Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 240: The situation is urgent...

Xijiang City Fengyun] The 214th chapter of the situation is urgent...


The twentieth chapter of the state of affairs is urgent...

"What? The corpse? There are corpses in Linchuan County?!"

Li Mo, who just got up and got out of bed, took a sigh of cold, but he still forced to calm down, thinking about it, Shen Sheng:

"There are not many corpses? Why didn't they attack humans?"

Luo Peiyang, who is opposite, said quietly:

“Accurately, we found a tunnel leading to the abyss, buried under the hillside in the north of the city. Once someone approaches the hillside, there will be a large expanse of corpses popping up, if we are not running fast I am afraid that I will be killed by the hundreds of corpses. Li Mo is not a big man. I don’t think there are only a few hundred corpses. At the end, there may be more, thousands, tens of thousands, even 100,000 heads are possible!"

"Oh... I know, I will arrange the escape team to go out of town as quickly as possible... I will withdraw all within half an hour..."

"That would be best. Li Mo’s acting, we can rest assured."

Luo Peiyang’s face nodded solemnly and looked out of the window. He stunned and could clearly feel that the outside was rapidly fogging. This mist was gray and gave a gray death tone, which was reminiscent. To the grave...

"Hey, how is it foggy?" Li Mo frowned, and he had a bad feeling in his heart, because every fogging would have very bad things happening, and this time the fog was more without warning. The air is filled with strange smells, and there is an indescribable murderous scent, which is like a ghost palace!

At this moment, the ice fire blaster Wang Yang sneaked in. He looked very ugly, and there was no such thing as a sloppy uncle. As usual, his fluffy curls were not handled. On the table, leaned over, hoarse and said:

"Li Mo, something went wrong."

"Well? What is the number of roads?" Li Mo frowned and instinctively told him that Wang Yang knew that it was impossible to be as simple as a horror. After all, Wang Yang was not a fuss, he could turn him into this one. Looks like it is definitely something more horrible and worse.

"Linchuan County can't get out." Wang Yang looked incomparably ugly, gloomy face, and the beard on his chin twitched and continued:

"You know, I slept with friends from other organizations in the hotel in the south of the city last night. I was unable to sleep for more than five o'clock in the early morning. I simply ran out and swayed. I wanted to Go out to the city to get some fresh air, but..."

Wang Yang made a long voice, and when he saw the ghost, he said sullenly:

"But it is very strange. It is close to the outside of the city. It seems that I can go out of town in a few steps... but I just can't go out because there is an invisible space barrier in front of me, just like thick. Like thick glass..."

"Is there such a thing?" Li Mo couldn't sit still, and suddenly he took the case and his breathing was heavy.

He has no way not to panic, because if you can't get out of the city, it means that all people will be trapped in Linchuan County!

If there is no corpse, it is not so urgent, but now it is really burning eyebrows. God knows when the corpse on the hillside of the city is completely erupted. If the corpse army continues to attack humans, then this one hundred and three hundred thousand I am afraid that the fugitives will really be wiped out!

"Yes, this will not be wrong... We really can't go out, at least, I have tried both the south of the city and the east of the city. There are a layer of space barriers that are invisible and inaccessible. I think the north and the west of the city. It’s almost the same situation. If you don’t believe it, you can send a speed-type inheritor to test it...”

Wang Yang sighed, and some of his distressed eyes burst into tears, hoarse and scorpion continued:

"And, when I was rushing to you... Linchuan County quickly fogged, the speed of this fog is too abnormal, just like coming out of the air, you see. You come to the window Look."

Wang Yang took Li Mo to the window and pointed at the increasingly dense fog, his face was iron and green:

"Two minutes ago, those fogs were still white, and now they have become dead gray... and the visibility is getting lower and lower. This is definitely not an ordinary climate phenomenon. Do you remember that the day of the last days is also two? In a minute, it suddenly changed from a good sunny day to a thundercloud..."

"..." Li Mo said that he couldn't speak. He keenly caught something, but he didn't know what to do for a while. After all, the strange events that happened now are too ridiculous, and he doesn't know. What decisions to make are correct.

"Li Mo, talk, now you are the leader of the two city fugitives..."

Li Mo shook his head and smiled. He frowned and looked at Wang Yang bitterly. He said:

"What else can you say? It’s a shame to go out of town. We are now in the middle of it. We can only pray that those corpses should not be too mad, or quickly find ways to break down space barriers..."


Wang Yang was shocked and looked at Luo Peiyang's men in confusion. When he learned that there was a passage in the abyss in the north of the city, his eyes were full of horror, and his throat gasped. He knew very well... the passage of the abyss How terrible it is, it means that there will be endless corpses drilled out, but everyone in Linchuan County can't escape!

"Can't be honed anymore, Li Mo, quickly summoned everyone, alchemists, angels, stalkers, sorcerers, enchanters all out, let them study those space barriers, and strive to break the space barriers as soon as possible. By the way, the Pioneer team will be escorted to the north of the city. Once the corpse has emerged, it is necessary to kill it. You can't let them go more and more! Also, let the fugitives resting in the north of the city immediately transfer to other Place, try to get all the ordinary people together, easy to manage... Oh, right, bring together all the three low-level, second-level high-end peaks to discuss the plan!"

Wang Yang’s brain is more flexible, and the entry point is quite in place. It’s better than the muscular man Li Mo, but Wang Yang is a layman after all, and the management can’t be far behind the dead Zhao’s head. If Zhao’s head is still alive, I’m afraid it’s released. The order will be better and more comprehensive.

"Well, I will let the correspondent go to the following to report!"

Li Mo nodded and eagerly summoned a team of men to let them inform the major organizations. At the same time, he personally ran to call the alchemists, hoping to learn the talents and the alchemy of all kinds of strange things. What is a good way for the surgeon to...



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