Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 326: Guild war

Chapter 326

The black worm, the high-grade worm that is stationed on the road to the east of the city, has commanded as many as 30,000 worms. Perhaps the power is still worse, but when it comes to combat strength, the black worm is no worse than the lord. Now!

Li Jiayu clearly remembers that when the last escape team passed by this place, it happened to encounter the sneak attack of the black worm. At that time, the vanguard team was deadly, but the first squad and the second squad died. Yang Xuyan, Sun's brothers and sisters, Liu Cheng and other masters are all dead, and they are swallowed up by the unstoppable black-day worm!

At that time, the four masters were also dead and wounded. Li Mo and Wang Yang were beaten to vomit blood three liters, and the wolf escaping, the Vajrapani was bitten by an arm, and the dark knight Luo Peiyang was on the forehead of the black worm. The tentacles were tightly bound, and he wanted to escape and escape. Later, he was stuffed into the **** mouth by the black worm.

Knowing that the mortal Luo Peiyang was provoked by fierceness, he immediately sneaked into the mouth of the black worm, but also gave the black-day worm a light wound, forcing it to sneak into the land to heal. Many people at that time I feel weird, the black sky magic insects clearly have the power to fight again, but why did they start to shrink the tortoise and flee away?

This is a mystery that is incomprehensible. Even Li Jiayu can't think of it. If the black-spotted worm does not retreat, the people of the two cities will be afraid to die, and where is the future dark summoner?

However, the battle was really fierce. It was completely a unilateral slaughter of the Zerg. At that time, there were 380,000 refugees in the two cities, but within a decade of the black-spotted attack, nearly two died. One hundred thousand, if not those worms follow the black-day worms into the mud, I am afraid that the number of people who can safely reach the city will not exceed 100,000!

"Jiayu, what's wrong with you? The face is strange..." Chu Xiang grinned and asked. "" advertising txt download. . Com // "" advertising full text txt download

"Nothing, immediately summon all the masters!" Li Jiayu calmed his face and waved his hand and said: "Not only the people of Xijiang University, but even the army, the people of civil organizations must be dispatched! Pass my orders, put Li Mo, Wang Yang, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Liu Cheng, all brought them to me, ready to fight!"

Chu Xiang took a breath and nodded quickly: "I will go."

Chu Xiang is not a stupid person. From the rare face and harsh tone of Li Jiayu, he can guess that this battle of human beings is absolutely not the same.

Soon, most of the masters of the two city alliances were summoned to the front line, all of them are masters of the second-level middle or above. Together, there are nearly 500 people. Everyone has eyes and eyes, and the spirit is like a wolf. The body contains explosive power!

The most windy, naturally jelly, is this wonderful **** sitting on the purple beetle, coldly looking at the wind and Li Jiayu, next to her, docilely crouching with two blue-eyed giant ants, two flame beetles They are biting a colorful cockroach in the "咔吧" and "咔吧", the thick **** water is everywhere, and there is a stench in the air.

"This time we are facing an unprecedented enemy..."

Li Jiayu's eyes were sharp and indifferent, slowly sweeping across the faces of all the inheritors, bringing great sense of oppression and suffocation. Some weaker and weaker inheritors quickly bowed their heads and had cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Awesome enemy? What about the enemy? How can it be better than the original flying scorpion? It is a three-level middle-class, with a legendary weapon..." Liu Yinyin smiled and licked the slightly dry lips. Li Jiayu, who looked at her face with a star in her eyes, only felt that the heart was about to come out. She had never seen Li Jiayu so handsome, it was like a big marshal who pointed the country and used the soldiers like God. This is the strong man she wants...

"Fei Tianyi was lucky, it was just restrained by my bright power..." Li Jiayu shook his head, ignoring the willow silver yarn, watching all the inheritors condense and said:

"Soon, the black worm will attack us... it is a three-level high-order worm, and it is still the peak of the third-order high-order, only a little bit less than the lord-level worm, talking about the overall strength, Compared to the original flying scorpion, I don’t want to let it go. I’m not an opponent in it alone. After all, its attributes can’t be restrained by me...”

"Even you are not an opponent?"

The inheritors all face each other, whispering whispers, these days, Li Jiayu has become the **** of war in their hearts, the invincible God of War, in their view, there is no Li Jiayu indefinite enemy...

Therefore, when I heard that there were more monsters than Li Jiayu, they couldn’t calm down. Some female inheritors with poor strength were directly in their hearts.

"Yes, I simply can't beat the black-level worms of the three-level high-end peaks..." Li Jiayu is very calm, but he can't beat it. There is nothing to be embarrassed to admit: "The black-day worm is a melee worm of the squeezing system. The table has a layer of energy hood, ordinary attacks can't hurt it at all... The black worm, as its name suggests, has extremely powerful magic, which is different from our human magic, but from the magic of the worm world. It is very different from us, and the principle is very different. It can only use a lot of worms in the worm world, and even attack with the spirit wave. If you think of it, you can make thousands of ordinary people burst. I have lost my head... and the worms that are parasitic on it are very numerous and very tricky, so it is difficult to fight with it. If you attack from a long distance, it is difficult to fight its magic..."

Li Jiayu talked eloquently and said all the things he saw and heard in his life. The purpose is to let the companions here stay in the eye and not to suffer heavy casualties in the fierce battle with the black worm.

"Listen to you saying that... The black worm is really powerful enough..."

Li Mo snorted and couldn't tell if he was afraid or excited. The most powerful man in this tower is the **** close combat, maybe he is still looking forward to it.

On the contrary, the second-class inheritors are swallowing each other. They know that the next step is definitely a fierce fight. If you are not careful, the inheritors here are afraid of nearly half of the death and injury. The list of the dead is very May have their name!

They have gone so far, hope is in front of them, but why is there a **** in front of them...

Of course, there are also many people who are burning with raging fighting spirits!

Kill the black worms and they will be able to reach the city! Don't kill at this time, wait for it! Even if the black worm is the king of heaven, they have to draw their swords!

"This action... everyone must participate, my main attack, dyed Hongxia offensive, Fang Fang, Liu Yinzhe, you summoned the corpse dragon and ghost... Others help deal with the little bugs..."


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