Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 290: birthday present

The twenty-ninth chapter birthday gift

"You are the spiritual leader of our team. Of course, you have to ask you about such a major decision." With the permission of Li Jiayu, the bright and innocent scorpion dyed Hongxia flashed a glimmer of joy, secretly loosened. Tone, feelings, this stupid woman is really helpful, and good things can be done ** dark...

Li Jiayu secretly scorned in his heart.

Before he lost, he was also touched by Hongxia. He also changed his attitude to her so well... As a result, this stinking head is really difficult to change the nature of Jiangshan, and the temper of Zhengchunchun is still so painful and swollen. The face is full of fat and bad people, Li Jiayu is the most disrespectful to her.

"Hey, come and shoot me, I just do my best to protect the night and my church. I don’t really think of the leader of the team. I’ve seen it, like me. Can people be leaders? Those trivial matters can bother me to be annoyed. So, after a similar boring decision, don’t look for me to toss. How do you like how to make trouble, I can’t see it. You are making a joke." Li Jiayu did not have a good air.

"Yes, yes, I know, but you are the one who wants to be cherished. They all regard you as a goddess of light. I don't know how much I admire you. I have already regarded you as their savior in your heart. You only have to make an order. 90% of the survivors must be obedient to you... I said, can you not make a little swaying consciousness? The morale of 700,000 citizens is so low, and getting along with each other is so chaotic, if you become a leader Guide them, presumably the situation of the escape team will be much better than now..." Dye Hongxia gently stroked a horizontal line on the soil with his toes, and then said in a serious tone.

"I haven't been a goddess of light, I don't really care about their affairs... You just go away, don't you see me busy?"

"You... Hey, how is this person like you, there is no spirit of chivalry, and you only care about your own leisurely journey all day long, obviously can help everyone, but they turn a blind eye, your sympathy is eaten by dogs. I really misread you."

Dyeing red Xiaqi slammed his feet, licking Li Jiayu with a long ponytail and ran away, leaving only the green gemstones of the broken dream knife she carried with her...

I don't have to think about it, this Justice Superwoman must have gone to talk to Vice President Jiang Feng and other bad people to distribute food. Hey, some college students are stupid, and they are thinking about hard work and fulfilling others all the time... The law of survival, blindly giving others alms, will usually be exchanged for regrets in the end, and waiting for them to eat for many days of bark wild vegetables will know how terrible enemy is hunger, more than a thousand girls in the school are sure I have to cry out with a bitter face...

Li Jiayu used to eat wild vegetables, eat bark, eat snails, cockroaches, beetles, beetles and the like to ensure that he was not starved to death on the way to Yucheng, so he deeply knows how unbearable the severe hunger is. In this life, he does not want to taste the pain of past lives.

"Jiayu, have you ever thought about it... Maybe this is mainly due to the late Qing Qing?"

"I know that she is a bright sacrifice, her heart is very soft, and her kindness makes me feel a little bit unseen, and compassion is like a flood of flooding. Sooner or later, I will make her more selfish...the end does not need To be kind, people who are too kind, will suffer a big loss."

In the last life, Xiao Qingqing was the deputy city owner of Yangcheng. The bright spokesperson of the southern province won the hearts of the people. Even the strong foreigners admired her... However, Yangcheng was besieged by the abyss of the abyss. The ordinary legendary corpse, also took a royal legendary tyrant tyrant, Yangcheng simply can not hold, in desperation, Xiao Qingqing agreed to Yang's conditions, marry him at the cost of his body, such a Yang An will lend a helping hand to Yangcheng to save millions of people in Yangcheng...

Therefore, Li Jiayu felt an unusual headache for Xiao Qingqing's kindness... Well, she is a bright sacrifice, and there is nothing wrong with doing good deeds, but she does not need to sacrifice her happiness for this. Why she never thought about herself? ?

Marrying Yang An may be a good choice for Xiao Qingqing. After all, Yang An is a high-fashioned handsome, strong in strength, there are so many loyal and powerful men, and the **** of destiny, although he has hundreds of Wife, can't finish the night, but at least he won't humiliate Xiao Qingqing. Maybe he just loves Xiao Xia Qingmei and won't really love her, but he can give Xiao Qingqing more, than the infamous, poor and white Li Jiayu can give Much more.

Just like Gao Fushuai, you can solve a lot of troubles for the goddess with a lot of banknotes, but how to love the goddess is no help, except for the full mind, there is nothing to draw, ask for money. No money, no power, no key moments, so it is destined to be a tragedy...

