Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 253: Intense battle!

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Chapter 253 is a fierce battle!

"I have nothing to do with the minor injuries in the district. You are besieging Li Jiayu. I am behind the halo to assist you."

Luo Peiyang, the dark knight who fell to the ground, wiped the blood beside the corner of his mouth. At this time, his lower body had once again condensed into flesh and blood, but his legs were soft and weak, standing hard, not to mention the close combat with the enemy, not resting. A few minutes, it is impossible to move.


The eight men rushed to the promise, and the ability of Luo Peiyang's various growth auras increased greatly. The strength of each person's strength increased by more than 20%, especially the qigong masters, arrogant fighters and mad warriors of the melee system. Muscles are smashed and face-faced, apparently entering a state of darkness and violentness. However, their minds are not affected too much. Instead, the destructive power is soaring, and the bloodthirsty ** is deeply stimulated.


The violent warrior, who is as strong as the Hercules, wields a cold magical axe with a little thunderous force, and cuts through the heavy air. When he heads, he slashes toward Li Jiayu, but when he slams, It’s the golden sword that dyes Hongxia.

"Good Shen Jianqi"

Only with such a sword, the mad warrior was beaten back a few steps, the shoes stepped on a shallow pit on the concrete floor, and the hands holding the giant axe shivered slightly.

This terrible power is two or three times more horrible than mortars.

Nothing more often sees the red Xia sword on the battlefield, and the bulldozer-like unstoppable colorful shovel sweeps out more than ten meters.

"I want to move Li Jiayu to ask me to dye Hongxia first"

The wind blew, the white dress, the pretty horsetail tail dyed Hongxia single-handed grip, the tip of the sword pointed, the eyes fixed on the enemy, the face was full of desperation and resentment


A piece of golden character surrounds the body of the red Xia, forming a golden sword with a strong slogan, and firmly protects her, even her star is turned into gold under the mirror of the sword. The wave* strong and unmatched momentum escaped from her, just like the goddess of war in the myths and legends.

"A good arrogant mother, I am arrogant, Yan Lei has long wanted to ask you for one or two."

"Helping you to be a tiger, you are simply smearing the swordsmanship you have acquired."

In an instant, the two qigong masters of Gongzhou City’s non-governmental organizations stepped on the light and stepped on a piece of marble, as if they were two stunned and killed in Hongxia.

The Berserker also slammed the giant axe and smashed the red xia with two qigong masters. It was not that the three men joined forces to bully the woman, but they clearly knew how terrible the dyed Hongxia was, not to mention singles. Fighting alone, even if the two together are also destined to defeat

Only three joint shots, only to suppress the arrogance of dyed Hongxia, completely contain her. After all, the magic weapon dyed Hongxia is the second-order high-order, she is also the second-order high-order peak, and the inheritance obtained is Horror of the immortal level

"You don't force me to kill"

In the face of the siege of the three masters, the red-faced face glowed red, and the magical sword was wielded with a grin, and the battle was carried out with the sword and the sword, and the marble blocks on the ground were like plowing fields. As many as the towns of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the "stone lion" of the fortune-for-profit was also cut off and turned into powder.

"Everyone is going backwards and not being accidentally injured."

Those onlookers fled, especially when Wang responded quickly to the thief. After three or two times, he hid behind the Vajrapani, and with the protection of the military chief, he secretly noticed every move on the battlefield.


The blue-eyed giant ant of the animal trainer ran a large worm leg, with a violent hurricane, like a heavy armored tank, pressed against Li Jiayu, but it was smaller than it. Five times the dark octopus

"Would you like to get away from the earth and fat circle like you? You want to give it to Bai Fumei's master? You still have the qualification to get the earth and fat rounds of the goddess, please give the supreme power of the silk warrior."

The dark octopus' eyes swelled, cracking the **** mouth, revealing a white fang, and spitting a strange word in his mouth. It was hypnotizing himself and making himself more violent.

At the same time, the dark octopus also tastes a few trousers and bras with thick sweat and body odor (many girls don’t take a bath for a few days in the last days), which is obviously its collection. The long-awaited "Bing Grain Pills" and "Big Tonics", it does not say anything, a brain is stuffed into the mouth and chewed intoxicated, and then like a chicken blood, the golden eyes are extremely congested, "squeaky", Dark octopus's size has skyrocketed again

"The octopus's tentacles, you want to blow your chrysanthemums, 噢 噢 噢 la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la cigar Thousand red 蜈蚣


The dark octopus and the blue-eyed giant ants collided in an instant, bursting into a terrible horror, and hearing that everyone’s heart was trembled.

What is even more incredible is that the blue-eyed giant ant was hit by the dark octopus and flew out three or four meters away. The blue soft skin on the body was even blackened by electricity, obviously in a downturn.

After eating the girls’ underwear, the strength of the dark octopus has soared to the middle of the second-grade high-level, naturally not so good.

The animal trainer saw a horror, he did not expect that this would be the result, even the dark knight Luo Peiyang also looked silly

"Damn, isn't that the dark octopus only the second-class middle class? How can it become so powerful? A three-a-four, you cooperate with the blue-eyed giant ants, it is necessary to contain the octopus that is stupid."

After getting the boss's order, Luo Peiyang's three second-level mid-level masters slammed out and squirmed with the dark octopus, but it was still very difficult. After all, the red virgins on the dark octopus could not be blocked. Later, two masters were sent to barely trap the dark octopus.

At the same time, the nine second-class high-level super masters have also collided with Li Jiayu, Honglian tyrannosaurus, and singularly, and burst into a dazzling spark.

"enchantment ban"

"The shackles of words"

The two enchanted divisions also joined forces, and behind the many masters, they comfortably moved toward Li Jiayu, and the magician also recruited many dark bursting balls, like a black bomb, and even she pulled out a gray. Light spot, this is a tenfold gravity spell

 ff8; However, the opposite of these three assistants is the Queen of Peace

She calmly stood behind Li Jiayu, using only one leaf, and the sound of the soul, it was easy to crack these negative spells.

At the same time, Li Jiayu also violently extended the hand of the devil again.


Extending 20 meters in length, I put the weakest tyrant in the palm of my hand.

"Ah, wait, why is it pinched?"

When the tyrant's words were not finished, they were smashed into a meat sauce by the devil's palm, leaving only the horrified head to fall to the ground.

[Tonight, it’s going to break out, one and a half hours, one chapter, and it will continue to break out until six in the morning.] (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support, that is my biggest Power.)

Chapter 253 is a fierce battle!

Chapter 253 is a fierce battle! To the URL


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