Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 210: Amazing symbol

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The twenty-first chapter of the amazing symbol

"Maybe when the flying zombies pass by here, they don't want to drop a drop of corpse oil from the sky into the water. The corpse poison contained in the corpse oil is not a joke..."

Li Jiayu shook her head and whispered:

"However, the flying zombies are not three-pole, how can they pass by in such a remote place, take a step back, and shouldn’t run this world so early? Hey, those who become zombies, still It’s really a disaster...”

The news of this tragedy has gone without a hitch, and it has spread rapidly in the circle of 1.3 million fugitives. For a time, everyone is in danger, and panic is boiling. No one dares to camp in the water next to it. The wind blew, almost everyone was breathing, fearing that there was a mixture of corpses in the air.

The energy-sensing person and the bright profession have all been dispatched, and they have added up to more than one hundred. They have been inspected everywhere within a thousand miles of the mountain, and almost all the places where there may be corpse poisons have been purified.

But Rao is so, the fugitives are still a hundred uneasy, sleeping when they are nervous, staring at the other people in the tent, fearing that they will suddenly become zombies, roaring and throwing their necks Bite off

Originally, because of the blood demon, the fugitives were reunited at night when they slept, but nowadays... many people don’t dare to rely too close to the strangers.

Especially the elderly, patients, women, children, and the four are all people with extremely poor immunity. They are most likely to be infected by zombies, so they are more or less guarded, even if they are blood relatives. Will keep a distance from them because of a little bit of difference.

Although it is clear that the possibility of the spread of corpse poison is very high, the panicked people will still be able to inevitably expand the horror of the corpse poison. Some people find that the old man coughs and immediately runs away like a ghost. Can they really do the big problem.

"The bones collected on the battlefield, zombie corpse oil is also a good material for the ......"

Among the tents, Xie Wenyuan was full of red light, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and his hands were pinched with four or five gray-black symbols, which were painted with twists and turns, like obscure essays. It is also like a ghostly ghost that is unpredictable. Apart from Xie Wenyuan, no one can understand what is written on it.

"Hey, Master, have you developed a new rune? Congratulations." Li Jiayu laughed.

Xie Wenyuan, the future super-backup, is now more and more up-and-coming. The types of plaques that have been developed have become more and more. He made the thunderbolt in the first two nights, and now he is ready to adapt to the materials. Make out zombies and scorpions.

"Oh... then thank you for the materials you have collected for me..."

Xie Wenyuan also smiled slightly and stroked the five characters, like the precious paintings that cherished the cherished. Obviously he was quite satisfied with the newly developed symbols.

Although the logistics personnel like Xie Wenyuan are unsatisfactory on the battlefield, they really have to count. His value to the group is absolutely no less than that of two or three second-level high-ranking combatants. After all, his symbol is too useful for unlimited real estate. Greatly improve the quality of all aspects of Xijiang University, and his thunderbolt can be used by ordinary people, throw it out, even the red beetle can blow up half life.

In the future, when Xie Wenyuan is promoted to the third pole and gets more and more comprehensive corpse and zerg materials, he can really shine. With him alone, Xijiang University can compete with three or four times his own enemy.

Dyeing Hongxia came over, grabbed Fu Xun from Xie Wenyuan and looked at it in detail, then asked: "The grandfather, this energy is quite violent, more powerful than the one you made before, even if it is The thunderbolt is far from good, it’s hard to be... is this the second-class symbol?"


Many of the people present were on the sidelines, and the one-level symbols produced by Xie Wenyuan were so powerful, so the second-level symbols are still available?

"Oh... it is indeed the second-class symbol, but unfortunately this is only the lowest level of the second level, not much stronger than the first level..."

Xie Wenyuan shook his head and pointed to a symbol in the hands of Hongxia.

"This is a scorpion amulet, and the body protection effect is quite good... Hey, it should be able to withstand the full attack of the three dragons. It certainly has no effect on the super masters like Jiayu and Hongxia, but for Lu Feiyang, The second-level low-ranking masters like Tianzhao and Fengsongyuan are no less than a life."

There is really nothing wrong with it. When encountering large-scale bugs, all the claws are claws. Even if you have defensive skills, you may not be able to protect yourself anytime, anywhere. The amulet is different, and it can be autonomous at any time. A layer of protective cover is morphed in all directions to resist the attack before and after.

"Three times of dragons and dragons full attack... great, this is a qualitative leap, your grandfather's previous six-guard protector can only resist the poisonous spiders..." Dye Hongxia smiled happily.

