Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 329: The war was unveiled!

The 229th chapter of the war was unveiled!

Just as the fierce battle is getting hotter –


Along with a roar of violent and devastating atmosphere, the inheritors on the battlefield can feel the sudden burst of heart, breathe a glimpse of the incomprehensible feelings of the whole body!

The ground swayed violently in an instant. In the deafening roar, the mud on the central battlefield cracked open in all directions, spreading for a distance of 20 meters!

Li Jiayu's pupils are tightened, and the pores of the body are all relaxing!

Dyeing Hongxia can not help but round out the beautiful, the broken dream knife in the hand trembled, it seems that I can't help but want to drink delicious blood!

"It's coming!"

Li Jiayu grabbed the hand that dyed Hongxia and rushed to the center of the crack with her. At the same time, she did not forget to go back and shouted at Liu Yinyin and Fang Fang who had recharged their batteries:

"What are you doing? Come on! Come on, the black worm must gather the power of all of us to deal with it!"

Liu Yinyin and Fang Fang have recovered from the surprise. The two women have not talked a lot about nonsense, and they have turned into black smoke and blood fog directly. After the first arrival, they rushed more than Li Jiayu and dyed Hongxia. be quick!


The four people are nearly 100 meters away from the center of the crack. There are so many inheritors and bugs on the road to stop the road. Where will the past one and a half catch up?


A violent bang, the dust of the earth is just like a fountain, with the huge impact force smashed out, swaying, covering the sky, the vastness!

The black worm, finally revealing its body!

It is a crustacean insect with a black body and a bright body. It is sturdy in shape and has a barb of steel guns everywhere. Each root is one meter long and sharp, with six insect legs on the lower plate and a triangular flat head. There is a pair of curved corners, and the whole body is tightly wrapped by the shiny black carapace. Only a pair of eyes are exposed, and the viper is flashing fierce!

Underneath its head, it stretches out tentacles similar to octopus, each one is ten meters long, half a meter thick, all black and red, like a complex black rune carved on a red coral, looks quite scary, body Above, there is a pair of degenerate wings, although it can not fly, but still full of power, showing a dark purple, sketching a strange long and narrow arc!

The most bizarre thing is that there are many caves on the shell of the black worm, which is a parasitic worm that is like a locust. It is twisted, colorful, and looks quite disgusting!


The black worms raised their heads high and made a sound of insects, which spread out a circle of intense sound waves visible to the naked eye. The people who were shocked were all timid and cold, and some of the closers were closer to each other. The eardrum is broken, soft and soft, and it is not known!

Even the inheritor who is a little farther away from the black worm can feel the arrogance of the hand that covers the sky, as if it can destroy the earth and destroy the land, so that everyone present will be killed!

For a time, the violent and dying atmosphere was intertwined into a huge shadow, and the whole battlefield was shrouded in an instant...


The worms on the black worms, like the arrows from the strings, flew out in a brush, and the lightning was too late to rush toward the close humans. Once they were attached to them, they were greeted with miserable consequences. !

At the same time, the black worm also moved a thought, and the whole body suddenly rolled up a suffocating energy storm, which is different from the common water and fire earth element magic. It is a dark annihilation atmosphere, which seems to be able to devour and melt all the world. thing!

The energy of black turned into a raging mist. In an instant, more than 200 human inheritors within a radius of 30 to 40 meters mourn their throats, just like the suffocating shackles, but no It's useless, because the next time their skin begins to rot quickly, and in a flash, their bodies have been melted into stinky blood.


Unbeatable and powerful!

Seeing the arrogance of the black-and-white worms, almost everyone feels a cone of horror, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe!

The black-and-white worm, which has almost the power of the lord, is simply a terrible existence that is difficult to overcome. It is just a debut, it is easy to annihilate more than a hundred masters, the amazing power and fear, has been like the brand of the soul, deep Engraved into the minds of every inheritor present!

The morale that was previously difficult to build up has dissipated more than half in an instant!

The fifteen-meter-high, fifty-meter-long black-day demon worm is still bigger than the students’ teaching buildings. Is such a horrible worm a human being able to resist?

Even if it was the original king of the armor, I am afraid it is not much stronger than it!

Li Jiayu, yes, we still have Li Jiayu, but this worm is so fierce, Li Jiayu can really beat it!

"Don't go back! Don't go back! You all give me a steady!"

