Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 255: Not dead end! The biggest card!

The 255th chapter is not dead! The biggest card!

"When are we fools? How can we reinvent the effect of a fart! Li Jiayu, don't look down on people!"

The windrunner screamed, and the anger contained in the body erupted instantly. His feet suddenly slammed and slammed his body into a volley. The speed suddenly increased by 30%, and a burst of blue wind was picked up. Open the ice round pill inside the "light spiral"!

"Give me broken!"

The two qigong masters also waved their long swords and long knives, bringing out a ribbon of infuriating air, and colliding with the hands of the devil!

At the same time, Luo Peiyang, 30 meters away, also pulled out his magic weapon. It was a twisted, black and green slender knight sword, a skull was carved on the hilt, and two groups were shining in the hole. Amber dead light!

"Broken soul shock!"

Luo Peiyang's strong right hand holding the knight's sword, suddenly swayed a half-moon sword, black mist, and also moved toward the devil's hand!


Dreary crash, smash the audience!

Good knife!

Good sword!


Even if Li Jiayu's devil's hand is so powerful, it can't resist the full blow of the three masters, not to mention Li Jiayu's distraction at this time, taking into account the red lotus tyrannosaurus, the orc mummy, the bright spiral, the ice round pill and so on. , to maintain their spiritual consumption, there is no way to fully exert the devil's hand, so...

"啪嗒", the devil's hand was actually beaten with a crack, the blue light dimmed a lot, Li Jiayu's face could not help but pale, it is obvious that he also suffered a minor injury!

After all, it is not a pure close-knit profession. It’s hard to lose money. Moreover, Li Jiayu can barely win the Dark Knight in the case of mummies and red lotus tyrannosaurus, but now...

He can only face the Dark Knight and the other three super masters by himself, and it is impossible to think of not hurting.

"Ha! The devil's hand is just like this! You hurry up! Li Jiayu consumes a lot of mental strength, and his melee combat ability is less than half of the usual, and it is almost impossible to win, and win her by winning the pursuit!" Luo Peiyang's mouth Showing a cruel smile, he remembered very clearly that his body was pinched twice by Li Jiayu!

Just take Li Jiayu down... Then, be sure to cut down her right hand to make wine!


The three strong men are also rejoicing. Before that, they were still very jealous of Li Jiayu. But now it seems that Li Jiayu really has nothing to fear. If so many people still can’t get such a soft and weak stinky chick, then the man’s glory will be Destroyed!


Just at this time!

The "bright spiral" that had been shunned by the windrunner turned a corner and stroked a strange arc, stabbing a qigong master not far away, like an elusive lightning!

No one expected to get it. The "bright spiral" that had been shot off would actually turn, and it would surprise another person with such a smashing angle!

Luo Peiyang, the Vajra Gorilla, and even the strong players who have the ability to see the arc outside the field, all eyes wide open!

They want to remind the qigong master, but everything is already late!

The sneak attack came straight from the back. Even if the qigong master heard the sound of breaking the air, the fierce sense of crisis made him burst into the air, and his heart jumped wildly, desperately flashing to the right according to intuition, but the tragedy still happened!


A terrible crisp sound!

The qigong master's arm has been cut off by the light of the ultra-high-speed rotation of the light spiral!

The ice-rolled pill wrapped in the bright spiral exudes an absolute chill. The qigong master's broken arm wounds are condensed with a layer of blood ice, which makes him feel the pain of the broken arm and the energy of the cold attribute. Destroy and destroy the blood vessels and meridians in the body!


The qigong master also habitually ran a few steps toward the front, but the next time he opened his mouth, he lowered his head in disbelief, looked at his broken arm, and then his brain received the suffocating cone pain, the whole The portrait is mad as if it is crouching on the ground, holding the wound rolling around, venting the incomparable pain, the tears and nose are all smeared!

All the spectators are watching Li Jiayu with horror!

Terrible fighting consciousness, terrible means of warfare, even in such a bad form, with tremendous pressure, the seemingly pitiful chick can accurately figure out such a killing trick, once again the second-order high-order The enemy is hit hard... this is really chilling!

Less than five breaths of time, it has been a death and injury, Luo Peiyang's eight major battles will lose a quarter!

"Damn! Go ahead, take Li Jiayu at all costs! I don't believe that she can turn up the wind waves!"

Luo Peiyang snarled with hysterical anger, holding the knight's sword, waving a sword, and rushing to Li Jiayu. Everything was enough to crack the stone. The lethality was terrible, and Li Jiayu was forced to dodge. Can't meet!

At the same time, the remaining qigong master and windrunner also circumvented the "clay bomb" protective layer under Li Jiayu's cloth, and he was only six or seven meters away from him!

As long as there is another blink of an eye, the two of them will be able to completely approach Li Jiayu. At that time, they will be able to taste the fruits of victory and victory. I really don’t know how the wonderful expression of Li Jiayu, who is fine and tender, will be adjusted after being restrained. It’s too much to look forward to!

