recover. Then we have The capital against him..."

Li’s head was really thinking about Li Jiayu. He was extremely curious about Li Jiayu. Secondly, he was a little bit eager to love. Thirdly, he really didn’t want to see such a fairy being trampled by Luo Peiyang.

However, Li Jiayu’s answer was as cold as ever, and he did not buy the account of Li’s head.

"Exempt, Luo Peiyang's things do not have to worry about you, I have to deal with him. Oh, I thought it was a matter of importance. It turned out that I just wanted to dig me into the army. Although you can afford me, However, I still prefer to stay at Xijiang University."

Li Jiayu stood up and opened the wooden door directly. He was about to leave. The Tianshi who had never opened his mouth suddenly said:

"You are so fearless, what trump card is hidden? I know, you must be sheltering the fallen angels?" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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