Perceiving the thoughts of many inheritors on the battlefield, Li Mo could not help but drink it up. He knew that once the inheritors were timid and retreating, it would surely make the arrogance of the worms more arrogant. To cover up, not only will the inheritors suffer heavy casualties, but even the defense line will collapse completely. At that time, it will really be defeated!

At the same time, Li Jiayu, Dye Hongxia, Liuyin Yarn, Fang Fang, these four super masters are also gorgeously appearing in front of the black sky monster, holding this huge monster!

However, their small figure is too ridiculous compared to the giant body of the black worm, just like an ant.

The eyes of the black worms show their disdainful brilliance, just like laughing at the ignorance of Li Jiayu and others, swearing at the tree, ridiculously unacceptable.

Everyone's attention is locked in Li Jiayu and others!

They are pinning the hope of 500,000 people!

The key to this war between people and insects lies in their victory and defeat with the black worm!

Win, then the tide will inevitably collapse like a landslide!

Lost, no one here can live to go to the city!

In the face of this fierce black-and-white worm, Li Jiayu could not help but jump wildly!

This is a contest between life and death, a bet of fate!

Even if he has a strong and unpredictable strength, he is not too sure to beat the black monster!

However, there is no second dark knight Luo Peiyang in the team!

Therefore, no one can forcibly push the black worm away like the last life!

What he has to do now is to try his best to defeat the black worm and defeat the mad dog at the door! As long as it is defeated, Li Jiayu will be able to go to Yucheng and meet with his respected father, his beloved sister, and many more comrades in the past!

This battle must be won!

"Dragon Dragon Fighter!"

"Hell Dog Kakari!"

In Li Jiayu's violent screams, two intersecting summoning squads appeared at his feet, and then a silver-white dragon-shaped mech and a dark brown **** three-headed dog quickly emerged. The energy of the wind swells, and the dust on the ground is swelled!

"The corpse dragon!" Life and death, Liu Yinyin naturally did not dare to neglect, she awkwardly tied with a rope tied, the ring of dreams hanging in front of the chest, immediately summoned the body to rot, but Longwei's corpse dragon, huge Although the dragon drive is not as horrible as the black worm, it also has half the length of the black worm.

This three-level mid-level corpse dragon is the shield that is facing the black monster!

Fang Fang did not say a word, gently raised his hand, the ring of evil spirits on the index finger burst into a fascinating blood, and the next moment there were three vaguely faint ghosts appearing beside her, exuding a cold, breath. These three ghosts all have three levels of low-order strength, and can greatly reduce most of the magic damage except the light system, but don't worry about the magic of the black world!

Dyeing Hongxia tightly biting the lips, killing and staring at the black worm, her warfare has spewed out like a volcanic eruption, her eyes burst into a fierce spark, and the legendary knives in her hand are not The place is trembled, eager to pierce the heart of the black worm!

Above the battlefield, the strength of the flight, the three levels of arrogance and merging together, forming a strong sense of suffocation rushing in all directions, people and insects within a hundred meters of the square, most of them looked at it Four people and one worm, there are many summoned beasts!


Seeing that the power of the four challengers has doubled, the black worm has finally taken away the contempt, and it has to be taken seriously, but it is the strongest worm leader below the lord level, and it can make humans To be a good fortune?

Humans only need to be swallowed up by the Zerg, so there is no need to resist in front of the Zerg!

Feeling that the authority was provocative, the black worm roared, the horrible sound waves spread out, and the hairs of Li Jiayu and Hongxia were all messy, and its horrible body had already been crushed toward the four people, the shadow of suffocation. Carrying an irresistible madness!


The black worms read the strange syllables, the airflow in the void, and suddenly the strange explosion, the black gas rolling like a wave once again emerged!

The black gas has not yet filled out, and the cold and gloomy oppressive feeling has already caused Li Jiayu and Dian Hongxia to change slightly!

Li Jiayu quickly propped up the bright protective cover, dyed Hongxia, the legendary sword across the chest, Liu Yinyin and Fang Fang quickly turned into energy smoke, but the insect world magic still beat them back and forth, in the first game In the confrontation, the wind is falling!

The magical attack of the black worm is too horrible, and a deep gully has been set on the ground, dusty!

"Awesome black monsters!"

Dyeing red Xia took a breath, her speed is fast, but the magic of the black worm is faster, the scope of attack is also great, she can not hide even if she wants to hide, the only way is to harden!

"Do not talk nonsense, you have to kill it with me!"



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