In the squad, the windrunner rushed to the front, and the wind blowing his face blew his hair backwards. He squeezed his eyes and licked his tongue, holding the magic dagger in his hand. I won, a high-speed, high-sensitivity strongman like me, near the summoner’s body, will win no doubt... I will definitely draw a beautiful blood mark on Li Jiayu’s pretty face and admire her crying. Painful expression of forgiveness...

Oh, yes, we must first pick off her gluten tendons... I heard that Li Jiayu is very hot, and those who die in her hands say that there are also three digits, so I can’t care about it...

Even Luo Peiyang in the back also saw a heartbeat, won, and won!

I don’t want to worry about planning such a grand ceremony. I used so many people, killed and injured several companions, and finally... I want to pull Li Jiayu from the top to **** in heaven! Ah, when the snow is shameful, it is finally here!

At this time, it seems that no one can save Li Jiayu, and even his own cards are all exhausted.


The windrunner's magic dagger blooms in red light, less than three or four inches from Li Jiayu...

However, she did not move, like the body-fixing technique, haha, is it difficult for this girl to know that she will lose, noisy?

Seeing that Li Jiayu’s body is going to splash blood, at this time, the sudden change suddenly occurs –

"It’s ridiculous, just because you dare to jump up and down in front of me?"

A powerful voice suddenly came from the top of Li Jiayu's head. It was full of power and fierce. It was like a big mountain hula, and it was pressed against everyone!


The windrunner looked up in an instant, but was horrified to discover...

On the top of Li Jiayu’s head, there was a crack in the space of a sparkling space. There was a silver hair floating in the air, and the face was cold. There was only a fallen angel with a black wing. He was so gorgeous and so perfect, like a The absolute light source of the group attracts everyone's attention and deeply marvels at the magical atmosphere of the fallen angel!

Heaven, angel?

The windrunner stunned, and Li Jiayu summoned a fallen angel... This is too horrible...

Do not! Now is not a time of horror at this time, as long as the dagger in the hand pushes forward a little bit, Li Jiayu can be seriously injured, and when you call out the angel or the demon, you must roll back to your world!

At this point, the dagger is less than an inch away from Li Jiayu's right chest!

However, it is at this time!


The bright swordsmanship, crisp and clear, but wearing a penetrating force that no one can stop, alarmed the audience!

According to Jianfeng!

The three-meter-long authentic knife is like a flowing stream of water, but it is like a blast of lightning. It is always at the tip of the dagger. It is ingeniously swaying the dagger, and the windrunner has stepped back two steps, full of horror. Looking at the fanning wings, the silver hair fluttering, the fallen angel who is cold and cruelly smiling!

"Give me death!"

The expressions on the faces of fallen angels and Li Jiayu are exactly the same, and the words they say are exactly the same. In the moment of such a flash of lightning, Li Jiayu suddenly slaps the sand squash wrapped around his waist!

This is the first day of the last days, the guardian of the desert, the sand country of the country, the village of Sharon, the shadow of my love Luo gave Li Jiayu's gift, although the level is limited, but how to say it, it is also the avatar of the legendary weapon, with incredible power !

Suddenly, the sand hyacinth spurts a spiritual yellow sand and flies straight to the eyes of the windrunner!

The speed of the yellow sand is not too fast. The windrunner can shake away and the body can avoid it. But the next moment, it is the re-attack of the fallen angel. The three-meter-long authentic knife cuts the air and flows into the head of the windrunner!

Suddenly, the windrunner was in a hurry and only had time to protect the dagger.

After a while, Mars splashed.

A huge force that could not be resisted came from the sea.

Unexpectedly, the windrunner's strength is not even 70%. Naturally, he can't resist the attack of fallen angels. He slammed back and forth a few steps, his right hand trembled, his mouth shattered, his blood flew, and he couldn't catch the dagger...

"Great! This fallen angel is a great master..."

The Windrunner is extremely shocked, but he hasn't had time to have any more action. The fallen angel has once again raised the authentic knife!

If this knife is lightning, the thunder in the air will be loud and loud!

Windrunners who haven’t returned to the air are inevitable! Can only lift the magic 匕 Prime Minister again!

Oh, oh!

A light slap in the tear.

Just like cutting a piece of tofu, the bright and authentic knife has been cut from the top of the windrunner to the crotch. Because the speed is terrible, the windrunner seems to have not reacted, and the body is still intact...

A blink of an eye has passed.

The windrunner stared blankly, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, his breathing was stagnant, his face was desperately touching his chest...

This subtle movement is like a call from the **** of death.

next moment--


A string of red blood beads ooze out of the skin, and then spurt out, his body has cracked a fine long mark from top to bottom!

The windrunner looked down incredulously.

There was only a scream in his throat, and he never left any last words. He suddenly blew his blood and screamed. The whole person was very symmetrically divided into two from the top to the bottom... The next moment, the colorful internal organs Fragments, red and white intestines, dripping flesh and blood and hot brain splashed out and spilled!

Windrunner, die!


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