In the face of Sun’s praise, the steady Xie Wenyuan could not help but smile. He nodded and continued:

"This is a sacral spear, you can play a powerful bone spear, the killing power is not inferior to Ling Shaoping's dark crit, enough to instantly break the defensive shell of the green beetle, so that it is seriously injured ... oh, this is The corpse oil bursts, it can burst out of a dark explosion of five meters, and it is also highly erosive. Even the colorful cockroaches have to suffer big losses under the attack of the corpse bursting cockroaches... oh, this is the death condensed Symbol, as the name implies, put it on the target's head, can plant a lot of curses on the target, greatly weaken its strength, if it is attached to the colorful gimmick, then it is weaker than the scorpion It's enough to make it easy for you to kill..."

Xie Wenyuan talked eloquently. Every time he introduced a character, the person next to him breathed a heavy weight. At the end, he was simply stunned and admired the worship of Xie Wenyuan.

In the past, everyone has respected this old man as an honorary professor. For the sake of selling Hongxia's face, everyone has acquiesced to Xie Wenyuan to join the master circle. In fact, everyone does not have a cold on Xie Wenyuan. After all, he did not know how to make it. Too strong, add up can only make people improve one or two strengths, and can not play a key role.

But now, Xie Wenyuan's Fuxi is really amazing. This guy is simply a full-time omnipotent, attacking, defending, speedy, and control-integrated super-backup. His role is more than a silver yarn, more than dyed. Hongxia became the third most important person after Li Jiayu and Xiao Qingqing

With those symbols, Xijiang University does not have to work too hard to deal with colorful cockroaches, cockroaches, and green beetles. Yang Xuyan and Ling Shaoping’s minds have a picture - the roaring colorful 蜈蚣Blowing in the face, overthrowing a large master, but Ling Shaoping fell from the sky, put the "death condensate" on the colorful brain, and then easily kill it...

Or maybe it is - in the face of a large number of worms, Yang Xuyan uses more than fifty "corpse oil bursts" to throw them into the swarm, and raises a mushroom cloud in the roar And those worms have been blown up to the ground, broken meat all over the place...

It may also be like this - the purple beetle flying in the sky is so fast that it is as raging as a fighter. The human on the ground can only squint the purple beetle in the sky, but it can't attack it at this time. The people of Xijiang University threw a piece of "skull and spear", which instantly turned into a huge bone spear, which was like a thousand arrows, and inserted the purple beetle of the sky into a hedgehog...

To this group of people entered the fantasy state one by one, Xie Wenyuan shook his head helplessly, saying:

"Cough... Don't take it too seriously. I am still a little reluctant to make a second-level symbol. I can only make ten or twenty sheets a day. The roots can't be used on a large scale... But I have already The more skilled I am, the more I believe I will improve in the future. When I get to the low-end of the three poles, it is not difficult to make seven or eighty copies a day."

"Oh? Thank you, old now..." Li Jiayu shrugged.

"Oh... don't think that only your young people are making rapid progress. I am not bad at this old bone. Now it is already the peak of the second-order high-order. Half of the foot is stepping into the low-level of the three poles. Maybe, I will compare Hongxia is still going to step into the low-level three-pole..." Xie Wenyuan laughed.

"Grandfather, it’s not kind to you to take advantage of my secret progress. You can’t do it. Your grandfather must give me 20 ‘death condenses’.” I dyed Hongxia’s eyebrows and pretended to stare at Xie Wenyuan with anger.

"Haha, grandfather, I don't dare to fake public finances... You ask Xiao Yuyun not to allow it again, you, mixed with Li Jiayu, killing six blue-eyed giant ants, still use the 'death condensate'? That was specially made for Ling Shaoping and Lu Feiyang..."

"Right, uncle, what is the remaining character? You haven't introduced it yet." Xiao Qingqing suddenly asked, the pair of clear autumn water with a bit of oddity, she would like to know those made with glutinous rice, corpse oil How useful is the symbol.

"Oh... the rest of the book is the bottom of the box. It’s also the hardest to make. It takes two hours to get it out..."

Xie Wenyuan touched the black beard on his chin and looked at his eyes:

"This is a blood-burning... I have also been studying before, and I have been studying the self-mutilation. I didn't expect to make a blood-burning character so quickly. Oh, this is similar to Jiayu's burning soul with the king-level insect crystal. Wonderful, but far from being so overbearing, it can't break out more than ten times of combat power. Blood-burning, as the name implies, is to burn the blood and essence in the body, thereby deepening the potential in the body and exploding one percent. The power of one hundred and thirty, dedicated to desperate use, is not a last resort, don't use it rashly, because it will be weak for a week after a long time, the cost is very big... oh, of course, the second-level first-order blood burning It is only useful for grades such as Ling Shaoping and Yang Xuyan. For Hongxia and Jiayu, it is like a chicken."

The twenty-first chapter of the amazing symbol

The twenty-first chapter of the amazing symbol, the address


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