Li Jiayu is not a ** silk, but he was a big bitter in his life, and he did not die in the tree hole on the way to Xiao Qingqing and Yang An’s wedding...

"That's not necessarily... In the evening, she is so natural, good and not guilty..."

"I don't oppose goodness... but there must be a degree in everything. If the weather is bad for this, it is not what I want to see..."

"Yeah...hey, how suddenly have you become so strange? When you mention her, you have even changed your eyes."

"No... I just remembered something unhappy, oh... you said, if a man loves a woman, if there is no advantage except for a sincere heart that goes far beyond others, which one is often given? The woman is in trouble, which makes her life uneasy... Do you think that woman should marry the man?"

"Giggle... What are you saying inexplicably? Love is love, sometimes it is quite good to follow the feeling. In ancient times, there was no legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The Cowherd had nothing, and the Weaver Girl would marry him. The plain days of poverty... Hey, how are you dumbfounded? The scorpion is an artist, and the romantics are of course the same idea... Don’t open your mouth, just those who are laughing, ideals are ideals, reality is reality, A man must let a woman live happily, without being wronged and not being bullied... So, men can go through many channels, such as rights, love, money, strength, career... but if you mean In the end of the world, it’s a different matter. First of all, you must guarantee her absolute safety. Secondly, make sure she lives better than others in the last days...” When talking about emotional issues, I’m talking about it, she likes it the most. It is to teach Li Jiayu to let him grow emotional intelligence.

"Well, I understand... I will surpass Yang's in all respects. The only thing that really deserves her is that I am right... strength, power, charm, financial strength, intelligence..."

"Hey, what the **** are you talking about? Who is Yang An? Are you robbing something?" He said.

"Nothing, I am just talking nonsense..."

"Right, since you know that the decision is a late Qing proposal, you must have already acquiesced in your heart, but why did you want to make it difficult for him to look at her face?"

"It is simply to help her to see her eyes... If she wants to send justice spring every day, I still don't know how to die... I really don't understand, like her, she has nothing to do and justice is serious. How do the flooded people climb to the peak of the legendary legend without failing in the middle..."

Li Jiayu shook her head and screamed... Every legendary strongman will carry out his own beliefs and see his life direction. The belief that can be dyed Hongxia is justice and fairness... She will not rely on the belief of upholding justice. Only to reach that height? It’s a terrible and sultry woman...

At this moment, it is already nearly eight o'clock in the evening, almost nine o'clock, although there are white moons in the sky, but the brightness is still far from enough, so many people who are hungry and dizzy are squirming. Look over the mountains to find food, dig grass roots, cut tree bark, or run to the west of the stream.

It’s really dangerous to run around at night...

But what are they doing?

If you don't look for more food, you will definitely be hungry. How can you go over this night? It may be life-threatening to go to the mountains to find food, but the probability is not high. If you want to go, you can find food and fill your stomach. ......

However, forcing those grass roots full of bitterness to chew with dirt is definitely quite uncomfortable and disgusting. It is unpleasant to vomit, even if it is swallowed, it remains in the throat, and those bark are not necessary. More to say, it is difficult to eat, and chewing can not be swallowed for a long time...

This is food, but it is difficult to swallow, swallowing painful life-saving things...

Dyeing Hongxia and Chu Xiang, Jiang Feng, Lin Zhibin and others moved a box of food, a bag full of food, filled with flour, noodles, ham, biscuits, rice and other high-energy things, so black and white Walking around the camp, for those of them, there will be more or less night vision.

The reason why the low-key behavior is because the dyed Hongxia does not want to cause an uproar, their food is not much, only enough for the elderly and children, if not low-key, it will definitely be stalked by some people to give, one or two Still not afraid, I am afraid that tens of thousands of people will cry and cry, and then it will be really troublesome.

"Sister... Good evening, today is my birthday... Can you give me a little bit of something to eat for a birthday present?"

A dusty, thin girl suddenly appeared in front of the dyed red glow, pulling her trouser legs and said pitifully.

This girl is a scam... almost every day, she said to strangers that today is her birthday, in order to gain sympathy and lie to food.

However, this move has become more and more difficult to work, because more and more people are giving her nothing, so people often expose her face to face.

"Sister, don't care about her... This girl deceives every day, just a few silly hats today, she cheated a few biscuits... It’s greedy..."

A middle-aged man with a sloppy hair and a smashing image, glanced at the little girl in disdain, and then some pleasing to say to the dyed Hongxia.



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